Chapter 9

###NUT JOB###


I open my mouth to say something just as witty and sarcastic back.

"Zion!!" Novas' voice unexpectedly fills the cabin as she shouts from the other side of the door, gaining both of our attention and I clamp my mouth shut.

A heartbeat later, the sliding door glides open and she stands in the doorway but does not enter. Her eyes are pitch black, as she hisses a snarl and bares her teeth putting her long pointy fangs on full display.

I gasp, moving to the far corner of the cabin as she suddenly looks like she's been possessed.

"Calm down, Nova," Zion says in a soothing tone but widens his stance.

"You dare hurt my intended?" She hisses.

"Believe me when I say that he asked for it." He replies with a sigh.

I shake my head.

Wrong answer!!

When it comes to females, it seems kindreds are roughly as dense as human men are.

Her mouth opens with a high-pitched battle cry, "You will pay!" She threatens Zion.

My face contorts in agony as I groan silently. As her shrilling screams pierce my eardrums, I cover my ears with my hands trying to block out as much volume as I can.

With my eyes wide open, and my mouth agape, I watch as Nova runs into the cabin at full speed. She leaps through the air like a fucking spider monkey and wraps her body around the back of Zions' torso.

Something in the corner of my eye catches my attention and another Kindred with his nose a tad out of joint runs into the cabin. He too lets out a roar that makes me flinch and gains Novas' full attention.

"Release your brother, my intended." He says in a demanding tone that is soft and almost cooing at the same time.

Nova places her fingertips on the sides of Zion's temples and she inhales deeply through her nose while she closes her eyes. "I will make him pay," She hisses in a whispering tone. "Open your mind to me brother and show me your wildest desires."

A second later, Zions' body goes deathly still and a brutal howl that is filled with agony escapes past his lips. He stumbles forward, placing both of his hands flat against the wall to keep himself upright and I watch in astonishment taking note that he doesn't attempt to remove Nova from his back.

Against my will, my hands instantly curl into tight balls at my sides and my heartbeat quickens.

"You're hurting him!" I cry out. "Stop Nova, please. He is your brother and you are causing him pain." Tears pool in my eyes and for some odd reason, seeing Zion in agony, misery and suffering causes me a great deal of suffering too.

The other kindred in the room turns to look at me, his eyes are greener than emeralds with the palest eyelashes and his long black hair is in one large braid that extends beyond his shoulders. "She can not hear you." He states bluntly. "She is in a state of rage and if you approach her, she will attack." He warns me as he takes two steps towards her with caution.

"But she is hurting him," I cry out. "You must stop her, now!"

"I aspire to."

"But how, without hurting them both?" I ask curiously.

"I am her intended." He flicks me a wink. "There is one way a male is able to dominant his female, but if I do this," He sighs, looking at Nova and Zion. "Zion will retaliate by instinct on his sisters' behalf and he will want to fight me."

"I'm sure you'll be able to handle him," I say with my eyes looking the Kindred up and down. "You're pretty much built the same."

Only this Kindred looks, leaner, meaner and he bears multiple scars across his large arms

"Syyylvannn.." Zion growls out in agony. "She is going to fucking cripple me if you don't stop her now, and she will never be the same again."

The Kindred whom Zion calls Sylvan exhales sharply, "Whatever you do, do not try to intervene." He warns me as he clicks his neck striding towards Nova.

He lets out a fierce growl that brings my heart to a standstill, then shuts his eyes and tilts his head back, resting one hand on Novas' head and the other on her shoulder, exposing her bare flesh. When he whips his head forward and opens his eyes, they, too, are pitch black with red rings, and his sharp fangs on full display.

He lurches forward and sinks his teeth into the crook of Novas' exposed neck with a snarl tickling his top lip.

Nova lets out a gutwrenching cry, her body suddenly goes lax and Sylvan removes his teeth from her neck and gently pries her off Zions back. He gently lays Nova on the bed and Nova curls into a fetal position with a sob playing on her lips.

The moment Zion realises his baby sister is crying, he turns to face Sylvan and pulls out a hunter's knife from the inside of his combat boot. "Nova," Zion calls out to his sister in a strained voice as he looks down at her fetal positioned body on his bed. His head snaps up and he looks at Sylvan with his body trembling with fury. "I will have your hearts, Sylvan." His voice booms throughout the cabin.

"And I, your head!" Sylvan roars as he lunges forward and strikes Zion across the face.

Zion doesn't flinch or move a muscle as Sylvan lands another blow to his face. They are going to kill each other, and before my mind catches up with my body.

I run towards them, "Zion!" I cry out.

Just before I reach Zions' side, their huge bodies grow tense and they don't attempt to try and fight one another, but, their eyes remain heavy on one another.

I slowly approach Zion, reaching up and I cup his face in my small hands. "Please stop this, you will kill each other if you don't." I plea.

A low, deep rumble vibrates from the back of Zions' throat, "He can not kill me. I am his Alpha." He states in a matter of a fact tone.

"Pulling rank is beneath you, brother of my intended." Sylvan snarls.

Zion snarls back and abruptly Sylvan kneels before him on one knee and his head bows with his chin touching his chest.

Zions' chest heaves with every savage breath he takes.

"He won't hurt you, Miya," Nova says softly as she slowly rises off the bed and takes her place by Sylvan, mirroring his stance.

I glance over my shoulder to look at her, "Are you certain?" I ask breathlessly with fear.

"Yes, a Kindred male will take his own life before he willingly hurts a female." She says softly without looking at me.

I face Zion once again, forcing him to meet my gaze. He lets out a grunt, tensing at my touch, his shoulders heaving as his eyes collide with mine. The blackness in his eyes starts to fade as the amber rings around his pupils glow brilliantly, holding me captive.

The intensity of his eyes scorches my skin, cutting through me as sparks fly between us and I can't bring myself to look away or catch my next breath, let alone blink. Something grips my heart when the colour of sapphire blue returns in his eyes.

"Bonetta" [Fated one] He whispers gently with his breath tickling my face as the rage slowly starts to lift from his body.

I suck in a razor-sharp breath, licking my lips. "You're a fucking nut job. Do you know that?" I whisper with lust licking my tingling flesh.

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