
It was finally break time and I was having an alone time at my desk. Since mom packed my lunch, I didn't have to go to the cafeteria to eat. Besides, I wasn't up for all the drama going on there right now. I was just unpacking my lunch box when someone roughly hit their fist on my table.

I didn't need a soothsayer to tell me it was my horrible twin sister Zoe. Her freshly painted nails and her high pitched voice gave her away. I took in a swift breath before lifting my head to took at her.

"Hey, fuzzball! Where is my lunch?"

"Geez, I... didn't you take it before we left home or something?"

"Oh, did I? Oops, must have forgotten. Oh well looks like your lunch is mine now. " She smirked. And without another word, she grabbed my lunch from the table and skipped happily out of the class before I got the chance to protest. I couldn't help but mumble.

"Great, there goes my lunch"

Our lunch, you mean I'm starving too... My subconscious commented and my tummy grumbled to that in agreement. I sighed knowing I was probably going to starve If someone didn't come to my rescue.

"Did I just hear a grumble?" I heard almost immediately.

"Antonio! Please, don't tell me you heard that?" I asked him feeling extremely embarrassed that my tummy growled that loud. Antonio has been my best friend since preschool and he and I have been pretty inseparable. Some of our classmates then speculated we were dating but we both knew what we had is purely platonic.

He had smooth caramel dark skin that always seems to turn heads whenever he walked by. And a result of his well-defined muscle, ladies, especially the older ones can't seem to keep their hands to themselves, even when they see him cladded up in school uniform. Before he got the chance to respond to that, my second best friend Molly responded saying.

"Oh, we heard alright. We heard loud and clear"

She said in her thick Black American accent. Okay, the history of our friendship goes way down to childbirth. We were born in the same hospital. Well at least that's what mom keeps telling me, I just don't know why I find it hard to believe.

Molly is a typical well cultured Yoruba girl with the same skin tone as Antonio. People often mistake them for siblings which they were not. She always had her hair in twisted braids and well packed in a pigtail and of cause, she is super nice and hardly gets upset.

"What's up guys, what brings you both to my humble domain" I asked.

"Chloe you need to stop using that line." Molly scolds and before I got the chance to defend myself, Antonio and Molly already displayed all kinds of food on my table. I just stared blankly at my table filled with food, it wasn't until my tummy growled once more that I remembered that I was hungry.

Without thinking twice I went straight for the coconut rice my all-time favorite meal. Molly and Antonio just laughed at me especially because of the way I was devouring it hungrily like one who hadn't eaten for 40 days.

"Don't give me that look, that mathematics equation Mr. Adusalmi's gave as classwork took a toll on me" I defended.

"Wow slow down Tiger, we don't want you choking on your favorite food." Antonio said patting my back as I was finally able to slow down my pace. Once I had finally calmed down, Molly and Antonio joined in each picking fried rice they brought. After we had satisfied our hunger, we all burped loudly to signify the food was well enjoyed.

"So how was class for you guys?" I asked the both of them. Antonio was a Commercial student while Molly was an Art student so they were both in different classes. I've been hearing rumors that they had a new student but I just didn't know which class the new student belonged to. Molly was the first to speak as she began gushing about the new student

"Classes were quite alright. But you will not believe it, we now have a new student. And my God! He is fine, his skin is so smooth, smoother than a baby's behind. His eyes so fierce it could pierce into any soul. His lips so thin--"

" Okay, Molly spare us the details. You haven't even seen him and you are describing him this way." Antonio interjected, interrupting Molly because she went too far. You can't really blame her though, she is an Art student what were you expecting. A scientific illustration? Yea didn't think so either.

"Calm down Antonio, why so uptight? Oooh I see, is it because Molly hasn't described you that way before?" I asked him teasingly and he just glared at me with a tiny blush on his cheeks. Molly and I couldn't help but laugh at him, we teased him further while he was trying so hard to glare at us to stop laughing.

"Okay, will you guys stop! Okay?" Antonio finally spoke. "He is not that good looking"

"Hmm...says the guy that got pissed because I didn't describe him that way" Molly teased while we were both still laughing at him. This only caused him to groan out in frustration as he got up abruptly, heading for the door of my class. My voice stopped him as I asked.

