CHAPTER 6 The Beginning
"So, Jazzy!!!?" I said, with a big bright grin on my face. I know something is up, I can sense it. She looks completely beautiful and gorgeous. She looked radiant and glowing. She sat in our outdoor covered patio in the backyard. I love this place.
Blake had this place set up with permission from his dad while he was still in high school, a few years back. It was like a hidden secret garden back here. Beautiful ponds, trees, plants, and flowers were planted everywhere. It's even better at night because of the beautiful lighting he had placed everywhere.
There are spotlights in the ground, trees and shrubs are covered in fairy lights. It's absolutely breathtaking. A perfect view of the moon can be seen from where the patio was set. There are a few birdbaths hidden, a kiosk that is being overtaken by the ivy's growing around it. It's just.... beautiful. Somehow, I found out that I was the only one besides his mom who was allowed to come out here back in high school, I thank him for that. It was my little getaway when I didn't run off to the forest.
I had a tea brunch set up for Jazzy and myself for today. But she had not been feeling well, so I waited for her until she came by.
Blake and my brother have been gone all day. I won't lie, I hate when he's gone for too long. It's worse when I know he'll be away for days. But I know it comes with his job description, so I try and not question him or give him a hard time about it.
I was setting up the table with all kinds of fancy finger foods for Jazmin and me. I had Mrs. Tally help me out finding a good tea for both of us, we settled for two different ones; lavender-chamomile, and mint-ginger with lemon. They were so good. I set the table with sandwiches, teas, scones, tea cakes, and so much more.
"Perfect..... what do you think?" I asked her as she stuffed her mouth with a big piece of chocolate cake... Blake's favorite by the way.
"Hmmm, this is good." She said with a mouth full, making me giggle.
"Why, Mrs. Landon, if I didn't know any better, I think the big bad alpha leader of our warrior pack back in Sanborn camp was going soft on us! Why with all this fancy-schmancy stuff....." she said with an eyebrow raised.
"Shut up, I am not. I am still the same girl who can kick your ass if you didn't have a bun in the oven." I said without thinking. She was in shock. Her mouth gawked open and her fork lifted in mid-air. "Selene how..... how did you know I was pregnant?... I haven't told anyone."
"Oh, please... Jazzy, you are hormonal, you're giddier than usual, you look beautiful and you're glowing...gees, how can I not tell?" She smiled widely, her eyes teared up a bit. "Oh hon, it's ok, don't cry! I'm serious, pregnancy looks so good on you!" I said with my eyes tearing up completely as well.
"Selene, Ty doesn't know yet... I just found out two days ago, I don't know how to tell him."
"Well, we have to go with them on that long trip to meet with the other packs, why don't we plan something special to let him know then? he'll get a big surprise out of it." I smiled, taking a sip of my tea."That's a great idea, Selene. Yeah, I like that idea. I'm in." Jazzy smiled, clicking her teacup against mine with a big smile.
I laid in that hard small steel bed of the room. I held my eyes closed as I felt the sting of the needle pierce my skin. The overhead light blinding me.
The echo of the beeping sound of the machines checking my vitals, making me feel so damn irritating inside, as I tried to focus on staying still.
The cold liquid pumping inside my veins, slowly making its way inside my body. Crawling through my veins as an invader through the night. It felt cold but exhilarating.
To be honest, I have no fucking clue what the hell it is they are injecting me with. Frankly, I don't give a shit.... all I know is....? It feels so damn good.
It's addictively exhilarating. It's my adrenaline, or at least that's what I call it. It makes me feel my powers and senses wake up to their peak, soon as this damn liquid hits me inside, my whole body intensified.
It's just so damn good.
My mind drifts off to an image in my head as I laid there. The image of myself at a young age. I must have been around seven. I had a bright yellow sundress. A wide smile plastered on my face, my laughter flowing with ease.
Everything spun around as my mother's sweet voice made itself present. Her sweet voice hummed in my mind as she sang and laughed, grasping my hands and dancing with me, as we swirled around together.
"Faster mommy, spin me around faster," I called out between laughter.
"Alright sweetheart... you ready, hold on tighter ok?" Her sweet voice pierced through my daydream.
Laughing, holding hands, and enjoying each other's company. Her beautiful long waved hair, her long thin physique, skin radiant and fair... beautiful as she could ever be.
