Chapter 1-1
It was already getting dark when Kyla unlocked the door to her apartment. She put her key on the dresser, closed the door from the inside and went straight into her living room. Liara lay on the couch and slept. As she often did, Kyla grabbed the blanket and gently spread it over her friend.
She returned to the hallway, taking off her jacket and shoes. It wasn't surprising to her that Liara was back. They grew up together and shared everything, including Kyla's apartment. Kyla quietly walked into the kitchen, got a cup from the cupboard and made herself some coffee. When Liara was here, it meant she was in trouble at home again. She had never gotten along well with her parents, so her friendship with Kyla was all the more important to her. In Kyla's childhood home, she not only found refuge from her father, who needed his drink every day and was quick to lash out, but also from her mother, who was not interested in her. She had learned from Kyla's parents what love is and means.
They have known each other for over 15 years and have been inseparable since day one. Kyla was 21 now, Liara would be the same age this year. Lost in her thoughts, Kyla studied the wall in front of her. She had often tried to get Liara out of there, but she had always failed. Now that she was working, had her own apartment, and hopefully Liara would find work soon, would they have the option of moving in together? There was no question that they would share an apartment one day. The kettle turned off and Kyla poured her coffee. She sat down at the kitchen table and reached for the cigarettes. As she followed the smoke that rose in wild shapes with her eyes, she heard footsteps slowly approaching. She didn't know what else to do
A pair of blue eyes peered around the corner. Shortly thereafter, Liara appeared and sighed with relief: "You're supposed to wake me up when you come! I thought it was a burglar, or a murderer.”
Kyla smiled.
"Have you been watching my horror movies again?"
Liara grinned back.
"Somehow I have to pass the time until you come home."
"Yeah, but you're a scaredy-cat through and through." Kyla stubbed out her cigarette in the ashtray, grabbed her mug and walked back into the living room with Liara. The dark green sofa stood right in the middle of the room and blood red curtains adorned the opposite window on either side. In front of it was a small table and the TV was right in front of the window. To the right of the sofa was a dresser made of wood, also stained dark, and the walls shone in a light mint green. The last sunlight made the room shine warmly. Liara collapsed onto the couch and Kyla sat next to her.
"How was your day?" she asked Kyla.
"It worked." That ended the topic. Liara knew Kyla wouldn't talk about it any further, no matter how hard she pressed. She knew her friend. They were silent for a while, but it was a comfortable silence. Just as Liara knew Kyla needed time to unwind, Kyla knew Liara would give her that time. Kyla took a sip of her coffee.
"Shall we go for a walk?" Kyla finally broke the silence.
Liara looked at her with wide eyes.
"If you want to go for a walk, that means there's going to be another thunderstorm! Forget it, no one can get me out of here today!”
With her arms crossed, Liara pushed herself further into the couch. She had long since stopped wondering how Kyla always knew when there was going to be a thunderstorm. She just accepted it. Before, yes before, they had wildly speculated about it, imagining that they were witches with magical abilities and how they would help people. They would operate in secret and no one would know about them. But the older they got, the more these ideas faded. Kyla loved thunderstorms, she would often sit in front of the window and watch the lightning light up the sky. Her abstract forms literally cast a spell over her. Liara, on the other hand, accepts this preferred to crawl into bed. Thunder was bad for her, but lightning? Just the thought of being hit by one sent goosebumps down her spine. No, she wouldn't set foot outside the door again today.
Kyla smiled. "What do we want to watch tonight? I don't think you want to watch another horror movie, do you?”
Liara shook her head. "Something funny."
Kyla nodded and flipped through the TV schedule.
"There! Stop it!” Liara finally shouted excitedly. So Kyla put the remote back on the table and leaned back. It didn't take long until Liara laughed heartily and had to wipe away the first tears. "Fuahahaha... He's so stupid... hahaha... Is that cool..."
Kyla also had to laugh a little, but more about her friend than about the film. She liked hearing Liara laugh and she did it often. Despite her family background, she was a happy person, always in a good mood. Kyla watched her. The blond hair fell to her shoulders in light curls, the blue eyes shone with happiness and she just seemed happy. Then she turned her gaze back to the television and tried to understand what this film was all about.
It was already dark when Kyla turned off the TV. The comedy was long over and Liara fell asleep on the couch again. Kyla got up and stood in front of the window. The clouds had gathered and the storm would start at any moment. The air was electric and Kyla felt a joy like that of a small child before surprise. Her eyes lit up at the thought of rain lashing against the window, lightning streaking across the sky, and thunder chasing her as if trying to drive her on. But she denied herself the joy of this spectacle, went back to Liara and gently stroked a strand of hair from her face.
"Hey, come on. We go to bed."
Drowsy, the smaller one rose from the couch and followed her friend. Kyla took the bedspread off the bed, folded it, and reached for her nightgown, which fell to just above her knees. Liara went to the closet and randomly grabbed a pair of pajamas. As soon as both were in bed, the thunder started. Liara involuntarily shifted closer to Kyla.
"Do you have to work again tomorrow?" she asked mumbling.
"No, but I still want to sleep now." If she did without a thunderstorm for love of Liara, it was best if she just slept through it. Kyla snuggled into her blanket and soon fell asleep.
