I sighed.

"Please, my daughter is working-"

"Three fucking jobs at the age of 24. That's not right. Now here's what's going to happen." I opened the cell they were kept in.

I stepped inside.

"I'm working with...people. We're selling every fucking object you own. Car, house, jewelry. Donating your food to people who need it, and I'm taking all of the profits. Also, I'm going to take great care of your daughter who felt financially obligated to fix your wrong doings because she thought someone would hurt her if she didn't. And until I know what to do with you two, your stuck here." I bit my lip, toying with my lip ring.

"Please god no-"

"Don't fucking act like god will help you. God people are morons." I shook my head, leaving and walking up to the main floor.

People gaped and stared, something I unfortunately had to bear.

I dusted off my suit, returning to a presentable state.

I didn't understand people. It's harder to do bad than good. So give me my fucking money and move on.

"Do me a favor, guard to door to the basement incase of any drunk people trying to get in. Don't go down there, if you see Vanessa you tell her mommy and Stepdaddy are home living their fucking deadbeat life and she is working here to pay debt. She doesn't seem too nosy so far so I don't really expect her to ask you anything." I handed him the keys.

"Yes sir." He nodded.

"Great." I checked my watch to see it was 9pm.


I went into the casino, keeping the doors open, guards all over as people rushed in with their yellow wristbands.

Saturday night was made for money.

I left after the guards nodded, clearing the area.

I went up to her floor, knocking before walking in too far. Issue about automatic elevator doors is it's hard to knock and wait for them to say come in.

She walked out.

"Sorry, I'm late, I know not a great first impression." She pulled on her other flat.

She looked incredible.

I pulled the ear piece into my ear before unraveling hers.

"Come." I motioned her over with my fingers.

"Did that hurt? Sorry just curious." She pointed to her lip, mirroring my own.

"Barely felt it." I shrugged.

"Turn." I said and she did.

She moved her hair, seeing the box in my hand.

Her body was delicate, slender, slim arms I could wrap my entire hand around, defined collar bones, a flat stomach, hips that aren't too wide but have a nice dip to them, her behind not very "large" I guess is the term but her back has such a natural arch that from the side it might look different, she did have a chest, not too big but a good handful.

She was middle eastern, had to be, her eyes dark as sin, hair black as mine with a natural healthy shine. If hit her butt with beach type waves.

Her skin was a tanned olive shade, differing from my natural merely vampire like shade. It was like I'd never seen the sun.

She was about 5'7 a less than a foot shorter than I as I believe I was between 6'4 and 6'5. Her cheekbones were high, her eyes cat like.

I clipped the box on the back of her dress.

"This is on, but you put this in your ear-" I handed her the ear piece.

She did.

"You'll hear me call for you, when you do, press this button and speak into it to answer." I showed her and she nodded.

She tried it to test the volume and everything was perfect.

"Alright. Now we go." I said and she nodded.

She followed me into the elevator and it was silent to the main floor as we walked through the main floor, to the open double doors, where the white marble ground became black tile.

"Don't you like heels?" I asked.

"Not crazy for them. But I don't mind them either." She shrugged.

"One thing I'm going to preface before you do it. It is not Mr. Maverick." I smiled, moving to stand in front of her.

"Then what do I-"

"Spade. Is my name. Boss, cliche but I don't care. Sir, don't mind but I am not Mr. Maverick." I told her.

She nodded.

"Two things, answer with words please. And also, I don't care if it takes a while to pour and deliver drinks, people can wait, I can wait. But I don't do great with disobedience or disrespect. If something that occurs rubs you the wrong way, I don't want snippy answers, we talk. That's how this will operate. I do well with speaking like adults." I looked around for anything else she should know.

"Tips, if someone just hands you cash, if the people in my rooms hand you cash for any reason, take it. At the end of the night, hand the cash to me, I'll check it with a forfeit pen, see if they're all real and I'll hand them back. If any are fake, I'll replenish it with real ones and hand them back. With that, it can just be fun spending money." I said and she nodded.

"I understand." She replied.

I smiled.

"Good girl. Now let's get down to it. You work for me. Personally. There are things you should know, I'm sure as your used to drunk people and rich people are entitled and think that your body is theirs to grab. They touch you, you say Code Ace, all of the guards will be informed and will act accordingly if I'm not there to do so. There's a specific reason we don't really have female workers operate unless they're behind a counter and it's for their safety. Not that you're defenseless-"

"I know what you mean." She nodded.

"Alright, code red for blackout drunk, code green for throw up, yellow for spills, blue for fight, black for weapon. If when you aren't needed, you can roam around, you have the option of staying in the room I'm in, you can watch people. Whatever you prefer. I think that's all." I looked around at all the people yelling for wins or losses.

"Alright. I got it, it's crazy this was my mothers downfall." She frowned.

"It's an addictive game, Ace." I sighed.

"Why do you call me that?" She frowned.

"Do you not like it?" I smiled.

"I just want to know the purpose." She said.

"Your demeanor. Half optimistic, half pessimistic. Half horrified of change, half adaptive to it. An ace in most of these games is either the highest card or lowest card. But you get to decide what it's worth is. Raise the stakes or play safe. That's you." I grabbed the deck of playing cards from my dress pants.

"You know too much." She whispered.

"I know everything, Nessa. And I'll learn that much more."

That was a vow.

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