Chapter 7: Hades' office

Chapter 7: Hades' office

His office was a few blocks away. I quickly picked up my phone and called his office, but he didn't answer, I imagined it was closed at this time, but in despair, I remembered that he had given a contact number in class, I didn't want to, but I needed it. It didn't take long for him to answer the call, saying:


His voice made me swallow heavily, it was always deep and made the hairs on my arms stand on end.

«Act cool, Nube».

"Doctor," I cleared my throat, "my niece just dislocated her shoulder, her office is the one close to her, is she working?"

A brief pause and then he said:

"Miss, Queen," he said, looking somewhat surprised, I realized that I hadn't identified myself.

What a shame.

My whole face was hot, possibly from the blush.

"Sorry for..." I continued, "I'm desperate."

Erin wouldn't stop crying, I guess he could hear her.

"I'm in the office," he said, "you can come."

It relieved me to hear that in the same way it scared me to see it again.

"I'll be in 10 minutes". I said.

He hung.

My hands were shaking and I didn't know if it was because of Hades or Erin, uhm, I think both.

«Oh holy cows».

I hurried to put on some sneakers and carried Erin who wouldn't stop crying, running through the streets of the city like a completely desperate lunatic. I arrived at the office in less than 8 minutes and quickly went up to Dr. Parker's pediatric office, there was the secretary, a mature woman with large glasses who seemed a bit severe.

"Hello," I said breathlessly and anguished, "I called Dr. Parker and he said...

"Yes," said the secretary as if she was already aware, looking at the girl in my arms that she wouldn't stop crying, "come in."

"Thank you," I said, and I entered the office, feeling a little upset when the first thing my eyes saw was Dr. Parker there, in front of him, he was sitting on his desk, he was wearing his white coat, giving him the completely attractive air of a god of Eden, when his Golden eyes met mine. I swallowed hard, perceiving all that it made me feel just by looking at myself.

«The book, Nube, remember the book you read! you shouldn't look at it».

I avoided looking at him, that way I would remember to act like a person and not a complete brainless in front of him.

"She slipped and dislocated her shoulder while jumping," I informed him, placing Erin on the stretcher, she was still crying.

Hades approached us, examining Erin's arm and said:

"Wait over there, please." He pointed to the chair in front of her desk.

"No, Aunt Sponge!" Erin wailed. "Don't leave me!"

"I'm here." I didn't leave, nor did I think of moving, I just grabbed the hand of Erin's uninjured arm to give her strength.

Hades didn't say anything, but I could see his gaze on me when he saw that I ignored him.

"Okay," Dr. Parker said dismissively, examining Erin's shoulder, "yes, it's sprained." He held her little arm in two specific places and said to Erin, "Look over there."

"Look at me, princess," I told Erin to help the doctor, "when we leave here we'll go get an ice cream, you want to?"

Erin seemed to think about it when suddenly Hades pulled him, causing Erin to let out a cry and then settled him, Erin calmed down almost immediately, although some tears kept spilling down the sides of her face.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"It does not hurt me." Erin said.

Well, hearing that was a complete relief.

I turned to Dr. Parker.

"Thank you very much and sorry for the impromptu..." I dared to look at him and I realized that he was staring at me with an entertaining smile of those that marked his dimples "What?"

"Nice ears," Hades said, "Bunny girl."

I felt myself blushing hard when I heard him say such a thing because he said it in a low tone and with a raspy voice that made my skin crawl, it seemed suggestive.

«You only think about sex, Nuve, he's just kidding».


I avoided looking at him again, I didn't remember the headband with lights on my head, even my whole face was still full of that joker makeup that Erin did for me at home.

How embarrassing for Dr. Sexy to see me in these conditions.

«No, remember, self-control, mastery of your emotions, Nube, he can't be the center of your attention».

"How much do I owe you?" I asked, speaking to him respectfully to mark some distance. I didn't even ask how much the consultation is.

"I'm not charging you," Hades said.

Oh no…

We were off to a bad start if he wasn't going to let me pay him.

"But let me pay you, Doctor Parker," I said, getting Erin down from the gurney luckily, I had the strange habit of putting bills in all of my shoes to attract good luck, at least, that's what my grandmother said before she died.

"Let's go out." He said.

I turned to him, not understanding if he meant us leaving the office or going on… going on a date.

"An exit?" I repeated, "to leave... the office?"

"Let's go for an ice cream". he continued.

So it was a date?

I hadn't wanted to look at his face, but faced with such a proposal I had no choice, I had to see him to see if he was serious and to my surprise he did, he was very serious judging by his fixed face on me waiting for an answer.

He did not waver from her gaze or hesitate.

"Yes ice cream!" Erin said, jumping in her place.

How weird could it be that the man who managed to make my mind go blank with just one look would ask me out?

But not.

According to the book I read, I needed to just ignore it until I just forgot it and the emotions would start to wane.

Going out with him would only make it worse.

"That doesn't seem appropriate to me," I said with a weak frown, "you're my professor, I would never have anything with you, that includes a date."

For the first time, I noticed an expression on his face that was not one of comfort and haughtiness, as if he was processing what he had just said to him; No.

"Uh?" He said, seeming slightly unbalanced "Are you rejecting my invitation?"

Well yes, that was exactly what I did.

"I'm sorry," I said, taking off my shoe and taking the 20 bill, "but if you're used to hanging out with your students, I'm not like that."

He seemed still stunned.

"Do you use your shoe as a purse?" He said without coming out of his disbelief.

I ignored him, I just put my shoe back and put the money inl, on his desk.

"Happy night, Dr. Parker," I said.

I carried Erin in my arms to leave the office, she told me she wanted strawberry ice cream and then she told me that the doctor was very nice, I didn't answer her, I just focused on walking, feeling Hades Parker's gaze behind me as I walked away with my bunny ears and my joker face.

But this was the best, and there was something about him that made me uneasy and annoyed with myself, because my whole body reacted around him in a sea of cloudy emotions.

I hadn't realized at this point that rejecting someone who likes a challenge was not a good idea, because that kind of people never gives up, they just get more obsessed with what they can't have.

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