Liara moved a little closer to her friend. She didn't know why she was so afraid of thunderstorms, but she was grateful whenever Kyla was around. She felt safe with her. When her breathing became a little calmer again, Liara closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The storm grew stronger and awakened by the rumble of thunder, Liara sat up. Rarely has been a thunderstorm been this bad. She grabbed the water bottle that was on the floor next to her and took a sip. She was just about to lie down again when she looked at the window. Just then, a flash of lightning lit up the room and Liara saw a shadowy figure in front of the window. She rubbed her eyes in confusion. That couldn't be, they were here on the 2nd floor, nobody could stand in front of their window. A queasy feeling spread in Liara's stomach. Without taking her eyes off the window, her hand felt for Kyla. When she nudged you lightly, she just grumbled.
"Kyla!" Liara's voice was barely more than a whisper. "Kyla!"
"What?" Without opening her eyes or turning to her friend, Kyla tried to resist being awake. "S-there's someone!" "Where?" she mumbled against her pillow. "In front of the window!"
"Mmm, go back to sleep, you just had a bad dream." It was a half-hearted attempt to calm Liara. A few seconds passed. All you could hear was the rain pattering against the glass. Liara slid up against the headboard and hit the cold wall with her back. She still couldn't take her eyes off the window opposite. Again there was a flash and again this figure could be seen for a few seconds. Now she was getting scared. She didn't care if Kyla snapped at her. She began shaking her friend non-stop.
"Kyla! Kyla! I didn't just imagine it! There really is someone! Kyla! Please wake up!” Tears welled up in Liara's eyes, filled with sheer fear. Kyla made a grumbling sound, turned her head to Liara and hissed:
"Woman! If it calms you down, then I'll go have a look, but then please let me go back to sleep!” Frustrated, she threw back the covers and went to the window. She pushed the shade aside and looked outside. Nothing. Just the rain leaving its mark on the glass and the dark clouds in the sky. Kyla turned to Liara.
"Do you see? Nothing! So lie down and go back to sleep, kindly!” As soon as Kyla had finished her sentence, another flash of lightning flashed across the sky and now she too saw this shadow on the wall behind Liara. She turned around abruptly, pulled up the shade and opened the window. The rain lashed her face as she leaned forward, but there was nothing else to see. Had they both imagined it?
"Close the window again! Please!” Liara pleaded as if her life were at stake. Kyla heard the fear in her voice and complied with Liara's request. She stood in front of it for a moment, then turned abruptly and went out into the hallway. Liara immediately jumped out of bed.
"Where are you going?" she asked desperately.
"I'm going to have a look now. If there is someone who dares to joke with us, then he can experience something!” Kyla was angry, Liara heard it in her voice.
"No! Don't leave me here alone!” Begging, she grabbed her friend's hand, but she pulled it away again.
"Either you come with me, or you stay here and wait!" Liara looked into Kyla's eyes, which flashed with anger. She couldn't change her mind, she realized that.
"I'll wait here." Kyla nodded at her.
"Then go back to bed and stay away from the window, understand?" Liara just nodded and Kyla ran down the hallway. As soon as she stood in front of the stairway, the rain soaked her to the bone. Her dark brown hair hung down in wet strands. She was still only wearing her nightgown, but she didn't care. She wanted to know who or what that was. She turned left and ran around the block where she lived. Because her bedroom faced the other side of the apartment block.
Kyla slowed her pace as she reached the patch of grass. The softened earth let her sink a few centimeters into the ground, but she didn't pay any attention to that. She slowly walked on and finally stopped right in front of her bedroom window. She looked up, but there was nothing to be seen there. Kyla sighed. So they had only imagined it and she had let herself be infected by Liara's panic attack. Smiling at herself, she shook her head.
Liara couldn't stand it. She paced restlessly until her curiosity got the better of her. She went to the window and looked out. She saw Kyla standing down there looking up at her. So she opened the window. She too was drenched within seconds and blonde strands framed her face.
"And?" she asked downstairs.
"Nothing," Kyla replied, shaking her head to reinforce her words.
She was about to head inside when she recognized Liara's face. The eyes widened and all blood drained from the face. All Liara did was raise her arm and point behind Kyla. Yes, that old tree is there, she told herself, wondering what Liara could have seen that made her react that way. Then she saw it too.
Curious, she took a step closer. It seemed as if dark mist was gathering behind the tree.
"Who's there?" Kyla asked confidently. She felt no fear. It was something she had lost since she had known Liara. When there was no reaction, she walked a little further towards the tree. "Get out of there, you idiot!" Her voice tried to fight the rain.
Kyla looked back at Liara once more and when she looked ahead again, she saw the tall figure in front of her. Her gaze slowly went up and caught her eyes. They literally attracted you. Kyla shook her head as if to break out of this trance and automatically took a few steps backwards. She didn't know who the guy was, why he was standing in front of her in that weird outfit, or what he was doing here. A light palpitations didn't bode well for her.
His long, dark hair blew slightly, but the wind didn't allow it. This defies all the laws of physics, Kyla thought to herself. His form was hidden under a dark cloak that reached to the ground. As he took a step closer to her, Kyla stuck her chin out defiantly. Ready to face anything and everyone. They regarded each other for a moment until she could no longer contain her curiosity.
"Who are you?" she asked trying to be confident. But instead of answering, he kept walking towards her until he was only half a meter in front of her. He placed his hand almost tenderly on her cheek and when Kyla heard his voice, a tremor went through her whole body:
"I've finally got you back."