Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3: Problem

Our class had finished and we were given a ton of law cases to read and study. I accepted it without complaint, recognizing that complaining would be pointless and might even jeopardize my grades.

Kyle immediately drove me home. We entered our subdivision and I promptly got out of his car. My eyebrows furrowed when Kyle also got out of his vehicle.

His brow was also creased with a look of confusion in his eyes. He rolled up the long sleeves of his polo shirt to his arms.

He approached and held my elbow. I tried not to shake off his hand to avoid prolonging our conversation.

“Do we have a problem, Yvonne? You’re too cold to me,” he stated.

I shook my head as a response.

I sighed and gave him a forced sincere smile.

“No, we don’t have a problem, I’m just tired and not in the mood,”

“Okay, then. Just please, don’t be so cold to me, you’re making me nervous. Is that fine? See you tomorrow, I love you,” he said.

I waited for him to get in his car but after a minute he was still standing in front of me.

“No I love you too?” He asked in a sad voice.

I cringed in my mind. Is that even necessary? I smiled at him. I love him but I’m not used to saying I love you because it feels cringe-worthy to me.

“I love you too, see you tomorrow,” I said, which made him smile. I watched him get in his car and waved my hand so he honked his horn.

My smile faded and was replaced by an emotionless expression.

I do have trust issues with others and the moment I find out someone is talking about me behind my back, I’ll put them in their place. I’ll let them play me and I will also play them, the difference is, I will pull the strings, I will win and whoever talks about me behind my back will be left in the dust and will never recover.

I am not a dela Vega and a Herrer daughter for nothing.

Not even love will shatter my principles and promises to myself and none of them will break those.

I went inside after a few minutes of standing in front of our gate. I quickly closed it and headed straight to the door, almost stepping back in surprise when I saw my Mom leaning against the door, seemingly watching me for a while.

I quickly hid the surprise on my face, approached my mom, and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

“What’s with your face?” Mom asked.

“Beauty, mommy,” I grinned.

My mom rolled her eyes but a slight smile appeared on her lips.

“You’re really like your dad,” she remarked.

My grin widened and I continued inside. I placed my backpack on the sofa and sat down. I rubbed my shoulder because it was sore. My mom removed my hand from my shoulder and massaged it instead. I felt relieved and the pain lessened.

“But Daddy said, I took after you,” I insisted.

“Well, it’s fifty-fifty, dear. You got your attitude from me and your silly antics and arrogance from your Dad. Of course, the intelligence is from both of us,” Mom explained at length.

I just scratched my head upon hearing Mom’s words. I don’t think I’m arrogant, I’m just stating a fact.

I’m really beautiful.

I have bouncy curly shiny hair, a heart-shaped face, a small and very pointed nose, and cupid bow lips. I don’t need makeup because my eyelashes are naturally long and my eyebrows are perfectly arched. I have brown hazel round eyes. My cheeks naturally blush, especially when hit by the sun’s rays, and my lips are naturally pinkish and soft, not needing any expensive lipstick.

In addition, I inherited my parents’ height. I’m 5’11 feet tall and I also inherited my mother’s body shape. I have a fair bosom, a flat stomach, and an hourglass body. I’m also fair- skinned and don’t have a single scar on my body.

I’ve had many suitors since I turned sixteen but because my parents are well-known, none of them dared to approach or court me further, I only received love letters and gifts then and even now, I still receive them.

Even during my debut, many were stealing glances at me but because my father was around, no one dared to dance with me except for the eighteen roses and I can’t remember who my escort was then. He was the first one to hold my hands and look at me up close, it’s a pity he wore a mask then and because I didn’t care, I let him dance with me while he wore that mask.

After resting on the sofa for a few minutes, I chose to go to my room with my heavy backpack. I dropped my body onto the bed after removing my shoes and socks.

I immediately took out the study cases I need to review and prepared what I need. I wen’ my bathroom to take a shower. I’m not used to wetting my hair at night, but because it’s hot, a shower isn’t enough so I’ll take a bath.

Even if my room is air-conditioned, I still feel the heat during the summer, so sometimes my aircon is at full blast.

I blush and seem to shine in the light whenever I’m exposed to the sun. My skin easily gets hurt when I overexpose myself to the heat so I really need sunscreen to avoid skin diseases.

After taking a bath, I chose a silky pajama and shirt. I sat on my study chair and opened my MacBook. I opened the important files and reviewed my answers there. I then immediately turned to the cases given earlier and read them. I’m sure the professors will ask about this and I know that until the end of the pages of these cases they will have questions. What do I expect anyway? All of our professors are notorious and big-time lawyers.

I only went down to eat around seven-thirty. I took my plate and told my parents that I’ll eat in my room while doing some advanced reading of the cases. I finished reading the study cases around ten-thirty. That’s not even half yet but my body wants to lie down on my soft bed. Before that, I did my skincare routine. I closed my eyes tightly when I remembered Yanna. O shook my head. I don't want a problem. I must have misunderstood the siuation. I stood up when I was done and cleaned the table. As I lay down, I was immediately pulled by sleep and fell asleep.

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