“We have a donor. We found one that matches your heart,” Grenada’s squealing voice boomed loudly. It was so loud that I almost lost my hearing. She was more excited than I was.

“Good,” I casually said. I mean, wasn’t she playing to move Heaven and Hell to get me one? “When is the procedure?”

“Oh, come on, Miles. You should be grateful. It wasn’t easy, but I guess the universe wants to give you a second chance.”

True. But, I couldn’t come off as weak by showing my emotions. As a matter of fact, I don’t have any emotion to show. All the same, this only proved that my way of life was pure and had unfinished business with a lot of people.

“We will need you to come in as soon as possible. I must warn you, this is fifty-fifty percent. We’ll do our best to take care of you. The rest is up to God.

“The best is what I pay for. Make sure you do everything necessary to make things go well. I wouldn’t want to end up with improper stitches on my chest or other bad news.”

I didn’t give room for her to respond because I already knew that she was going to go religious with the entire moment and there was no time for that. I didn’t need someone to bore me out while I was preparing myself for a battle with life and death.

Grenada has always been an exception. She got away with so many things. Like, the way she talked to me, ordered me around and made me do things I would never do. Yet, I had no choice. Listening to her was what kept me alive for this long.

Fast-forward to the present, I had a successful transplant and was staying home to heal. I handled the majority of my crucial businesses from home and for the remaining, I had my assistant take care of them. Staying stuck in a particular confinement was pretty frustrating. Even at that, I wasn’t strong enough to go back to my usual schedule.

“Grenada, can--” a shattering sound interrupted me. It seemed something had broken.

One of my guards hurried to find out what it was and Grenada followed while I strolled behind them. Surely, it was nothing serious, I thought. When I made it to the front door where the sound had come from, I was greeted by an ugly sight that caused me to almost murder someone, if not that I restrained myself more than I should’ve. I was short of words. Beyond irritated.

“Who the fuck let this wild human into my place?” I yelled. My attention wasn’t even on the small figure before me. I didn’t notice it. Was already reaching for a gun to put a bullet in the head of the idiot who destroyed one of my priced possessions, my true lilies. Who dared to commit such atrocity?

I wasn't into some shady business or the mafia. Oh, no. But, I was connected. Dealing with people of different engagements pushed me to learn about ammunition as much as I could. I was a natural at it. Another thing was, it didn't take me time to end a threat. I believe in helping one to quickly go meet their maker. Have I killed before or done anything illegal? Well, you will have to find out. Moreover, we all have skeletons in our cupboards.

To worsen the situation, she wasn’t speaking. She glared at me like a hitman would at his target.

“Who the fuck are you?” I snapped., The only thing that cooled my adrenal glands was the fact that she was a woman. If that wasn’t a woman in my presence, the rest would’ve been history.

“I’m sorry about the flowers and vase. I’m Meredith,” she introduced with a smile as if it was going to calm the situation on ground.

“What in the world am I supposed to do with a Meredith?” I asked, looking at my staff for someone to step forward and explain the situation of things to me.

“Calm down, Mr. Pierce. Remember your health status,” Grenada whispered into my ears as she moved close to me.

“Not to waste our time, where’s the HR? I’m here for an interview. I saw an advertisement for an opening,” scanning around, “in this establishment. You must be a cleaner here.”

Astonished, “are you referring to me?”

“Yes. I mean, who else looks like a help here? Yet, you have the nastiest attitude. I wonder how you maintained your position in such a prestigious-looking establishment?”

I almost pulled my own hair out of so much internalized anger. An overweight, short and unattractive chick was calling me a cleaner? The insult forced me to look at myself and, annoyingly, she wasn’t wrong. I looked like crap.

Turning to Brandon who was now standing behind the girl, giving me an apologetic look. “Throw this trash out of my property," I instructed.

“Excuse your proud self, sir? You’ve no right to be so condescending towards another human being, especially not when you look like that,” she ranted, not giving Brandon the chance to come close to her. “As a sensible being, you could’ve asked if I was alright due to my fall. When you want to act as if the earth is yours, look like it.” Slapping off the excess dust on her skirt, “throw this trash out of my property,” she scoffed. “As if you can afford such a place,” she gestured with her hands, standing upright to squarely face me. “I know your type. Claiming what you’re not.”

Everyone just froze, standing in utmost surprise as this girl said whatever she could come up with to my face. This was the first time anyone had looked me in the eyes and wasn’t intimidated by my presence, and it made me want to make her pay so badly. She needed to learn a crushing lesson that would make her go dump for years and run whenever she heard my name. I wanted my effect to be imprinted in the corners of her existence. She was so going to regret crossing my path.

“Miss, you have to leave. Follow me,” Brandon gently grabbed her hands, trying to lead her out.

“Don’t touch me! I will leave on my own accord, Who the hell does he think he is?” She lashed out flinging her head so hard that it whipped my face, leaving Grenada pale. This girl didn’t look my way as she swayed her hips with so much confidence as Brandon led her out. She hopped into the worst car I’ve seen in a long run and drove off, leaving me in so much perplexity.

A wave of pain hit my heart, forcing me to place my palm over my chest and whiz in pain.

“Are you okay?” Grenada asked.

“I feel pain,” I managed to inform her.

“Fast! Help me take him in.,” Grenada admonished the closest person to her.

No. This pain was different. It was pricking and excruciating like I had just hurt myself.

I felt hands grabbing and taking me back to the house.

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