Nina felt a sense of triumph come over her as she left the interview. She had spent the last seven years fighting to become the independent woman she was today and she was proud to say she had done exactly that.
She had finally been able to get her big break and she couldn't be any more proud of herself. She felt as though she had finally made it and the very thought of it brought a bright smile to her face.
She had the weekend off and she had spent the time in her apartment watching TV shows and cooking for herself. It was a way for her to be able to distract herself and it Was the break that She needed.
As Monday came round she was able to slip into her pencil skirt and her suit jacket as she made her way towards the office. As she slipped into the newspaper company she could hear whispers around her as people offered her cautious smiles.
She had made quite a name for herself in the last years as a journalist. As she made her way to her office she was met with the sight of her boss Mr. Crawford standing in her office. She looked towards him with a frown as she knew whatever he had to say to Her it couldn't be good.
As she made her way inside she noticed that he had a letter in his hand and felt a sense of dread come over her. She knew those Letters all too well; it was the Same ones that River sent her occasionally. Except he hadn't sent one in a while
And for a moment she had thought and hoped that He had given up but she guessed that She had hoped for Too Much.
“Well you have another letter from the big boss”. She said to him and she winced. She knew that some would have judged her to know the fact that she was working in his company even thought this was the same one who had abandoned her all of those years ago but she had been desperate for a job at the time and this was the only one available. By the time that he had realized that he owned it she had already made it too far and she wasn't willing to quit something she loves.
He may have taken her happiness away all those years ago but she wasn't about to let him take it again. “I guess you have an admirer because he says he wanted to see you in his office first thing tomorrow morning by nine so don't be late because it won't be just my neck on the line but yours as well.” He said to her and she gritted her teeth before nodding her head at him in response. But in truth on the inside her blood boiled and the moment that He was able to close the door shut she let
Out a sound of frustration from her lips as she threw the letter onto the table.
She glared at it as she thought about seeing him. What did he want with her and why was it that he was unable to understand the fact that she didn't want anything to do with him. Throughout the rest of the day she found her thoughts surrounding him. She didn't know why he was making a return to her mind all of a sudden as she didn't like it at all.
When the next day came around she made her way towards her closer as she started to decide on making the decision of what to wear. She knew that he would be hot and bothered and so she decided to tease him a little. She wore a dress with a low neckline that was a bright red color and hugged her body perfectly.
She knew it would be enough to distract him and maybe he would listen to her. She didn't entirely know what she felt but what he felt For Him as far from Love and she couldn't wait to go and show him that she Wasn't one to be summoned and he couldn't simply continue to play with Her and toy with her emotions anyway that he saw fit. She was a woman of honor and he would treat Her as such.
Ss she made her way into The office she couldn't help but groan at the feeling of several eyes that
Were trained on her. She knew that she looked good and she was glad to see that the people were in fact acknowledging it.
She made her way to the last floor where his office was as she took in a deep breath and placed a shaky hand on his door.
She took in a deep breath and hardened her expression before she pulled the door open. What she found inside was something that shocked her. There stood Sam and a little boy who looked just like River did.
She felt her knees weaken at the sight but she knew that it was not the time for her to back down as she cleared her throat and made her way inside. “What are you doing here?”
Her voice shook slightly as she turned to Look at the little boy. He seemed to be so similar to River. Too similar if she had to say so herself. She didn't want to believe that it was his son with Alice and yet that resemblance was uncanny.
At that moment she felt as though she was a fool. If the ground would open up at that very moment to swallow her whole. “Is that River’s son”. She said in a deep breath as her words came out just above a whisper. She swallowed the pain in her heart and she felt as several images of River having sex with Alice went through her.
She imagined them having sex in her own bed. The one they shared together. And when she looked at the child he was a product if ghat . She knew that he wasn't the one to blame for what had happened but she couldn't help just feeling angered by the sight of him.
He was no older than 6 he had to be and that was the time that she had spent running. She had thought that she had been able to heal and that she had managed to move on from all of the pain and the heartbreak she had gone through but she was wrong. This boy that stood before her was enough to prove to her that she still felt something for the man.
“Yes it's his son.” The beta said to her and she felt a glare come over her features. Instinctively her hand went up to her own stomach that had long been bare. The place where she had once nestled their baby girl. Where she had kept her warm all that time.
She loved her daughter more than anything and she often found herself blaming River for what had happened to her. Maybe if he hadn't sent her away. She wouldn't have let herself drown in depression and she wouldn't have neglected Maddie. Maybe she should have paid more attention to her that day.
But she couldn't and she had no time to react to her to prevent what had occurred. The illness had come and taken her so quickly that she had no time to react. Everything seemed to happen so fast after that. One moment she was a loving mother with her beautiful daughter and the next moment she was hugging her two-year old's body towards her chest.
She felt a single tear well up in her eyes as she tried to reel it back in. She had to be strong and she couldn't allow them to see just how she was affected by them. She knew that she had to be stronger than that.
"so why are you here”. She asked as he crossed her arms over her chest. She turned towards the little boy who didn't take his eyes off her. She smiled at him sadly knowing that it wasn't his fault that all of this was happening but rather it was his fathers.
“Well we're here to take you back. I am here for that parr. But you see Jackson wanted to see you. He has been watching you on the tv and he has become your biggest fan”. He said to her and she watched as the boy blushed slightly. Her heart warmed at that fact in some way she had to admit that he did remind her of her daughter.
They were both very timid . She found herself going down to his level and she watched his eyes widen as he pointed at her. “Well it is nice to meet you Jackson my name is Cammy”. She gays to him and she watched as he gave her a bright toothy smile.
"I know. And your favorite color is purple. You love grilled cheese. And my daddy is in love with you". He said to her and she felt her body stiffened momentarily at his words as she turned up to look at Sam. He didn't answer her at first as he only raised his hands at her in surrender.
“His own words are what he has spoken and they are his words not mine”. He said to her in a mutter. She knew that he didn't care for her. How could he? River only cared for himself. That was why she had never told him about her pregnancy. He would have only pushed her away further and she couldn't bear the pain of him not only rejecting her but her child as well. That was the one thing that he wouldn't stand for.
“What makes you think that I would ever agree to this and that I would be willing to come with you.” She asked him challengingly as she looked towards him with a raised eyebrow.
“You have to. Your grandfather is dying.”