Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2: Overthink

I immediately unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of Luis’ car after he parked near the college of law. I grabbed my heavy backpack and closed the car door. Luis also got out, wearing a pair of black sunglasses.

His handsomeness and charisma were overflowing.

“You go ahead. I just need to buy something,” I instructed Luis.

“Do you want me to come with you?” he offered.

I immediately shook my head. It would be a quick trip and I wouldn’t be long, so I didn’t need company.

“I’ll just buy a dutchmill,” I stated, which he acknowledged with a nod.

“Next time I’ll buy a box of dutchmill so you won’t need to buy anymore,” he said.

I chuckled lightly. “You’re crazy. No need to buy a lot. I have stocks at home, but I forgot to bring some so I need to buy,”

He nodded. “I’ll go ahead then,” he said as a farewell.

I marched straight to the canteen. My eyes landed on another dutchmill.

I quickly grabbed two from the fridge, strawberry flavor. I also picked up a purple gatorade. This is my boyfriend’s favorite energy drink so I thought I’d buy it too.

I was about to turn when I bumped into someone. I was the one who bumped into him, but it seemed like I was the one who got hurt. I rubbed my shoulder which felt sore. He was so solid, he felt like a wall because I was the one almost knocked off balance.

I looked up and saw a man wearing a black cap and a black face mask. I could smell the scent of his clothes and his natural fragrance. Because the gatorade I was holding was wet, it slipped out of my hand, but before it could hit the ground, the man I bumped into caught it. He offered me the gatorade that almost fell to the floor.

I cleared my throat. “Thank you and sorry for bumping into you,” I apologized.

He nodded and that’s when I noticed his black eyes. “It’s alright, miss,” his cold and soothing baritone voice sent a shiver down my spine. I just nodded and walked away from him.

I quickly went to the cashier and paid.

“One hundred twenty-five pesos, Yvonne,” the cashier said.

I handed over my one hundred fifty pesos and immediately got my change in return. Many people here know me, although I don’t know how. I’m not friendly, talkative, or fond of socializing.

I left immediately and headed to my class.

“Yvonne Everett!”

I turned around when someone called my name. I immediately saw Yanna’s smiling face.

She’s not a law student, so why is she here?

I wanted to ask that question but chose not to. I smiled. I gave her a once-over. I frowned when I saw her wearing a short skirt and her shirt was slightly crumpled.

She noticed my eyes scanning her. She swallowed and I didn’t miss the fear and nervousness in her eyes.

“Do you need something?” I asked her in a kind and sweet voice. I even stopped myself from rolling my eyes.

“N-Nothing.” Her lips trembled. “I just miss you, Eve! You haven’t visited our house for a long time.” She said and even pouted.

“Sorry, you know how hectic my schedule is and if I have time, why not? I’ll try to visit next time.” I explained.

“Really! I’ll count on that! I specifically came here to let you know that I miss you, give me a hug!”

I hugged her. I immediately raised an eyebrow.

Why is she here? And what’s with her clothes? Does she need to wear short and wrinkled clothes to visit me? She’s a teacher now and that’s not what she should be wearing. As far as I know, she should be in class so why is she here? It’s not like her to visit me especially when she has class.

I quickly let go of her embrace and said my goodbye. I didn’t look back at her and went straight to the room where we have our first class with Attorney Magsaysay. Everyone was quiet and busy reading their books. My forehead furrowed when I saw Kyle’s seat empty.

Didn’t he come in first? So why isn’t he here yet?

He finally arrived and I had a fleeting doubt when I saw his wrinkled clothes. They were ironed earlier and there wasn’t a single crease. His eyes met mine. He smiled. I didn’t return his smile, instead, I approached him with the Gatorade I bought for him.

I handed the Gatorade and he immediately took it. I could smell his familiar scent. I shook my head to stop overthinking.

I returned to my seat without saying anything to him. I took out my book and chose to occupy myself with reading. I was staring at all the letters written in my books. I couldn’t understand anything because my mind was flying. I opened the Dutch mill proyo and gulped it down.

I calmed myself and tried to focus. After a few minutes, we heard the terrifying sound of Attorney Magsaysay’s heels. Her bag hit the table hard and she immediately took out a whiteboard marker and started writing on the board.

I took out my notebook and took notes of all the important details and even those on the board. She finished and immediately erased it. She wrote again in the erased portion.

Many whispered complaints. But since Attorney Magsaysay was in front and her hearing was still sharp, she immediately heard it so her marker flew and hit Fin’s head.

I hid my smile. I immediately erased it when Attorney Magsaysay started to sermonize. So, we ended up with a recitation and a grade of five as soon as it was not answered. Good thing I’m used to reading in advance every night so I was able to answer her question and I was saved.

Almost half of our class was standing. Attorney Magsaysay wouldn’t let them sit until they gave the right answer. Her time was up so we breathed but not those who stood because their grades are now five. Their shoulders slumped and their faces were indescribable.

I just shook my head and drank my dutchmill and occupied myself playing with the book I was holding while waiting for the next Professor than overthinking again.

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