Chapter 5


MIYA's POV.....

I stare after the Kindred who doesn't resemble the Aliens we were told stories about.

He almost looks human.

And I emphasise the word 'almost'.

Even though the kindred have kept to themselves, staying on their ships above the surface of the earth, they have been quiet.

Still visible making their presence known without a doubt.

Occasionally they will descend in pairs to come and claim their contracted bride. Brides who have no say in the matter. No one knows how the women are paired with a Kindred. Are they randomly picked or do the Kindred get to choose?

Either way, I don't want to know.

It was so much easier to pretend they didn't exist.

Periodically life threw us curve balls and we didn't have to pretend. It was easier that way like we didn't have enough crises to deal with.

I walk to the other side of the cabin, looking out the window and my eyes grow larger than saucers. From where I stand, I can see my home planet.

Planet Earth.

It resembles a small crimson spot, like a speck that is lost in an endless sea of opaque darkness.

I glance down at myself, extending my arms as I look at them. They are covered in filth along with my clothes. The clothes that dont belong to me.

They belong to Sofia.


If im going to be stuck here, who will...

No, I need to talk with the Kindred again. I need to persuade him to get Sofia aboard. I can't leave her behind. It isn't safe especially without me there to watch over her.

We always look out for one another.

I turn away from the window and its disappointing view, rushing towards the doors. Upon my arrival, the doors glide open and in walks another Kindred, but this Kindred isn't male, no. This Kindred is a female and she looks...

Beautiful, elegant and for the life of me I can't stop staring at her.

She too is at least seven feet tall, she is built like a goddess with long black hair that almost resembles silk. When our gazes collide, I marvel at their beauty. It's like glancing at a rainforest. Her eyes are a brilliant shade of green with specks of brown.

"Hello female," she says gently. "My name is Nova and I have come to assist you in getting cleaned up." She smiles putting her pristine white teeth on full display.

I try to step around her, needing to find the Kindred.

Zion, I believe his name is.

"Oh, and where are you trying to sneak off to in such a rush." Nova looks at me as she screws up her nose, sniffing the air. "Is that you?"

She holds up a hand, preventing me from moving any further.

"Is that me what?" I look at her incredulously.

"That smells," she says through gritted teeth. "Tell me, female. Can you truly not smell the odour that lingers in the atmosphere around you?"

I shake my head, raising an arm and I take a small whiff of myself, under my armpits. "Are you sure it's me you can smell?" I cross my arms in a defensive stance.

"Oh, trust me. It's certainly you that I can smell." She waves her large hand in the air as she gives me a pointed look.

"The Kindred that just left. I need to speak with him, do you think you can call him back?" I try to keep my voice even, void of any emotions in case they can be used against me.

She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth.

"Done!" She smiles again.

I look at her with scepticism written all over my face. "But how? You didn't call him or leave the room."

She taps her index finger against the side of her temple. "Mind link." She replies nonchalantly. "Zion is my older brother along with Jaja, so, we can communicate through our links without being mated."

"Oh," I reply dumbstruck. "Can all sibling Kindred do that?"

"No." She states as she leads me to the corner of the cabin, she presses a button on the wall and the doors slide open. "We are gifted because we are royalty. Not only do we have the power to mind-link with one another we also have the special energy that we possess from our cores."

She comes to a standstill in the middle of the pristine white room and claps her hands twice. A small section in the ceiling opens up and a showerhead descends from it. She claps her hands another two times, the tiles on the ground open up and a glass square box rises from the ground. Turning the open space into a shower box.

I stand next to her with my mouth agape, impressed and fascinated at the same time. Their technology surely is something out of this world.

Pun intended!

Nova steps up to the transparent glass walls and knocks on them and the windows go from see-through to a dark colour tint.

"Strip." She demands.

I scoff, "Excuse me?!" I sneer in astonishment.

"Strip so you can shower and rid yourself of that horrid odour you possess." She folds her arms across her chest, waiting for me to take my clothes off.

"Can I at least use the toilet?"

"Toilet?" She raises a perfectly shaped brow.

"Yes,  you know so I can empty my bladder?" I stare at her wondering if she even knows what a toilet is.

"You want to extract your human excreta from your system?"

"Yes, if that's what you call it."

"Oh!" She giggles, "Why didn't you start with that?" She continues to look at me with amusement spreading across her face.

"I thought I did," I say with a sigh.

"Dont worry, you won't be wasting any more of your precious time sitting on a bowl. With our technology, all you have to do is push this button here." She knocks on the glass walls and they become transparent once again as she steps into the shower box and points to a large green button on the wall. "This will eliminate the waste from your body and this button here," She points to the orange button, "is.." She clicks her fingers,  "What do you humans call it?" trying to draw out the terms of what she wants to say. "Body wash!" She gleams with pride. "This is what you use to cleanse your body with."

I nod my head, watching as she taps the glass again, then she stands beside me.

I internally growl, biting the bullet as I begin to peel my clothes off one layer at a time.

"You said you and your brothers have a special energy?"

"Yes, we do." She coos watching me intently.

"I'd like to know what kind of energy you possess as individuals."

"You are so tiny." She blurts out with wide eyes. "I apologise!" She says as she clamps a hand over her mouth.

I chuckle, peering down at myself. "It's okay. We humans aren't anything extravagant. You on the other hand look like a damn goddess." I admit unashamedly.

"We celestial's are all built the same. It is only our markings that make us different from one another and with me being a princess I have been given a gift from the stars." She begins. "Zion has been gifted with the skill to heal. Jaja is a tracker and I can get people to tell me their wildest desires, enticing them to do as I command."

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