Chapter 3

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wish to disappear from the face of the earth?

That is the situation.

My father's face when he heard Massimo say my name was not surprising, no, my father was happy because if best friend recognized me.

"Do you remember her?" I can't believe it." He said excitedly.

Massimo looks at him without understanding anything.

"I'm glad, I'm Matthew's daughter," I say.

I act like I don't know him.

"Your daughter. "

Massimo points to my father who smiles.

"Maddi, you met him when you were a baby," he tells me.

"Oh" I laugh.

My father ushers us to the table and to my surprise, Massimo takes a seat in front of me.

The tension starts to grow, but my father doesn't notice, he's just happy to have his daughter and his former best friend around.

"I'll be back in a moment" My father gets up and walks to the kitchen leaving me alone with my boss.

I try not to look at it, but it's difficult because of its great appeal.

"You didn't tell me you were my best friend's daughter," he says.

"And you didn't say you were my father's best friend. " I answer.

Massimo denies with a smiling smile.

"It seems to me that this dinner will be interesting."

His voice is melody to me. So manly and so sexy that just listening to my stomach contracts. Just by seeing him, my hands sweat, and I have no choice but to take a napkin and dry myself.

"Don't be nervous, I won't say anything" He couldn't help laughing.

"The one who won't say anything is me, after all, I didn't do anything wrong."

I look at it defiantly.

"Do you think what happened in the office was wrong?"

"Of course," I reply.

"Why? You provoked me from the first moment, I needed to release that tension." He answers.

I am surprised at the calm way in which he speaks.

"Did you have to do it in front of me?" He laughs.

"You entered without knocking on the door." This man is incredible, I think wryly.

I wanted to answer, but I see my father enter the living room again and hold back.

"I'm back," he says.

He sits between Massimo and me. That's how dinner begins.

Time moves on and I keep my mouth shut most of the time as my father keeps asking his friend questions, but after almost half an hour Massimo looks at me and talks to me.

"What about you? Study? Work?"

Son of a bitch.


I want to keep talking, but the unexpected touch of his leg on mine deconcentrates me.

Massimo is daring, he has no shame.

Is he really touching me with his leg in front of my father?

Thank God the table has a tablecloth.

"Maddi is studying business administration. You should hire her as an apprentice," my father says.

I almost spit out the food for his last words.

"I'll think about it," Massimo says.

He looks at me and laughs wryly.

My poor father doesn't know anything about what's going on and that makes me feel guilty.

I'm here, in front of him, flirting with his best friend and my boss.

I am shameless and this is wrong.

I concentrate on my food until I finish. I ignore Massimo and only respond when my father speaks to me.

By the time we all finish our meal and dinner is over, I offer to take the dishes to the kitchen to distract myself.

I can't stop thinking about him and the things he provokes in me.

I am a virgin, never had a man made me feel this. I had never wanted sex before.

Why now?

What is it about Massimo that attracts me so much?

"I'll help you," I hear he say behind me.

I don't have to turn around to know it's my boss.

He perches behind me letting his whole body cover mine. There's not a space in me that Massimo isn't playing.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

My voice sounded... Excited.

He speaks in my ear.

"That dress is driving me crazy, look how you have me. "

I feel something hard in my butt.


It's his penis.

Oh my God, it's huge.

"Tell me you feel the same way, Maddison." Beg

I am not able to speak. My head is a mess right now. I know this is all wrong, but I can't help but wish for it.

"Massimo," I say to him.

"You wish me Madisson, your whole body proves it to me. I know that if I put my hand under your dress, it will be wet."

His words make my skin crawl and when

I'm about to give in, a voice interrupts us.

"What's going on here?"

For a moment I felt my world collapse, I thought my father had discovered us, but when I turned around, I saw the woman of service.

Massimo quickly separates from me and leaves the kitchen while I try to convince the lady to keep the secret.

"Please don't say anything to my father. "I beg her.

"I'm nobody to get into his life."

Her answer is sincere but the fear that he will open his mouth is still there.

"Thank you. "

I leave the kitchen quickly and look for my father to say goodbye.

I need to leave as soon as possible, if I am in this house with Massimo inside everything becomes dangerous.


"Are you leaving yet?" he asks me.

"Yes. "

I hug him to say goodbye

"I'm leaving too. Do you want me to take you? "


My father smiles.

"Yes, she's going with you. I don't really trust taxi drivers"

This must be some torture.

"Okay, let's go," I tell to my boss.

We left my father's house straight to his vehicle, a gray Ranger Rover that is as imposing as Massimo.

I quickly get in the car and before long we are on our way to the student residences.

"You're not going to say anything?" He asks me.

I deny on several occasions.

He puts his hand on my thigh while with his thumb he traces circles.

It's provoking me.

"Why do you do that?" I ask him.

"I'm going to be honest. I want to be with you, I'm talking about having sex."

He is very sincere.

"What makes you believe that I want to do it?"

He laughs.

"You want it, you can tell. Do you want me to stick my hand down there and check it out?"

I was tempted to say yes, but I know it's wrong.

"No, it's okay"

"So, yes, or no?" he asks me.

I'm not able to say no but I'm not saying yes either, I just keep my mouth shut.

Massimo doesn't speak again until we arrive at my residence and before I get out of his car, he hands me a business card.

"I'll be at this hotel tomorrow. I'm going to wait for you."

No, not at all, I think.

I take the card without saying anything else and go inside to my room.

This is where the most difficult question I have ever asked myself arises.

Do I want to go to that hotel?

Yes, yes.

Would it be okay to go to that hotel?

No, definitely not.

Having an affair with my father's friend is not right, he is an older man and is my boss, however, my desires decide for me, and they want to be with Massimo.

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