‘I’ve never had a boyfriend, so I don’t have an ex,’ I explain, watching her go wide-eyed, as she sits down on her bed.
‘Are you a virgin?’ She asks.
‘Um, I guess so,’ I say, shrugging my shoulders.
‘Zurielle! You’re almost twenty-years-old, and you’re super, and I mean super hot, and super beautiful. And you’re a virgin,’ she yells jumping on her bed like it’s a trampoline.
‘We need to get you laid girlfriend! Or better yet: have you ever thought about selling your virginity? Do you know how many rich men would want to buy your virginity? You’d probably get paid enough to buy your own house!’ She yells, jumping up and down on the bed again.
‘Hailey! Stop yelling. All the other women will hear, and no! I’m not going to sell my virginity. I’m not something you can just buy. Besides, I wouldn’t give it to someone who wants it for the wrong reasons,’ I explain.
‘Well, you’re no fun,’ Hailey pouts, and gives me a playful push on the shoulder.
‘We should get to sleep. We have work in the morning,’ I say, hopping under the bed covers.
I pull the blankets off Hailey the next morning, and she complains it’s too cold to get out of bed.
‘Fine, but I don’t want to hear you whining when I get back, because you were fired,’ I say. Hailey rolls over to face me.
‘Argh! Okay, okay! I’m up!’ She says, rolling out of the bed onto the floor. I cross my arms and shake my head at her.
‘What? I’m not a morning person, okay? I’m only going so I can watch Mark drool all over you again,’ she says, and I throw a pillow at her.
‘He doesn’t drool all over me. In fact, he has been quite the gentlemen,’ I say.
‘Until your back is turned and his eyes are glued to your ass!’ She yells back, snickering.
‘Hailey!’ I growl, and laugh.
We arrive at Cafe Charm a few minutes early, and help Mr Fulton in the kitchen with some food prep, until customers enter the cafe, needing their orders taken.
I take their orders and Hailey makes the coffees. Grace and Mark come in at eight o’clock, and sit down at their usual table.
I set a latte and a cappuccino down in front of them, they stop speaking in my presence, and smile at me.
‘Good morning. How did the meeting go last night?’ I ask. Mark’s smile grows bigger.
‘It was the best meeting ever. Our boss was shocked I had all the paperwork ready. He didn’t pay too much attention. I think something was bothering him, which is unlike him, because he takes these work meetings very seriously,’ he explains.
‘I’m glad I could help,’ I say, smiling. Hailey comes over and stands beside me, with a mischievous look on her face.
‘This is Hailey. Hailey, this is Mark, and his sister, Grace,’ I introduce them, and they all smile.
‘It’s nice to meet you,’ Hailey says.
‘Nice to meet you,’ Grace says. Mark smiles and nods.
‘Enjoy your coffees,’ I say, leaving them, and pulling my pen and notepad out of my apron to take someone’s order.
I take the other customers’ orders, and return back behind the coffee machine to make their coffees. Hailey is back at Mark’s table, asking him questions.
‘So, Mark. Are you single?’ She asks, smiling at me. I shoot her a don’t-you-dare glare.
My cheeks flush, as embarrassment consumes me. I give someone their latte and return to the coffee machine, while still staring at Hailey.
‘Are you even allowed to ask customers that?’ He asks her. Phew! That’s it! You tell her! She is being totally unprofessional.
‘I can’t help but notice you constantly staring at Zurielle’s ass, so I thought I’d be polite and see if you’re single in case. I can add her to your next order,’ she says, smirking.
Grace bursts out laughing and I accidentally knock the coffee I’ve just made, into the sink; smashing the mug into pieces. All eyes are on me, and I feel my cheeks burn. Please Lord: strike a hole below me and swallow me up now, or better yet, Hailey!
I take the coffees I’ve made to table 3, and walking past Mark, as if on cue, he replies, ‘There’s much more about her that I like; not just her ass. And for the record, yes, I’m single,’ he says.
The tray of coffees in my hand wobbles, and I almost fall over with his words, but I compose myself and deliver the cappuccinos to their owners safely.
‘You know she’s thinking of selling her virginity,’ Hailey says, casually, like she’s talking about the weather. Mark looks dumbfounded, and his cappuccino mug slips out of his hand, and onto the ground.
‘Hailey!’ I yell. I storm up to her, grab her arm and drag her to the counter.
‘I’ll get Zurielle to clean that spill up for you, Mark,’ Hailey yells from across the cafe.
Grace is snickering her head off, trying not to wet herself, laughing.