"Wait. Where are you going? Break isn't over yet"

And before he could come up with a reasonable reason as to why he was leaving, Molly jumped in beating him to it as she said. "What's the matter pretty boy, can't handle a little tease? "

She said with a wink and it took a lot of me not to wack her head. Instead, I responded with a playful frown on my face.

"Tantoluwa Molly Adedeji, quit flirting with your best friend! Remember Rule #9" I said. "Rule #9: Your best friend and Relatives of your best friend are off-limits." I completed and she just laughed it off while Antonio just stood awkwardly at the entrance of our class. Once the laughter subsided, the bell rang, which signaled the end of break. Molly hugged me before she and Antonio left for their various classes while the rest of my classmates started trooping in one after the other.

"Oh my God, did you guys hear the rumor? A new student is coming to our school " One of Matilda's minions walked in talking about the new student and to be honest. I really don't know who he is and it's best I don't If I wanted to survive S.S 3. I mean, what you don't know doesn't kill you right?

It most certainly won't missy...

My consciousness agreed and for once we were on the same page. While I worked my way into getting my physics note ready for our next class, I heard that all too familiar footsteps that belong to none other than Matilda.

"What could she possibly want again" I mumbled beneath my breath. Wanting to avoid my impending doom, I kept my head buried in my bag which was resting peacefully on my lap unaware of my predicament. I heard her clear her throat the first time but Ignored it wishing she would just go away but of course, wishes don't come true. I heard her clear her throat the second time and when she was about to speak my one and only twin sister came to my rescue cutting her shut

"Matilda!... Let her be."

"What's the matter Twin protector, can't I talk to Chloe again? Or is that too much to ask "

"Yes, it is. Now sit your ass down before I make you"

"Awwwwn isn't this adorable, she sticking up for her, how pathetic" She scoffed. "Fighting for someone you know isn't worth it. Watch it though, this tiger has claws"

Matilda said and that finally had me looking up and out of my bag. In as much and I wanted to put Matilda in her place and tell her off, I couldn't. Not because I didn't want to, but because I knew if I did, one of us was going to get expelled and it was obviously going to be me.

To avoid that, I kept mute as always, so I don't end up saying what might get me on the next bus out of this school for good. You know it is hypothetical when someone that protects you from being bullied is the same person that bullies you at home and in school If you can get that logic.

I honestly couldn't get the logic either but apparently, Zoe gets it because that is what she does with me all the time. Before both of them got a chance to be at each other's necks, the physics teacher walked in gaining everyone's attention. After our usual greeting and beating about the bush, he went straight to the topic for the day which was Lightwaves.

After 3 more hours of continuous learning, it was closing time, the second time of the day I always look forward to. Don't give me that judgy eyes I've had enough learning for one day. Mama needs a shower because I reek of algebra, get it, because we had algebra today.

Girl stop trying so hard to make a joke. You'll break whatever is left of your humor bone.

Ignoring the intended insult my subconsciousness gave me, I focused on packing my things into my school bag. I was still working on that when a terrified looking junior walked into our class. Immediately my ever rowdy and noisy classmate went dead quiet and this got my attention well enough to look up.

No junior was allowed on the senior block let alone the classes of the senior. If a senior should find you on the senior block then that senior has a right to do with you whatever he or she pleases. That is why for a junior to come all the way here in the first place then it must be a serious life or death situation.

"G... g...good a...afternoon seniors. I... I am sorry to intrude but I have a letter for senior Zo - No Chloe." Immediately the junior mentioned my name, all eyes shifted and were now on me. This little gesture made it easy for me to be identified, she walked up to my desk with a nervous smile on her face. Before I got the chance to question or interrogate her, she was out of my sight leaving the letter on my table.

This was definitely a first, I had never received a letter from anyone through a junior before in all my years schooling here so this was a big deal. What I was most worried about was who really was this person, and why me of all the students in my class. With the rest of my classes mates watching me closely, I picked up the letter from my table with shaky hands.

The minute I opened the letter I knew I was done for as the sender of the letter was boldly written on it.

"From Jayson"

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