Chapter 5 (Cora)

Taking the few hours before dawn to close my eyes and rest, I crawled into bed next to my mothers sleeping frame. As I drifted off, I couldn't help but feel apprehensive about tomorrow. My dreams were filled with nightmares of barbaric men cutting down all those I knew and considered family. By the time I woke up to collect herbs, my body felt heavy, and my hand was throbbing from where Elanora had dug her heel into it. Pulling on the cloak my mother had mended for me out of two ragged blankets, so I didn't freeze in the crisp morning air, I couldn't help but feel her love for me cloaking me as well. I also grabbed my shoulder bag and threw it over my shoulder. I went into the kitchen to find the staff there already hard at work for the day.

"Cora, child, are you going to the forest again today?" The head cook, Maxi, chided me.

Grabbing an apple from the counter, I gave her the biggest grin I could without hurting my eyebrow. I ran out before she could swat at me with her wooden spoon for taking it and not eating a proper breakfast. Maxi always tried to be stern to hide her soft side, but when Tate and I were little, and Elanora hit us, Maix would always be there to make us feel better. Because Elanora wouldn't be scolded since she was a princess, she would often act out against us. Maxi would give Tate and me leftover pastries from Elanora's tea time and tell us how good we were for not hitting her back.

Biting into the sweet, crisp apple, the juice dribbled down my chin as the morning fog rolled in, coating me in a fine cold mist, waking up my body and mind. I knew the next few days would be busy, and I wanted to ensure I collected enough herbs so I only had to come out for the next couple of weeks until the Andal king left. I also wanted to treat the staff with fresh herbs for tonight's soup. Hopefully, it will boost morale and help us get through the next few weeks.

Along the path and a few steps off the path leading down to the river, I collected wild mushrooms, garlic, chickweed, and red clovers. My bag was bulging by the time I got down to the river bank to collect all the other herbs I needed. As I inspected everything I already had, I didn't even notice the man from last time sitting under a tree on the other side of the river, a fishing pole stuck in the dirt next to him and a book in his hand. His gentle chuckle carried over to me by the wind, startling me as I looked up to see where it had come from.

"Aye, Lass, that's a big load for such a small girl," he smirked, looking at the bulging bag at my side.

That's when he looked at my face catching a glimpse of the cut on my eyebrow down to the bruising and swelling of my cheeks. His gaze swept over me as it landed on my wrapped-up hand. Even from the other side of the river embankment, I could feel his eyes on my body.

"What happened to you there, girlie?" his voice deepening, coming out in a low growl.

Like last time I was too stunned to talk. It wasn't until he took something out of his pocket and tossed it over to me that my words returned. Taking it suspiciously, I looked into the tin to see a type of salve.

"It's a mixture of different herbs, but I promise nothing dangerous in there. Just used it on my calf I nicked last night." he pulled his leg pant up to show me the gash on his leg.

That was no mere nick of the leg. It looked like something big had clawed him from the top of his knee down half of his calf. It was most definitely going to scar. The only thing big enough to do that out here was a particular type of monster called razorback gnoll. Nasty dog-type creatures who hunted in packs tormenting their prey until the end and then killing it. They were known for being vicious and carnivorous creatures whose claws were poisonous.

To say I had a look of confusion and suspicion laced through my face was an understatement. He obviously had come face to face with razorback gnoll and lived to tell the tale, but he was here instead of trying to get his leg treated. I had just met this man for the second time. Why would he give me such a valuable thing as a salve and not use it on himself? He obviously needed it more than me. The herbs to make a salve were costly, and this was an entire tin. Looking up from the small container in my hand, I didn't know how to thank him.

"Up a little ways north from here, a herd of deer graze in an open field. Last time you were looking for game meat to bring back to your camp. Here take this as well. Make sure to boil the root. It will counteract the poison in your system, but it is quite bitter. "I grabbed at a plant on the river's edge, making sure to get the root up to. Chucking it as hard as I could to clear the river, it landed next to his foot. It wasn't a great thank you, but it did suffice in my book.

"Also, there are no fish in that river since the monsters started plaguing this area. So you're wasting your time out here."

"Thank you for the advice and medicinal root, but as far as wasting my time, I'll decide if it was wasted." his voice became slightly lighter from his deep aggressive tone earlier.

Nodding his head, he got up from his seated position now that I knew he wasn't going to kill me. I could appreciate how tall he was. He must have been just under seven feet tall. I watched as he bent over to pick up the root I had thrown at him. He was muscular but not overly muscular for his body shape. He could be dangerous if he wanted to be. His body screamed hardened warrior. The scar on his face looked ragged like something rough had cut him. His black curly hair framed his chiseled jaw, highlighting the scar more. He was too far away for me to notice the color of his eyes, but something told me that if I looked into them closely enough, I would be met with the most intense bold gaze.

After exchanging goodbyes, I quickly headed back to the kitchen to show them all the herbs and mushrooms I had procured for today. I only did this on special occasions, but everyone truly needed that today. Maxi quickly went to work cleaning the goodies I had brought her. Grabbing breakfast for my mother, I returned to our bedroom to get dressed and dry the herbs I had gathered.

My mother tutted me as she watched me meticulously hang each plant to ensure nothing would rot instead of dry. I then went over to her, ensuring she was set before heading out to get the Princess up for the day.

I made sure to bring Princess Eleanora's favorite foods up for breakfast. I had the kitchen staff work on afternoon tea desserts knowing she would want tea in the garden today. Elanora would be in a foul mood due to the devastating news yesterday. The next few weeks would be awful for her, and I wanted to make sure she stayed in a pleasant mood so everything else would run smoothly.

As I slowly crept my way into Elanora's bedroom, I could see broken glass from smashed vases and upturned chairs from where she threw them. Last night must have been rough on her attending maid. I made a mental note to check up on the maid later today. Putting her tray down on her bedside table, I picked my way through the wreckage to the curtains, opening them up to let the sun in. That's when I was smacked in the back of the head with a pillow, thankful it was not something breakable or heavy.

"Get out!!" she screeched, not removing her head from her pillow.

Ignoring her demands, I went about cleaning up the wreckage from last night, tidying as much as I could without a broom. As I got up to grab a broom from the kitchen, a bedside lamp swizzed past my head, barely missing me. The lamp shattered into million pieces as it impacted the wall. The lamp shattered into million pieces as it impacted the wall. Holding in my yelp with a bite of my tongue, I couldn't help but think that. Hopefully, this god of war was a little more civil than our Princess.

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