Cammy felt her world shatter at his words as she felt her lip tremble. Her grandfather was the only family that she had left when her parents left her. She felt her breathing pick up as she felt on the verge of a panic attack. She couldn't stay in the room not like this. She felt tears well up in her eyes as she took a step back.
“What's wrong”. She heard the little boy say and she remembered where she was. This was Rivers doing, it always was he had to be the one that had devised to hurt her in this way and what a cruel way it was.
“You need to leave. The both of you”. She said to them in a shaky breath. She watched as the Beta shook his head. “No. You have just met him and he had been wanting to see you for so long we have to take you home first." he said to her and she felt her anger flare up at his words. She didn't have time for this.
“No I want nothing to do with you people. Now go”. She yelled and she watched as the little boy turned towards her with tears in his eyes but her reflex kicked in as she pushed him away. She hadn't expected for him to fall to the ground as she heard him let out a cry from his lips.
Sam helped him up to his feet as he looked towards her in complete shock that she would do something like that. “I understand that you are angry and all and I completely know why but he is just a child you should not take it out on him.” He said to her and she was well aware of that fact but she wasn't listening.
“Well that isn't my fault, maybe next time when I tell you to take him away you will do it”. She said to him as she felt her hands begin to shake. She would pass out any moment now and seeing the child wasn't helping her. He was a reminder of everything that she had lost and all Of the things that she knew that she would never be able to have now.
“What had gotten into you. Just listen”. She heard Sam say. She growled in frustration. “Leave or I will have no other choice but to call the authorities. I Don't want the two of you anywhere near me again.” She called out.
She didn't have given them time to respond as she made her way out of the room and she was quick to slam the door shut. She had to leave. With her hand bag tightly in her grasp as she made her way down to the carpark and got into her mustang. She finally let the tears that she had been holding back slide down her face as he banged her first against the steering wheel. She had told herself that she wasn't going to allow him to continue to have that much of an effect on her and here she was still letting him take control of her.
She was blinded by her own pain as she was able to weakly put her foot into the ignition before she rushed over to her apartment. She was barely able to make it inside as she headed up to her room and pulled out the box that she had been looking for. It contained a pink teddy bear as well as her blanket and favorite onesie. It was the only thing that she had allowed herself to keep.
Maggie's scent was still faint on Them and she took a moment to inhale it deep and she felt her lip wobble and she had to fight back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. She was sorry for not being there and she remembered when she had found out she was pregnant.
She had been on her own for days walking through the forest before she stumbled upon the human town. She was fresh out of high school and had to work to find money for college. That was when she met Rachel. He was her rock and helped give her a place to stay. But after two weeks of constantly throwing up and feeling sick she went to the hospital and got tested only to find that she was pregnant.
She had considered abortion at first but she couldn't bring herself to kill her baby so she raised her on her own with Rachel by her side and for a few months they were happy until she fell sick. She had felt useless at that point as she was forced to watch her die and there was nothing she could do about it. She had pushed the memories to the back of her head for so long and now she was forced to relive them.
She felt her body shake with anger as she threw the box across the room and she felt hot tears run down her face as she fell to her knees. River had done this to her. He was the one who had forced her to relive those memories by bringing her the boy. For all she knew he had done it on purpose to mock her.
It seems that each time she met him or someone from his people they did nothing but break her. She was done being torn about by him. It was time for her to fight back and get her revenge on him for everything he had done to her.
Sam watched as she left the room and he could tell That there was something that was off about her. He had been taken aback when he saw her at first. It was clear to him just how much she had grown and changed in the last seven years and he could see that she was stronger than she was before.
He was happy for her for that and he was glad to see that she was standing up for herself. He had been opposed to what River had done to her and he had tried to get him to change his mind but he only Seemed to care for Alice but by the time Alice was gone he made the Vow to get Cammy back home where she belongs.
He hugged a crying Jackson to his chest as he soothed him and patted his back before they made their way out of the building and headed to her apartment that they had tracked down.
It was in a nice neighborhood and it was quite impressive . He knocked on her door as he lowered Jackson to his feet and waited for her to open up. He was shocked to find her red eyed and her hair a mess. When she found him there her face hardened.
“I told you I want nothing to do with you people”. She yelled at him in aggravation. He furrowed his eyebrows at her. “I know River hurt you but Jackson has done nothing wrong. Why would you push him Away. You used to love children and dreamt of having your own. What happened to you”. He said to her in frustration.
“Like you said I used to. I don't anymore. And I can never like that boy because he reminds me of River and there is no one I despise more on this earth than him.”