‘What are you doing? You can’t just go around telling people I’m selling my virginity! And you can’t just go asking customers if they’re single! Take this cloth and clean the mess you made,’ I tell her, throwing the cloth at her.
‘Come on Zuri, it’s obvious he has a crush on you. He even admitted he likes your ass, and more,’ Hailey argues.
‘I don’t care what he likes. I need this job and so do you! Stop mixing work with pleasure and make him another cappuccino,’ I demand.
‘You can be really bossy when you want to be. I’ll tell him I was joking about you selling your virginity. I’ll tell him he can have it for free, instead,’ she says.
‘Oh, no you don’t,’ I say, taking the cloth from her and going over to the table and wiping the spilt coffee myself.
I can’t even make eye contact with either of them, I’m so embarrassed. I have to say something to clear the awkward air between us.
‘I’m so sorry about Hailey’s unprofessionalism. I assure you, it won’t happen again. She’s making you a fresh coffee as we speak,’ I say.
Grace is stifling her laughter with both hands, and Mark has the biggest grin on his face.
Before I walk away, I stand there as confidently as I can.
‘Oh, and for the record, my virginity is not for sale. It’s not available at this point in time,’ I add, leaving their table.
‘So, you’re a virgin,’ he says, and I turn to face him.
Did I just confirm I’m a virgin? My stomach sinks and my face flushes redder than it was before, with embarrassment.
‘I’m going to quit talking, while I’m ahead, and get back to work, before Mr Fulton fires me,’ I say, going into the kitchen to help with the food prep.
I’m too embarrassed to go back out there, so I let Hailey serve customers and make coffees. Boy, is Hailey going to get it after work! I finally met a guy, who has proper conversations with me, and she has embarrassed me so much, I don’t think I’ll ever look him in the eye again. Thank goodness it’s Friday, and we don’t have to be here again till Monday.
After work, I give Hailey the silent treatment all the way home, which frustrates her. Good!
‘Come on Zuri. You can’t ignore me forever,’ she whines, while I stare at the passing shops through the bus window. She gets up from her seat opposite me, and sits between me and the window, blocking my view. She covers my hands in my lap with hers, puts on a cute puppy dog face, stares at me, and makes a whimpering sound, like a puppy.
‘Ugh! Fine! I’ll talk to you. But swear you’ll never embarrass me like that again, or tell anyone else I’m a virgin!’ I say, exhaling, and giving in.
‘Pinky-swear,’ she says, hooking her little finger around mine.
‘Now that we’re best friends again, and have the weekend free, we should go out tonight and have fun,’ Hailey suggests.
‘What kind of fun?’ I ask.
‘Just out dancing at a bar or a club somewhere. Have a drink or two,’ she ponders.
‘Actually, I need tonight to myself. I have some things I need to do. Maybe tomorrow night, we can do something,’ I say.
‘Yeah, okay. Tomorrow night, then,’ she agrees, smiling. We get off the bus, walk up the road and go inside the women’s shelter.
‘Hi Debbie,’ I say, smiling and waving, as I pass her office.
‘Zurielle! Could you come into my office for a few minutes?’ She asks. Hailey goes to our room, and I go into her office, and close the door behind me.
‘I’ve had a bar contact me. They’re offering their room upstairs, in exchange for a few shifts, a few nights a week, behind the bar. I’ve offered this position to everyone. I’d prefer none of you girls take it, and so far, no one has. I’m obligated to mention every job that comes through, though,’ she says.
‘It sounds like a good offer to me,’ I say, with a look of confusion, and Debbie lets out a sigh.
‘This isn’t just any bar. It’s called the Snake Pit, and it’s just as bad it sounds. The Savage Snakes, a biker gang, live next door, and they’re at the Snake Pit every night. I don’t think it’s safe for a young lady to live there, even if it is temporary. The biker gang are known for their savagery and they fight with other biker gangs. Such as, the Spider Backs, who are just as bad as they are. It’s a really bad area, and I want you to be safe,’ she says.
‘I understand. I appreciate your concern, I really do, but shouldn’t I at least give them the courtesy to meet the bar owner and have a look at the room before I decide?’ I ask.
‘Only if you wish to; you’re not obligated to,’ she replies. I think about it for a moment before looking back up at Debbie.
‘Tell them I’ll come by tonight for a meet and greet,’ I say, with a smile.
‘I’ll call them now and give you the details,’ she adds. After the phone call Debbie passes me an address on a scrap bit of paper.
‘They’re expecting you around seven o’clock,’ she says.
‘Thanks Debbie, I’ll see you later,’ I smile, leave her office and go and find Hailey.