The contract (make babies)


I rose from my bed, exhausted. The previous day's stress had taken its toll, and it was no wonder my body felt like lead.

After brewing a cup of coffee to shake off the sleepiness, I quickly freshened up and prepared for the day's work. Breakfast was usually a quiet affair at home, but today time was not on my side. I decided to forgo the meal, hoping to catch a bite during the lunch break at work. “May my body sustain me until then,” I silently prayed.

Arriving at work much later than usual, I braced myself for Mr. Felix's disapproval. He was always punctual, often waiting by the gate, ready to dock my pay for any tardiness. But to my utmost surprise, he greeted me with an unusual calmness.

"Valerie, why are you arriving at this hour? Don't you realize how it could disrupt today's schedule?"

I waited for the inevitable penalty. "Today, ten thousand dollars will be deducted from your salary," was what I expected to hear. Instead, his words were accompanied by an amiable smile.

"Now, why are you lingering there? Come inside, get ready, and start working."

For a moment, I thought I must be dreaming, so I pinched myself repeatedly to snap out of this surreal kindness.

Once inside, I headed straight for the changing room, discarding my hoodie for the day's attire. A colleague mentioned that Mr. Felix had summoned all staff for an emergency meeting.

Dressed in my uniform, I joined the others in his office.

"Today, everyone needs to be on their best behavior and deliver the finest service possible. A very important guest is dining with us," he declared.

Now his morning cheerfulness made sense.

"Valerie? Do you have something to add?" Mr. Felix inquired.

"No, sir. Nothing at all," I managed to respond.

"Good, as I was saying, chefs should craft an exquisite meal, cleaners ensure every corner shines, decorators, you have twenty minutes to create magic, and waitresses, speak kindly and ensure your breath is fresh. I don't want our guest deterred by any unpleasant odors."

"You mean like yours," I mumbled under my breath.

"Did someone say something?"

"No, sir!"


"Yes, sir?"

"You will be personally attending to our guest today."

"I'm deeply honored, sir. Thank you."

"Very well, you're dismissed," he concluded, and we all echoed our thanks before scattering to our duties.

Who could this mysterious guest be? Mr. Felix hadn't given a name or indication of whether it was an individual or a family. These thoughts occupied my mind as I helped tidy the tables.

Soon, the restaurant buzzed with customers, but the atmosphere shifted dramatically when an authoritative presence entered. Luxurious cars lined up outside, drawing everyone's attention to the new arrival.

A stunningly beautiful middle-aged woman graced us with her presence, embodying elegance as she strode into the restaurant. Mr. Felix, moving faster than I'd ever seen him, rushed to welcome her to a specially prepared table. Only then did I connect the dots from his earlier announcement.

She was the esteemed guest, and I remembered Mr. Felix assigning me to cater to her every need.

Hurrying over as soon as Mr. Felix departed, I approached her table to take her order.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, and welcome to Felix's Restaurant. How may we serve you?"

She remained silent, engrossed in her phone.

All these affluent individuals believe they can keep others on their feet for hours until they complete their tasks.

"Ma'am?" I called out again.

"Sorry, dear. I need to reply to these emails. Why don't you attend to the others while I do this?"

"Okay, Ma."

Her calm voice left me wondering if she was even real because the other patrons I've dealt with here would insist I stand there for hours waiting for them to place their orders.

Some did not hold a candle to her status, while others were mere companions to wealthy men old enough to be their fathers. Yet, you dared not complain if you valued your job.

I proceeded to assist other customers as she continued her business. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her gaze following me as I patiently managed the demands of some rather arrogant patrons.

She summoned me when she was ready to order.

"Here I am, ma'am," I said.

"What will you be having?"

"Sit with me."

"Ma'am?" I echoed, uncertain I'd heard her correctly.

"I said sit with me. Don't be frightened."

I had to pinch myself to ensure this wasn't a dream.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I prefer to stand. I'm still on duty."

"Well, I relieve you from your duties for twenty minutes. I trust your boss would understand." She glanced at Mr. Felix, who nodded in agreement. It seemed she had already discussed it with him.

Sitting next to her made me incredibly nervous; never before had a customer of her stature invited me to join them.

She ordered burgers and a pack of juice for me, opting for a salad herself. In that moment, I felt like royalty, served as I had always served others—it was an exhilarating feeling.

Ravenous, I devoured the burger, having skipped breakfast to get to work.

"So, dear, what's your name?" she inquired.

"Valerie, ma'am... Valerie Sanchez."

"Hmm, nice name. So, Valerie, may I ask you a few questions? Please be completely honest with me."

Her curiosity struck me as odd, but I obliged.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be honest."

"Where are you from?"

"I hail from Ohio, Ma."

"Do you have any family?"

"No, ma'am. I lost my parents and only sibling in a terrible car accident years ago."

"Are you single or married?"

"I’m single, ma’am."

"Why would a beautiful young woman like you be single?"

"It's mainly because I'm focused on working hard to support myself and cover my expenses. That doesn’t leave much room for relationships."

"Well, I have a proposition for you—a contract, let’s say."

"What kind of contract, ma'am?"

"I want you to marry my son and provide heirs for our family. He's an only child, and I don't want our legacy tarnished due to his reluctance to wed. I'm battling cancer and have been given about a year to live. His being unmarried when I pass is something I can't accept."

"I'm prepared to pay you five hundred thousand dollars monthly ($500,000) to stay with my son, plus a million-dollar bonus once you bear an heir."

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock.

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