Chapter 2
Jyeon hates this whole arrangement, although he’s never verbally said it to me, or around me. Ever since we were told, when I turned eleven, that our future had already been mapped out and we would be officially engaged when I turn seventeen, he’s turned aloof and cold towards me. What used to be a warm and sometimes fun sibling relationship turned sour and he avoids me now when not forced into close proximity.
I can feel his efforts to keep us apart. The lack of emotion when he’s close and the rebellious aura when he’s made to take my hand. He’s obedient to a fault though and would never refuse what’s expected of us. Our family decided when we were born that they would put us together for the sake of our company, to keep the shares and money as one, even when our parents are no longer here. Jeon will obey.
“Where’s Yoonie, anyhow? Isn’t he late to your formal soiree?” Bryant changes the subject fast and looks around for him, taking the icy hint. “It’s not like him to be AWOL when there’s cake.”
“He got side-tracked by my grandfather. He’s twelve now and that means he’s expected to start shouldering some responsibility of being a Park son.” Jyeon moves to a passing waitress and picks up two fruit cocktails, handing one to me first and the other to Bryant, before picking up his own and we stand cradling them.
“Sixteen and on the juice….. being rich sucks. The housekeeper’s kid had a blow out sixteenth at a skateboard park where half of them had to be carried home because they smuggled out half their father’s liquor cabinet. How come we have to wear tuxedo’s and hang out with your family’s business associates. This isn’t a birthday party, it’s a social engagement to create beneficial contacts.” Bryant has always been a little bit rough and ready, not suited to high society life and I giggle at him. He is the most annoying person I know, but he’s fun and Jyeon acts half human when he’s around. Despite appearances, I really like Bryant.
“You’re shocked by this? I’m sure even my twenty first will benefit my father in some way. It was never about his eldest son’s birthday.” Jyeon’s tone is bitter, and he raises his glass to his mother across the room who has now taken her place among the glamorously dressed grown ups who are swarming around the hall nearer the band.
This is the lifestyle I’m accustomed to so it’s nothing new or intimidating, and I’m bored.
“Hey…. Did I miss anything?” Yoonah slides in beside me and immediately pushes his arm through mine and leans his head against my shoulder despite my being a foot taller than him still. He’s slower to hit puberty than Jyeon ever was and still looks like a cute little tanned and pudgy Park boy. All big brown eyes, and pouty lips, and he has a softness that melts your heart. This is the baby brother of my life, even though I’m an only child and I adore him more than anything in the world.
“Your brain?” Bryant jests and pokes him in the forehead.
“I’ll always be smarter than you, even without a brain, Bry!” Yoonah jests right back at his brother’s best friend, used to these quips and jokes from him.
“Dad’s coming, stand up.” Jyeon slides his arm around my back, out of sight, and pushes his brother off harshly, so he flinches away. Always aware of how we should behave and present ourselves because our lives depend on it when it comes to our parents. He yanks me closer to his side, away from Yoonah, and then let’s go of me completely. His hand falling back by his hip between us, but my stomach still tightens at the contact.
Deep down I have always had some kind of feelings for Jyeon which are undefined and his brief touch when it happens makes my insides flutter. I don’t know why as he makes no effort to have any sort of relationship with me anymore.
“You all look very nice tonight.” Mr Park saunters to us and pats his eldest son on the shoulder. He’s an intimidating, tall, and muscular man, who doesn’t look like he’s in his fifties, but more of a handsome thirty. Jyeon takes after him fully, with black hair that looks nice styled up, or messy over his forehead and somehow boyish, deep darkest brown eyes, and sallow skin.
He stands like he’s the master of the universe, with a perfectly straight posture, and has an intimidating quality about him, especially when dressed in a black tux. If Jyeon ends up like him as a full grown man then OLO Corporation needn’t worry about having a commanding CEO at the helm to continue our family’s joint legacy. Smart, with killer instincts, and despite the classy and smooth appearance, Mr Park is known as a demon in business and should never be crossed. Jyeon is his mini me.
We all nod and smile, and I immediately shrivel to that nervous girl who starts fixing her appearance whenever he appears. Mr Park is not someone who seems warm and loving when you know him well and despite being my father’s best friend, I have never really built any kind of bond to him.
“Sohla? Sohla, darling?” My mother beckons to me from across the room and I exhale with relief, seeing my beautiful saviour looking for me to introduce to whatever women and girl are standing by her and curtsy quickly. An escape route so I can dodge Mr Park and his suffocating energy.
“My mother wants me.” I make my parting nod of respect his way and walk off at speed, loosening my limbs while escaping from whatever Mr Park was wanting and slide into my mother’s awaiting outstretched arm. The one soft and welcoming human in my life. My mother is the only reason I’m still sane. She married into rich and never started that way, so has retained the kindness and adorable personality of the preschool teacher she used to be. I love my mother beyond words.