I observed, understanding- or trying to- the games.

Poker, Craps, Blackjack, all of it was just... a lot.

I looked over at a calculated Spade, his eyes roaming the table, his hands busy with his own personal deck of cards.

They were matte black, the lettering and shapes in a shiny gold.

They moved smoothly within his hands, then I wondered if his name was changed to Spade and it was actually not that originally.

I walked to him.

"Not playing?" I asked.

"Came in too late."

"Is Spade your real name?"

"Is Vanessa yours?" He looked up at me from where he sat, giving me a smartass stare.

"Just asking." I frowned.

"I know. I'm teasing, yes it is my real name. Wanna pull up a chair?" He asked.

"Uhm I'm not going to play-"

He looked behind me and snapped, a chair magically appearing as the man who delivered it walked away.

I sat down, weirded out by how fast that was.

Literally 24 hours ago I was shoving my tits in peoples faces at a strip club to earn cash.

Now I was here. Sitting by a man who's called Spade, who owns the US's best and largest casino along with everything else attached to it.

"You're not dreaming." He said, smoothly waving a black card in front of my face before handing it to me.

Ace of Spades.


"You're easy to read. Eyes bugging, frown lines on your forehead. Shaking your leg at a quick pace." He stated.

"Do you need a drink?" I wanted to stand and move away.

From this, from Vegas. From him.

He laughed, his tongue moving over his lower lip, the silver ring on his lip moving in the process.

"Sure. Surprise me." He said and I nodded.

I stood, walking away not even realizing I took the card with me.

Behind the bar I freeze, seeing someone I used to work with.

"Daphne?" I asked.

She spun on her heel.

"Hey babe!" She flashed me a smile I hadn't seen in a few months.

"W-why are you here?" I frowned.

"The strip club was only a temporary so I could scoop up my dream job." She nodded.

"How about you? You look amazing by the way." She looked over my dress.

"I have to be here. Personal bartender and server to Spade." I shrugged.

"How cool, how is it?"

"This is the first drink I'm serving him so I'm not sure." I looked over my options of drink.

"He hates tequila." She told me.

"Good to know. Did you serve him?" I asked.

"He'd come to the bar and order." She replied looking somewhere behind me so I turned.


"Excuse me, I have to pay attention to these people and what they're holding. Lovely seeing you." She walked past me and I just... existed.

I put the Ace of Spades in my bra forgetting I had it, then made him a White Russian.

Haven't done it in a while and it takes a bit to do.

It's a cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream served over glass.

Caffeine for the long night.

I walked back over and handed it to him.

"Thank you, Ace." He nodded, sipping it.

I waited for his review as I sat back down.

"That's fucking good. I thought I'd hate these." He analyzed the drink's physical appearance.

"Do you drink?" He asked.

"No." I smiled.





"Good. I'm glad." He looked forward toward the men playing.

"Do you do- well I know you drink- but the others?" I asked.

"Used to smoke cigars. Not interested anymore. I don't drink much actually. Strong distaste toward hard liquor but I love light amounts in fruity stuff. And no to the last." He sighed, setting the drink down on the arm rest before fanning the dark cards within his tattooed hands looking at them.

I felt bad for keeping the card but I hoped he'd forget about it.

I liked it, the design of the card, it was unique and this was a once in a lifetime experience.

"You know anything about gambling?" He asked.

"No. I can play solitaire and basic, kid games with these though." I laughed.

He put the cards together, handed me the stack.

"Shuffling skills?" He smiled.

I shuffled and attempted the bridge.

He laughed, it was deep and from the gut as he took the stack back.

Then when he shuffled it was like the cards were magical and in his favor, each card threading through another, the bridge a fast illusion.

Not one card was bent out of place.

"How." It wasn't a question, a statement. I had to know.

He smiled.

"These are my lucky cards, I've gotta get out the other one." He pulled a regular deck of cards that were the red theme.

Now I felt bad I had the Ace.

"I'll go slow." He shuffled normally and I nodded, knowing that part.

"Tuck your fingers under here," his fingers under the stack, "loosen your thumbs from holding the top but not completely so they don't fly off," he pushed and the pressure on the cards built between his fingertips and palms as they slowly came back in the bridge form.

"Woah." I whispered.

"One more time." I said and he did it.

He handed me the stack, the cards not moving nearly as smooth for me as they do him.

But I sort of did it. It was choppy. But good.

"Good job, Ace. You'll get better." He nodded.

"I'm jealous." I teased.

He winked, grabbing out his lucky stack once more as I practiced with the other deck.

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