My mind pulls back at the sudden intrusion of a harsh tapping sound James did, as he clashes his hand over the glass of the window.
"Come on Princess, we ain't got all day." He tried to rush Jazzy to finish up,
As she continued pumping me with my adrenaline.
"Fuck off will yah? She's almost done. Now, scram!"
She has always managed to tick him off. Didn't matter if he was our lead alpha here.... she always told him off, and demanded him to treat me the same, being second in command.
There were about forty-something of us wolves out here in the middle of nowhere when we first arrived. We have been training for the last three years, getting close to four. We have been trained to kill, mercilessly. Doesn't matter who, or what.
Colonel Coelhelm says kill, and we kill.
Whether it's a rogue wolf, a vampire, reptie, Oni, Jotun, basilisk(those are the worse), or any other creature.... we kill, no questions asked.
Jazzy is a wiz mixing chemicals, she loves messing with alchemy. I got here a few days before my eighteenth, she'd already been out here for about three months. When she saw me, she immediately dragged me into her lab, she could smell that I had mated and bonded. Luckily, there was no other wolf around me at the time but her and Miranda at the time of my arrival.
But I was yet to go through more heat to get the possibility of impregnating with my mate's pup, apparently, only one encounter between him and I was not enough for us to complete the mating bond.
She had gone through this with other she werewolves, so she immediately got me to take a shot and ordered me to come every two weeks for the next three months of my training to get it, or I'd be in trouble with all these unmated wolves.
She grabbed a spray and handed it to me. Told me to spray it on my neck to hide my mark.
I was thankful, especially, because she said the shot I was taking would not only benefit me but my mate as well wherever he was. It would keep him from becoming weak and vulnerable.
"Always, but I mean always hide your mark. If they find you have your mate and already started the mating bond, it could be bad news for you and him. They can try and track him down and use him to get to you. They can seriously hurt him." I shook my head, nervously and shaken.
James and I are the lead wolves here. He is called alpha 1; and I, alpha 2. Caleb is Beta 1, and Miranda, my close friend is Beta 2. Jazzy is our only gamma and our chem wizz. We have a group of about twenty of us. There were two other groups, but unfortunately, they have come up to be outnumbered drastically over the years. Most of the members of the other groups have long died. Making them merge with the other groups.
We train daily. We are responsible for learning as many tactics as possible. I as well as both betas and James are the main snipers. We usually are the first to arrive at the scene and the last to leave the scene. We gotta specialize in everything. From artillery to, combat, human and wolf form. Our specialty consists of different martial arts, combat, being the best with weapons, and my favorite.... being swift with the sword. There's just something about ripping a vamps head off with one single swift from my blade. Almost like a knife going through butter.
Today, we got the call to head out to the middle of nowhere. James got the coordinates of where we were going. The special suits we got are universal soldier gear, they are not out yet for regular soldiers to wear. To everyone, they look like regular shirts and combat pants like a regular soldier, but they are not.
They are high-tech universal soldier uniforms, called the Future Force Warrior. They are made out of a special dynamic geological fluid, almost like oil, a mixture of polyethylene glycol and nanobots particles that can turn into solid rock to our touch command or at the base of an impact to our body. It is impressively less than an inch thick. The best part, it makes our power and stamina increase more than three hundred percent.
They adapt to our body accordingly to the temperature. Built-in GPS and built-in keypad to communicate with the rest, our screen is built right upfront of our sunglasses... pretty badass if you ask me. Our uniform is impenetrable, that's the best part in case of a bite, not a single tear would make it through. Of course, it will still hurt like shit, but at least it won't pierce our skin. Monitors our physical health with tech built-in called WPSM, or warfare physiological soldier monitor. Impressively leaving way behind the Russian Ratnik-3 exoskeleton soldier suits.
There are numerous symbols on my katana, symbols that signify protection, power, numerous symbols to protect us against any mundane creature on this planet.
We geared up, I placed my katana on the harness on my back, loaded up my McMillan 50 sniper rifle, and my two small Desert Eagle 50ae shotguns in case I needed a short-range pistol.
Placed my harness in place, geared up my glasses, placed my hair in a tight whole hair braid, and I was ready to go.
"Ok ladies, let's roll," I said as I made my way to my group to where they were waiting. The convoys were already equipped and waiting for us to depart.
End of Flashback