4: Second Chances
Second Chances
Amelia’s POV
Four years later my friends had coaxed me into going out on my 25th birthday. While we always celebrate our birthdays together, I just was not feeling up to it this year. I had just broken up with Tom, whom I had been seeing for over a year now. I wanted to sit on my couch and watch sappy romances and cry. They wouldn’t have it.
“Amelia, you were way too good for Tom. Why are you so sad about this breakup? You’re free.” Maggie had always been blunt and free, sharing her opinions with others. It was something I envied about her.
“I know that you didn’t like him, Maggie. But I thought that he loved me. It just hurts letting go of the dream versus the reality.” I felt pain just talking about it.
“Amelia, you need rebound sex. What better day to find it, than your birthday?” Gushed Zoe. She always has sex on her mind. Her first question about Tom was how was the sex? I giggled at the question then and remembering it now just made me shake my head.
“Oh, but Amelia won’t do that. She needs time to wallow before she moves on.” Snickered Maggie.
I rolled my eyes at both of them. Kira patted my shoulder and said, “Ignore them, they’re just jealous that they don’t have a regular supply for sex.” I laughed out loud, almost spewing the drink that I had just taken.
Abby burst out laughing, “The look on your faces. That was a good one, Kira.”
“Please, you wish that you got lucky as often as we do.” Quipped Maggie. Zoe nodded in agreement.
Abby slyly said, “Kira and I got that shit on tap. We don’t even have to work hard to get it. We can go home tonight, and Mark and Zane will be more than willing to meet our needs.” Kira blushed but nodded.
“Ugh, can we not talk about my brothers that way!” I replied not enjoying hearing about sex talk that included my brothers. I don’t need that visual all night. I definitely won’t want a rebound if I think about that.
“Sure, Amelia. We can stop talking about sex that includes your brothers.” Abby said while wiggling her eyes at me. I just shook my head at her. She was so in love with my brother, and I was so excited that she had said yes to his proposal.
“Excuse me, I need to go to the ladies room.” I said, as I excused myself from the table.
“Ooh, me too!” Said Zoe as she scooted out of the booth to follow me. She and I were talking and giggling as we headed into the bathroom. I was so engrossed with her that I didn’t even see the man with the intoxicating blue eyes walk by me. But I had the sense of Deja vu at that moment and looked up. He was standing with the same redhead at the bar. He smiled at me, and I smiled back.
“And what kind of candy just caught your eye to cause a blush like that?” Zoe teased me while looking over my shoulder. She spotted him immediately. “Isn’t that the guy from the club on your 21st birthday?” She quizzed.
“Yes, let’s go. I really need to pee.” I grabbed her arm and started dragging her to the bathroom.
“What are the odds of him being here with the same woman tonight?” She asked in shock.
“Apparently high. I’ve seen them every year on my birthday since my 21st.” I said, shaking my head.
“You never told me that!” she said incredulously with her eyebrows raised.
“It’s a big city. You’re bound to run into people.” I shrugged and shut the stall door.
“It’s very serendipitous. Don’t you think so?” she questioned.
“I suppose. It was always so random that I didn’t think much about it,” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.
“Has he always looked so hard with those bedroom eyes at you?” she teased.
“Every time. It’s like time stops and neither of us can move our eyes. Then the moment passes, and we move on.” I said while I flushed the toilet and pulled the skirt of my dress down.
“Have you spoken to him?” She inquired.
“Only that time at the club.” I washed my hands and dried them as she came out of the stall. “Besides, he is always with the redhead. So, he’s not available.”
“She doesn’t seem like a lover. I watched her checking everyone out at the club and again tonight at the bar. She likes beauty and isn’t a monogamous kind of gal. I think that she likes swinging both ways,” Zoe said fixing her hair and makeup.
“And how would you know?” I asked her, smiling at her like a cat who caught its prey.
“Because it’s like looking in a mirror. She’s just like me and I would totally fuck her.” She said with her hands on her hips. I stared at Zoe for a moment. I have always been envious of how well she knows herself and how comfortable she is talking about her sexuality. She and I made out once during college. It never went beyond that because I didn't think that she would be able to handle what I would want. She made her rounds making out and fooling around with all of us at one point or another. Maggie is the only one who took it past a make out session but they’re so opposite that it almost ended their friendship and divided the group. We were so glad when they broke up and went back to being friends again.
“In fact, I will prove it.” She grabbed my hand and walked back to the bar with me in tow. Before I could protest, she walked up to the pair and said, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I feel like we’ve met before.” Zoe leaned close to the redhead just barely touching her shoulder as she spoke.