3- Sex at the office

I can't stop thinking for a moment. He is my boss, and I used to think he was charming.

I thought this new season in my life would feel more serene, but right now it feels more like a storm coming towards me. And Salvatorri is the only one to blame.

The morning at the office starts off calm. I can see the sunlight bursting behind the skyscraper in front of the office, illuminating the entire sky and bouncing its sunny rays inside the Sales and Marketing floor of my father's company. Being a record company, it had a worldwide market and the building was incredibly tall, with each floor dedicated to a specific area or continent. My focus was on managerial administration in Europe, hiring artists for tours and festivals, and scouting for new talent in the market. Of course, I wasn't autonomous in decision-making, as Ignacio Salvatorri had to approve or reject everything I did.

I sighed with regret and sat in front of my computer.

I started working when someone knocked on the door, which was slightly opened. His aquiline nose and honey-colored eyes timidly greeted me. I smiled slightly and refocused my attention on my work.

"Good morning, I brought coffee for the intern."

"Good morning, thank you very much," I murmured as I watched him place the coffee on the main desk.

I wasn't sure if you preferred vanilla, sugar, or just strong coffee, so I took the liberty of adding vanilla and honey.

I looked at him in surprise and bit my lip, furrowing my brow, my eyes fixed on the coffee.

"Okay, thank you. Actually, I do like vanilla," I admitted.

"Alright, I'll leave it here."

"Great," I said nonchalantly.

"Okay, I feel like the death card in your tarot reading," Ignacio admitted, and at that moment, he walked towards me. He was dressed that morning in a dark green sweater that stood out against his skin and contrasted with his eyes. His unshaven beard gave him a somewhat wild look along with his sweater.

“Ok, I see what you truly need.”

“What is that?”

“Food," he says with a resolute tone.

"You're hungry."

"I don't understand how you know things about me. Like my favorite color, or that I'm hungry without me telling you. And you talk to me about tarot cards," I say, surprised.

"Are you psychic or something, maybe a witch in addition to being a rich Italian CEO?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He laughs and looks at me amused.

"First day of work, you're stressed, you hate your boss, you probably didn't have breakfast because you were too stressed trying to make a good impression. It's easy to guess, you're hungry," he says. I sigh and roll my eyes.

“Trust that you are aligned with the universe.”

“Realize that control develops and things are going to come together.”

“But you are a co-creator with the Universe, and especially with me, a co-creator because we are going to work together Anais, I am not your enemy.” He explains to me.

“There is a change for the better coming your way, just embrace it, embrace this new experience.”

"Take this remaining hour plus lunchtime, go eat, and let me know when you have today's delivery ready," he says kindly.

"Okay, thank you," I mumble, sitting in front of the laptop. Then our eyes meet and we stare at each other for a moment.

When lunchtime came, I decided to go downstairs for some sushi, when my mother called me in a nervous crisis. Between choosing the menu and consoling my mom, it was really hard for me to focus on the present moment. I sighed deeply listening to my mother breaking down in tears.

"Did you know his new wife already lives with him? Her name is Irene and she works in the company, they say she is very beautiful."

"Okay, mom, you are beautiful too, you will soon find a great man," I assured her.

"Better than dad," I added, feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the last sentence. Did I really believe that there was someone better than dad for my mom? I silently wondered.

Upon returning to the office, my dad's secretary, Samantha, was handing Ignacio a memorandum. I could see Ignacio talking to Samantha from the glass doors, so I decided not to interrupt and entered my office, placing the sushi on my desk and playing classical music to enjoy my lunch. After finishing my meal, I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my hands.

At that moment, as I exited the bathroom, I noticed that Ignacio was alone in his office, but upon closer look, I could see Samantha's purse still on the desk of his elegant director's office. I took a step back and decided to spy, looking through the glass doors, in the corner near the entrance to his office. Then what I saw completely astonished me - Ignacio was having a lunchtime feast of oral sex, served from Samantha's mouth. I could see him moaning and exhaling as his pants lay on the floor. Then a wave of jealousy washed over me, and I could imagine myself giving oral sex to Ignacio, only I wanted to give him that pleasure, I wanted to hear his moans and give him oral sex, at that moment my mouth started to water. Dazed, I took a step back and walked quickly to my office.

The rest of the afternoon I feel distraught remembering Ignacio having sex, since I am still a virgin. I try to focus on my work, but the image of Ignacio's bald head looking towards the ceiling while enjoying a session of oral sex drives me crazy with jealousy and forbidden desires towards him.

Unable to hold back any longer, I take off my heels, sitting in the office chair, and lower my panties through my silk passion pink skirt. Then I start touching myself, with Ignacio in my mind. I masturbate deeply until I have an orgasm. Then I grab a pen and start writing a love letter in my notebook, a love letter for him.

As I continue writing, focused, there's a knock on my office door. Panicked, I hide the letter in one of the drawers of my desk and put my panties back on.

"Come in," I say while combing my blonde hair.

Ignacio suddenly enters my office.

"Anais, I want you to review the market study the company conducted last year and focus on a new proposal for Europe."

"Perfect," I murmur, still blushing, and when his eyes stare at me, I feel my whole being burning, maybe he knows how I feel, but it's impossible. I press my lips together and add, "I'll send you the proposal as soon as it's ready." I tell him.

He left the office and I can´t stop thinking about this desire I feel about him, that it is consuming me.

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