
"Son run!" My dad bellows out at me as I turn and see wolves heading our way. There must be at

least 20 of them chasing us and I know my dad and I can fight but us two against all of these

wolves... I don't see this ending well for us.

We run with everything we have through the trees and brambles and across rocks and sticks. My

lungs are burning but I can't slow down, we can't stop now. We break through the last of the trees

and skid to a halt as we near a cliff edge fuck!

"Over there, that waterfall, it has a hidden cave!" My dad bellows out. I just about manage to hear

him over the noise of the waterfall bashing down on the rocks below before meeting the fast-paced


We quickly climb the rocks before reaching the waterfall and hiding inside the cave and I pray with

all I have that they don't find us. We keep hidden close to the wall but then we see them break free

from the tress while my heart is pounding so hard that I swear they'd be able to hear it.

They look around the cliff tops and even down into the fast-current river and I see troy look towards

the waterfall and I'm instantly panicking. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! But then I silently thank the moon

goddess as I watch them run back into the forest and away from us.

"Fuck that was close." My dad pants out as he fights to catch his breath.

"Dad you should go back; you shouldn't have to live your life this way because of me."

"You're my son and we are in this together."

"What about mom and Kelly?"

"Your mom made her decision when she choose the pack over her own son and as soon as we are

settled we will figure out a way to get Kelly."

"But who's going to look after her while we're gone? Mom won't!"

"I've already spoken to Betty. I wanted to make sure that I had a backup plan in place and she's

going to look after Kelly until we can get her, don't worry son she's fine."

The confidence in my dad's voice is enough to stop me from questioning him any further and we

soon leave the waterfall and carry on through the forest. We have been running for hours and we're

both completely fucked, we need to find somewhere to hide and rest and we need to do it soon.

It's been two weeks, two weeks of running and hiding. Two weeks of looking for somewhere safe to

sleep but not staying anywhere any longer than one night because it's too risky.

Alpha Roland still hasn't given up on the search for us but I don't understand why. Why can't he just

leave us alone? Why can't he just let us move on with our lives?

We ain't hurting anyone, we didn't take anything of his from the packhouse fuck we left with just the

clothes on our backs and not even a dollar between us so why does he need to keep hunting us?

"Son go get washed up and I'll keep watch then we'll head out, your uncle's pack is only a few hours

away from here now." We went hunting for our breakfast this morning and things got a bit bloody. "But fuck that deer was tasty!" My wolf Alfie chirps in my head as I hear the sound of him licking his

lips. When my dad and I left the pack, we literally left with fuck all so in order for us to survive we

have to shift into our wolves and hunt our food and drink from any rivers and ponds that we find.

We have to keep our energy up so that we can run or fight at any time so as much as I hate to kill

another animal, we don't have much choice right now. We also shift into our wolves to sleep at

night, it's warmer and safer but fuck I've had enough now.

"Ok Dad, I'll be quick." I shift back into my human self and quickly get into the lake while my dad

keeps watch. He's already cleaned up and I know he's eager to get away from here as we have been

here for a few hours now.

The water is so cold that I feel it bite at my skin but it still feels good to freshen up and get the feel

and smell of blood off of me.

I look up to my dad as he gets himself dressed on the bank while also keeping a lookout and as

always, I feel that pang of guilt in my heart. He's only out here because of me, he's only out here

because I got caught.

If I had just done what they had said we wouldn't be here now. He'd be home where he belongs and

Kelly wouldn't be left with that vindictive bitch!

"He doesn't want that for you Ashley, he would rather be here with you than let you live the life they

want for you; you know that!" Alfie pipes up and I know he's telling the truth but it doesn't make it

any easier right now.

My dad has always put me and Kelly first even before our mom and even now that I'm 18 and he had

every right to just go along with them back at the pack or even just have me leave on my own he

didn't, not my dad he's here by my side where he has always been and where I know he always will


"Dad are you sure uncle Joey will be ok with us showing up? Do you think his pack will be ok with...

With me?" I shout out as the doubts still cloud my mind. My uncle Joey is my dad's youngest brother

and he's one incredible man.

He moved to another pack because his mate didn't want to leave her mom and, in all honesty, it's

quite rare that a male leaves to live at the she-wolf's pack but he has done it for her and that speaks

volumes of the man that he truly is. He has beta blood like my dad but he gave all that up for his

mate Jackie and now he's a high-ranking warrior at the black viper pack.

"Yes, I called him the night we left and told him everything and he told us to get our asses there as

soon as possible. And Ash his pack doesn't care about that kind of thing, the old Alpha doesn't, and

neither does the new Alpha.

But we should have been there 2 days ago and my phone battery is dead and I know he's going to be

worrying so let's get a shake on and get there before the night's end yeah?"

I quickly agree before getting to work on scrubbing my body the best I can, I dunk my head under

the water to wash my hair but I'm quickly distracted by a link of my dad as he quickly fires out words

to me.

"Ash stay under the water as long as you can or get out of there somehow son but do not come back

here, DO NOT COME TO ME! I LOVE YOU SON!" He bellows out the last part but quickly blocks out the link before I can say anything back but I don't need to, I don't need to ask what's wrong because

I already know.

They are here, they have found us and this will be the end of us both but like fuck am I running away

like a pathetic pup. Like fuck am I going to allow my dad to suffer this alone. We have always had

each other's backs and now won't be any different. If we're going down then we're going down


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