
"You ready Alfie?"

"Fucking right I am sweet cheeks, let's go rip these pricks new assholes!" I slowly lift my head to

sneak a peek and then I see them, around fifteen wolves are surrounding my father and straight

away I can see the three top warriors and the future Alpha and Gamma.

And I know that despite us being of Beta blood and good fighters there isn't any way that we are

getting out of here alive.

I shake myself clear of any wayward thoughts and slowly make my way through the water until I

come to the edge of the bank. My dad instantly spots me and throws pleading eyes at me and I know

that he's willing to sacrifice his life for mine but I'm not willing to let him, we either both get out of

here alive or we both go down swinging.

"Well, well well look who it is, the queen bee himself." Tray the future Gamma spits out while his

ass-licking lapdog minions laugh at his comment.

"Oh, that's original." I roll my eyes at his cheeseball comment and head further up the bank toward

my dad.

"Why can't you just leave us alone? I mean seriously why do you want to spend your time chasing

us? We all know you have better things to do than this so please enlighten me?"

I catch sight of Troy as he stares at me for what feels like hours, he doesn't say a word but I can see it

in his eyes. I can still see my best friend in there even if he has been behaving like his dickhead of a


As if the goddess hasn't had enough enjoyment in torturing my dad and me yet the Alpha himself

suddenly appears through the bushes and it takes everything I have not to let Alfie have his way and

tear into him right now.

"It's because I know the Alpha's secret isn't that right Roland?" My dad speaks up now his Beta voice

firm and steady. It happens so briefly that I doubt that many of the wolves here even noticed it but I

did, I saw the moment of fear and pain flicker across the Alpha's face and it instantly has me


"And what secrets that?" Troy shouts out trying to hold his tone firm but failing miserably.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE!" Alpha Roland bellows out. I look to my dad and I've seen that look a

thousand times, he isn't going to bend down to the Alpha, not this time.

My dad starts laughing "Even now when you're an Alpha. Even now when you have a whole pack at

your feet you still can't be honest with yourself or anyone else can you Roland?"

He looks at Troy and I see pity in my dad's eyes and even though Troy turned his pack on me I still

feel a pang of sadness for him. "Troy, why did your dad say you were coming after us?"

"Stop talking Beta!" Alpha bellows out and in all honestly, he's just making himself look guilty with

the way he's behaving. My dad shakes his head and this seems to be the final straw for the Alpha as

he lunges forward toward my dad and at the same time, four warriors grip my dad from behind and

hold him in place. I can see what they are going to do and so can Troy as he suddenly seems to have a change of heart

and screams out for his dad to stop.

By the time he's finished shouting, I'm almost within reach of the Alpha and lunge myself at him as

he's raining down blow after blow to my dad's face.

I manage to knock him away from my dad but the moment I do the Alpha bellows out an order and

the men that were holding my dad down just a moment ago are now the ones beating him. Four

wolves to one.

"DAD ENOUGH!" Troy bellows out but again it falls on death's ears and just Seconds before my fist

hits the Alpha's face, I'm yanked away from him by more of his banshee warriors and before I can

even blink, he has my throat in a death grip and it will only take one flick of his wrist for me to

become a dead wolf.

"Let my dad go it's me you want not him!" I don't know why I'm trying to reason with him when I

already know it's pointless and the evil laugh that slips past his mouth only proves my thoughts to be

right. I look down at my dad but I can no longer recognize his face.

In place of what was once my dad's loving bubbly face is now a busied, bloodied and broken image

that I know I'll never forget. He's only here because of me, this is all on me.

"DAD!" I bellow out. I start struggling to try to get myself free of him but the more I try and free

myself the more his grip tightens but I'm not going down quietly and I sure as fuck ain't about to just

stand here and watch them kill my dad while I do fuck all.

I hear rustling coming from the trees and out pour more of his warriors including some faces that I

have never seen before. Seriously there are two of us, how many fucking wolves does he think it will

take to end us?

Somehow, I manage to get a good kick to the Alpha's crown jewels and his grip loosens just enough

for me to get free of his hand and land the hardest punch of my life to his face, he falls back enough

so I can turn around and I lunge myself straight at the men that are still attacking my dad.

"Ashley... Don't fight them... Do what you have to... To live... To run... I love you... Son." My dad's link

tears through me leaving me motionless and I know that no matter what I do right now or no matter

how much I want different I know that these are the last words that I will ever hear from my dad. I

try to link him back but the link is broken and I know he's gone.

"DAD!" I bellow out as sobs break free from me but there's no answer nor is he moving. I swore we

would leave alive together or go down together and I intend on sticking to the plan.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!" I roar out, my Beta blood flowing through me like never before. I lunge

at the Alpha but his minion warriors hold me back and again he takes my throat in his hands but

right now at this very moment, I couldn't give a fuck if he ends me.

"Do it Alpha!" I spit out the words and get rewarded with an evil smirk that I've never seen on his

face before as I feel his grip tighten. I don't even bother trying to fight him I'm happy to go now.

I'd rather be gone with my dad than left here with these bastards, I just wish I knew that Kelly would

be ok. He continues to tighten his grip and it slowly begins to feel like my eyes are swelling, I can feel

the pulse at the back of my eyes pounding and I begin to sweat as my heart starts to slow down. All this because I'm gay, all this because I didn't want to submit to the Alpha's will, all this because

dad and I wanted to be free of them. My world starts to slowly fade out but the Alpha's laugh

continues to batter my eardrums.

"Dad stop!" Troy bellows out but it's too little too late. "Ashley I'm so sorry!" He looks at me and

finally... Finally for the first time in what feels like forever I see him. I see my best friend Troy and I

see the heartbroken look that's spread across his face.

"It's ok sweet cheeks." I chuckle out to him and for a brief second, he smiles at me before he's

yanked away from me by two warriors. I take one last look at my dad's lifeless body on the ground

before I close my eyes and get ready to welcome death... Finally, I'll be free...


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