
"Chloe!!! Where did you put my heels??? I can't seem to find them anywhere!!!"


While my twin sister Zoe always finds it soothing to wake me up in the worst possible way. Yeah, just like you rightly figured it out, I am not a morning person.

I hate the fact that I have to wake up bright and early, just so I can get to school at the appointed time in order to be a learned person. If only there was a time zone where I could sleep till whenever, wake up whenever and learn whenever I want. It really sucks that such a time zone doesn't exist. How I would love to be in that time zone.

"Chloe, you ingrate! Get the hell out of bed and find my heels!! Today is my inauguration as head girl and I need to look perfect in my heels!"

"Urgh…" I groaned. "Why can't you find it yourself? Do I always have to look for your stuff for you?"

"Umm, yes! Isn't that what twin sisters are for?" Zoe screamed.

"Whatever" I said, rolling my eyes and got out of bed, following her into her room. I was astonished, looking at her room. Even in my still half-awake, half-asleep state, I could tell that all the sleepover she been having in her room was no joke.

Her room was the usual every girl's dream room. The wall opposite her bed was graced with purple glitter while her bed was graced with a lilac-colored bedsheet. She had a dream catcher hanged above her bed and three pillows with images of a dream catcher on it.

Beside the window was a carefully woven beautiful double rattan swing, that had butterfly theme puffs on it. In another corner was her study table with color pens, sicker board, picture collage, and note pad arranged neatly on it.

To say I was envious was an understatement. Just as I was about to admire her room further, she snapped her finger in my face saying.

"Hello!! Earth to Chloe!!! We don't have all day, so start looking for my heels. It's 12 inches caramel brown with an open toe."

"Urgh!! -- Zoe, you are holding it." I said, a little bit annoyed.

"Yeah, I know that dummy. I'm looking for the left shoe." She said back.

"You're wearing it..." I mentally groaned realizing she had the shoe she was looking for all along. She was clearly unaware of that as she tried arguing with me.

"No, I'm not, I'm -- oh my bad" She said after realising I was right. "In my defense, I had to wake you somehow, sleeping beast."

"Really, and you couldn't think of any logical, responsible or normal way to do that?"

She shook her head sideways and I just glared at her. I was about to leave her room when it occurred to me.

"Wait, you are not planning on wearing heels to school right?"

"So, what if I am? Sue me then! Abegi (please), leave my room before you use your morning breath to ruin the room I worked so hard on redesigning" She whined.

Instead of responding, I just ignored her and left for my room. Immediately I got inside, I hoped out of my nightclothes and into the bathroom.

Once I was done with my business and scrubbing all the necessary areas including my teeth, I rushed out of the bathroom to get dressed in my school uniform.

Yeap, you heard me right, 6 years in the same school is not as sweet as it sounds. Sadly, I'm still in secondary school and couldn't be more than happy that. This was my last year.

I've looked forward to the day I would tell people I was a certified graduate of Wesley Academy. Now I'm only one year away from that dream.

I was dressed in a kissing pleated green blue and white checkered skirt that stopped above my knees, a plain white long sleeve shirt, a blue tie, a royal blue blazer, a green knee-length socked, and black canvas.

My hair was already styled to fox braids and I was ready to resume. The blasting of the horn and my sister yelling my name served as a reality check reminding me I was already running late.

I dashed out of my room with my school bag, took the slide, and within seconds I was downstairs. Entering the kitchen in a flash, grabbing my breakfast and lunch. Pecked my mom a good morning and off I went. I dumped my lunch in my school bag and rushed out of the house while chewing my breakfast.

Just as I came out, I met my dad already driving out of our garage. Once he was safely out of our garage, he slowed down a bit and I entered the car. Greeted him before he took off.

"Walk fast, slow poke"

I groaned and rolled my eyes at Zoe. "This girl will surely be the death of me." I mumbled, increasing my pace. We got to school at exactly 7: 30 am, just in time for Assembly.

Students had already gathered in the Assembly hall and we didn't hesitate to join. The assembly went by smoothly as the principal, Mrs. Hassan, welcomed all new and returning students to Wesley Academy.

Since it was the first day of resumption, the assembly took forever and this was mostly because of the inauguration of the new perfects and the Senior secondary school 3 (S.S.S.3) student who had external exams to write.

All the prefects including me, stood on the stage vowing to keep and live up to the responsibilities that were allocated to the position we were in as prefects. My twin sister was the head girl and I was the sport perfect. How we had won this post is still a shocker to me because never in our wildest, in my wildest dreams did I think I would be a prefect.

After hours which felt like years, we were all dismissed to our different classes. Our school was one of the biggest schools in Lagos, Nigeria. Second after Dowen Academy.

We had two buildings, one for the junior students and the other for the seniors. We had another separate building where extracurricular activities such as book clubs and the rest were held.

We had won the best school of the year three times in a roll, so we definitely had something to brag about. Leaving the assembly hall, I headed to my class which was on the third floor of the second building.

I was heading towards my class, which was Science when someone roughly shoved me aside and said.

"Move over, clueless rookie, some people don't like running into a pile of garbage all the time."

I didn't respond. I made sure I didn't utter a word, not because I was scared of her. No, I could beat her hands down if I wanted to, but I chose not to.

I just don't want trouble from Matilda on my first day of resumption, it is usually not a very good sign.

The thing is this school is pretty tricky; as famous as this school is and as good-looking as it is, it is also very famous for expulsion, that is the principal can decide to remove students from the school without a proper or cogent reason.

Sadly, it is always the junior secondary school 3 (JSS3) and senior secondary school(SSS 3) at the receiving end of all this.

"What's the matter, Chloe, afraid you get expelled on your last first day of secondary school?"

She asked and I made sure I was mute.

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