Chapter 1


I slide my hand down the support of the ladder as I descend carefully because of my shoes. I have spent so much time going to school in tennis shoes that I have forgotten how hard it is to walk in heels first thing in the morning, shortly after waking up. As I walk down the stairs, I meet Margareth, housekeeper for years, in one of the hallways.

"Good morning, angel girl," she speaks, calling me by her usual affectionate nickname.

"Just morning, Marga," I reply, going straight to the house kitchen and leaving Margareth with a question mark in her mind.

I see that my father is drinking coffee and my eyes automatically roll back. Without even looking at him, I take the pitcher of orange juice and pour some into a glass cup. Before I could even take it to my mouth, my father starts with his little speech.

"Listen here, Angeline, are you going to spend your whole life pretending I don't exist?"

"Honestly, Dad, you ceased to exist for me when you invented bringing a woman into our house!", I exclaim, starting to get nervous.

"You have to understand that I can't spend the rest of my life alone just because your mother is gone. And yes, I'm in love with Madison, and I think you'd better get used to that idea, because her son is coming to live with us too."

I can't believe my ears.

"Oh, great”, I say, clapping my hands and giving a wry laugh, but full of hatred inside, "Not only are you bringing a woman here, but her little boy is coming as a bonus? That's great! Congratulations, Daddy. You are to be congratulated. In addition to taking away my joy of living, you are also taking away my privacy by putting a man I don't even know into our own home. I am completely disappointed in you!".

"You never seek to understand my side, Angeline. I am already tired of serving you, of doing your every wish and not even having your support in my relationship."

"Daddy, it hasn't even been a year since Mom died and you are going to put another woman into our home. Do you want me to be happy about that? No, better, you want me to prepare a welcome party for my new brother? I can't believe it, really! Just wait until Grandma and Grandpa hear about all this."

"Angeline, don't you dare!" he says, getting up from the table altered and wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"I do dare! And if you haven't told them yet, I'll be the first person to gladly tell them. Let's see what they think about this, shall we, Dad? Let's see if they think it's the most normal thing in the world, just like you do. It's even pathetic!

"Madison and her son are coming tonight. Be ready at 8 pm, because we are going to have dinner together, whether you like it or not."

"Now I'm forced to have dinner with you? I want all three of you to go fuck yourselves!", I pick up the glass of orange juice that is on the table and throw it on the floor.

I come out of the kitchen hearing my father's screams, but I ignore them and leave the house. I unlock my car and turn on the stereo as soon as I get in. I put on my favorite song and open the convertible, feeling the nice wind on my face as I drive down the road with my thoughts racing. I arrive at the school with 30 minutes to go before class starts and decide to call my grandparents. I go to a more private place in the parking lot and dial Grandma's number, since I know she is always with Grandpa.

"Grandma Florence?", I ask, as soon as my call is answered.

"Hi, dear. How are you doing? Your grandpa and I miss you so much!" she answers on the other end of the line.

"Oh, Grandma, I miss you too! I promise to stop by Atlanta and visit you both, but lately a lot of things have been taking away from my peace."

"What's wrong, Angel?" she asks, with concern in her tone.

"Can you believe that Daddy is bringing his girlfriend and stepson to live in our house?"

"What?" my grandfather interjects.

"What do you mean, young lady? James hasn't commented on any of this with us. Even your grandfather doesn't know," she says, amazed at the news.

"Grandma, calm down Grandpa John, please. We know how nervous he is, and I was upset too when Dad told me about it last night."

"You can be sure I'll talk to John today, Angel," Grandpa says, "I wonder what he's thinking. It's not possible!".

"Well, Angel, from what little I know of Madison, she seems like a nice person, but I can understand you not wanting them to live there."

"Please, Grandma Florence, don't defend this woman. I am already furious about this matter!".

"Excuse me, dear, but perhaps you should give the woman a chance," she continues.

"Regardless of anything, our doors are open to you should you want to spend some time here," my grandfather says.

"Thank you, Grandpa John, but I'm not giving up my home for the sake of two strangers. Dad and I are going to live on a war footing until he fixes this ridiculous situation that he himself created."

"We will talk to him, honey, but we won't promise you anything. You know you can count on us for whatever you need. You will always be our Angel, our darling little granddaughter," my grandfather says.

"I love you too much!".

"We love you too, my love," my grandmother adds.

"Well, I'm off to class now. We'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Okay. Good class, Angel."

"Thanks, Grandma."

I hang up the call and snort as I block my cell phone screen. I know that no matter how much my grandparents talk to my dad, he won't change his mind. It seems that this woman has hypnotized him. He only sees her and nothing else. And in the end, I'm the one who will have to put up with all this going on.

I get out of my car, go straight to the classroom and sit next to Ashley, my best and only friend.

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