Chapter 6
Laura Brando narrating:
" Alo?"
Edgar's voice on the other end of the line brought a smile to my face as the wind ruffled my coat, giving me a cold shiver.
"Edgar?" I asked in a romantic voice.
"Love, who is it at this hour? Hello? Who is it?" Deborah's voice echoed as she took the phone from Edgar's hand.
All the cooing became only a bitter one.
"Look it's late and we're not interested in any internet plans, please don't piss off a pregnant woman" Deborah shouted hanging up the phone.
Pregnant? Edgar is going to father my best friend's child. That sounded like a stab to the stomach. Nostalgia coursed through every part of my body, taking me back to all the memories I had for the moment I gave him news like that, how we would smile and plan. But now, I can only imagine what it was like when Débora gave him that news, how he smiled at her.
Throwing the cell phone in the middle of the lawn where I was on my knees, I just lay with my body in silence contemplating the sky above me.
"I knew it would be here... the place with the most beautiful sky in Milan"
Jason, lay down next to me telling me.
"How did you know?"
"You still love him, it's inevitable not to, but it should also be inevitable to imagine that you mean nothing to him. Aron is right, she needs to learn how to be loved, the only part she gets wrong is that she doesn't know how to love you..."
Jason's words as he looked at me sounded like everything I needed to hear at that moment, his face was so close to mine, and his eyes contained something beyond desire, something I couldn't explain, but I was curious to find out.
Before I could think of anything, my lips were already on his, tasting a wet kiss, with feeling, his hands did not lift my dress or reveal my nakedness, but touched my face in caress, a caress that I needed. My body forced itself forward to meet his, eyes closed, my stomach bubbling as I watched him come on me, right there on that lawn.
"There's no contract that stops us from loving each other right here... there's nothing that stops me from showing you how much better I can be than my brother" Jason whispered, but I was so numb to his body on top of mine that I didn't care.
I felt him penetrate me, while his hands still caressed me, his lips kissed my neck and my hands scratched his back. He pushed himself deeper into me, in a way that made me feel unique, his panting moans as his hands pulled me closer to his body was exciting.
"you are amazing... so wonderful" Jason spoke in his sweet voice as he kissed me.
Jason ejaculated as he held me tightly, feeling me and whispering how amazing I was, hugging him with his body over me, a tear flowed, a tear of goodbye to Edgar, and of confusion about the way love resurfaced in my life. With Aron I am the woman who wants to be dominated by him, more so with Jason, I am the woman who wants to be loved.
Aron Curry narrating:
In the living room on the cold leather I could already see myself drunk and hopeless, I could not find Laura, even though I insistently looked for her everywhere she could have gone, I could not find her. Hearing noises of laughter, I ran outside, and I did not know if the relief could be greater than the hatred that ran through me.
"What are you doing with her? Did you know where she was the whole time?"
I yelled as I pushed past Jason feeling the hatred at seeing her smiling next to him. Laura had awakened an uncontrollable rage in me that made me impulsive when I saw that someone could be better for her.
"Aron... stop please... jason had nothing to do with this"
Laura's desperate voice brought me to a stop, making me realize that my hand was on my gun, about to pull it on my own brother. I always loved seeing fear in anyone I intimidated, but when I saw it in Laura's voice, I hated myself with all my might.
"Laura I'm sorry... I was so afraid that I had lost you" I said hugging her. But Laura dodged, with a look of contempt on her face, heading towards the house.
"You're an asshole Aron. You'll never learn to love anyone, because you don't even love yourself" Jason told me as he stood up "If you knew what it was like to love, you'd find her in Porta Nouva"
Laura Brando narrating:
I let the straps of the dress fall over my shoulders as I mulled over wondering what Edgar and Deborah were doing, had they prepared the baby's room yet? The dress fell to my feet, leaving me completely naked, getting under the shower I turned it on in an icy water feeling it fall on my body, I leaned on the wall, I remembered Jason about me, but I couldn't help but remember the effect that Aron also causes me.
Hearing the bedroom door open, I turned to face the wall, and felt Aron's presence, even though my eyes couldn't see him. He stood under the shower next to me, restraining myself from turning and looking at him.
"What happened Laura? Tell me, and forgive me for leaving you alone."
His voice was calm, as it is wont to be. But I kept my silence.
"I'm not good with love, I'm not good at loving, and I've never had the pleasure of being loved, so teach me, teach me to be good to you ..."
Aron said with so much pain in his words that it forced me to open my eyes and look in his direction.
"I wanted to know that Edgar is looking for me, that he misses me ... I stole a cell phone, and I found out that he and Débora will have a family."
Leaving the shower, I left Aron with his questions, the wine had caused me to give in, just wrapped in the towel I went downstairs being guided only by the little light that was in the house. I opened the fridge, filled my glass, and leaned back in silence to drink it.
"I don't care if he's my brother, if he loves her... I just want to take what should have been mine, this should all have been mine, not this mob of weak men who adopted me out of pity."''
Jason's voice in an argument echoed alarming me.