Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

On her way, she encounter with Tyler, on his way to the cafeteria. “Oh God is this a sign? Because we always encounter with each other almost all the time. Maybe we’re meant to be.” Isabella chuckled softly. “Isn't it obvious? We work at the same place and your office is few steps away from mine, sooo...”

Tyler continued to speak. “Mr. Grayson asked about you a while ago. Something about a meeting,” he spoke but then shrugged it off. Her stomach did a back flip. “He did? Did he say anything after that? Do have any idea why he was looking for me?” Tyler gave her a puzzled look. “Relax, I think you have a meeting to represent him.” They walked into the cafeteria. Isabella ordered a coffee while Tyler ordered tea. They settled down, facing each other. “But he’s in a meeting now so I guess you can't see him at the moment until he's done.” He cautiously took a sip of his hot tea.

Speaking of Mr. Grayson. “Hey, I have a question for you...” She lowered her gaze when Tyler looked up. He nodded his head, “go on please.” She cleared her throat and try to think of the best way to word it. “Do you know Madelyn Jason? Mr. Grayson’s girlfriend. Rich, super fancy, and beautiful.” Isabella swallowed the jealousy as she tried not to change her facial expression.

“Honestly speaking, I've seen her actual face, so she may or may not be beautiful. Ha! Underneath all that make up, she could be a total blobfish.” Tyler laughed at his own joke. Isabella tried to keep a straight face, but the mental picture was too much. “Okay, that’s not funny, Tyler. I'm sure Madelyn must be nice if he likes her, no matter how much make up she wears.”

“Haha! I doubt that.”

She coughs and changed the subject. “When did you first meet her?”

“She has always been around. At his business trips, meetings, galas, this, that... always good for a laugh even if she doesn't really know it. But he didn't really call Madelyn his girlfriend until, I don't know, few months ago? Yeah, something like that. It wasn’t that long ago.”

“Wow. I guess things developed quickly.” Tyler looked at Isabella, seeming confused. “Do you think he’s in love? Because I saw it on The Star that they’re tying the knot.”

“What? I doubt if he likes her by the way he treats her. She has always been the one chasing him. I mean, I've never seen them kissing. So... why are you asking anyway?” Tyler asked her afterwards as he nonchalantly took another sip of his tea.

“Oh I just... uh.. you know The Star... I saw it on the internet so I was just curious. But it’s obviously just gossip.” Tyler shrugged his shoulder.

‘Does that mean Ethan and Madelyn aren't getting married? Or just that they haven't told anyone yet?’ Isabella asked herself. She shook the thought away and finally got to her feet. “I have to go back to work, I'll catch up with you later.” He nodded his head to her before she flashed him a smile and walked into the corridors.

She met Sophia standing by her office door together with the receptionist. “Ma’am you have a visitor.” Isabella dismissed her and gestured Sophia to follow her in. “What took you so long, Soph....” the words trailed off when she didn't get a glimpse of mason in her office. She turned to look at Sophia. “Please tell me you were the one that took him.”

“But, I just came now.” Isabella shoved her aside and rushed out of the office. She dashed into the lobby. “Mason? Mason sweetie where are you please?” She looked around the busy lobby of Grayson Enterprises but couldn't get a glimpse of him.

Pacing around, she almost bumped into her boss. She briskly shifted backwards and looked up to him. “Whose kid is this?” He furiously asked the receptionist. Panicking, she looked at Isabella that has already put to her mind she was getting fired for breaking the rule. “He...I... Ms. Jonathan.”

Ethan’s eyes snap over to her, his expression darkening as he realizes she broke one of his rules. “Is that so?”

“Wow, would you look at the time? Sophia, you have his baby bag right? Here take him and leave.” Isabella led them down the hall before Ethan has a chance to respond.

Half an hour later, Ethan summons for Isabella to come meet him in his office. He waits in his office, drumming his fingers against his wide, large desk. She walked in knowing she has to face the music sooner or later. He looked at her and stood up. “What makes you think you can break my rules, Isabella?” He snapped, walking towards her. He called her by her name. She was taken aback.

“I don't think that. It was an accident.” She tried to defend herself. “It’s not any better if you carelessly leave the child roaming around on his own.”

In spite of her effort, her heart pumps harder, and her voice raises. “He’s just my nephew, his nanny was running late so I had no other choice but to bring him here. And your rule is stupid! Millions of workers that come to work with their children, did it make their work any harder? Why are you so....” She allowed the words to hang and let out a sigh, staring deeply at him.

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