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Chapter 1 Mistakenly Became the Richest Man

"Are you sure you want to kiss me? Do you even know who I am?"

Felicia Dodson, in a drunken stupor, opened her eyes upon hearing the man's voice, her gaze blurred, "Who are you?"

His features were near perfection, but the mole at the corner of his left eye gave his face a sinister and cold look, full of killing intent.

"I am Darrin Nicholson's uncle, Frederick Blevins," the man's voice was even colder than his expression.

The Darrin Nicholson he mentioned was Felicia Dodson's ex-fiancé who suddenly broke up with her.

As for the man in front of her, Frederick Blevins, Felicia Dodson had seen him twice before.

No matter the occasion, this man was always someone who went with the flow. Frederick held a top position in the He family, one of New Port's four major prominent families.

And Frederick Blevins, being the beloved and late-born child of the He family, was destined to take over the entire He family in the future. Everyone in New Port referred to him only as "Frederick."

She was playing with her ex-fiancé’s uncle?

Felicia Dodson's rationality told her it was not allowed, but her body acted against her wisdom and kissed him.

"This is what you brought upon yourself." The man looked at the attractive yet non-vulgar face of the woman in his arms and took the initiative, overpowering her.

They unexpectedly fit together, but the man unconsciously brushed his right should, which had a deep scar, against Felicia


Felicia didn't like the uneven texture of the scar, so she instinctively moved her hand away, and the man didn't force it anymore.

Scar aside, that did not stop an untiring entanglement throughout the night.

When Felicia Dodson woke up, she saw the dried blood rose on the bed.

Frederick also woke up at the same time.

Felicia knew he had also seen the blood rose, but his gaze quickly shifted away from it and he stood up to go freshen up.

A few minutes later, the man came out of the bathroom dressed neatly.

Watching her put on a white dress, covering up a large part of that captivating aura, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Since you were dumped by Darrin, do you want to get revenge on him by becoming his aunt?"

After a brief moment of confusion, Felicia Dodson half-jokingly responded, "If I can't be Darrin’s wife, then being his aunt, then giving him a hard time doesn't sound too bad! I just wonder if your is willing to give me this opportunity?"

"No," the man replied without hesitation.

This meant that besides last night, he had no intention of having any more attachments.

Felicia wasn't particularly surprised, because the relationship between them was for the most part unacceptable to the rest of the world, due to the presence of Darrin being Frederick’s nephew.

She concluded that she didn't want to have any further involvement with this man. "Thank you for taking me back last night," she simply skipped to a new topic. Yesterday, she was divorced and in a bad mood, so she went to a bar and got drunk. It was Frederick Blevins who kindly brought her back. But she was so drunk that she ended up having a drunken affair with him.

"You're welcome. I have some things to do in the morning, so I'll leave first."


There were no words of "goodbye" in their conversation. He had already made it clear that their relationship was only limited to being hook-up friends, and they probably wouldn't see each other again. However, Felicia didn't expect to meet him again so soon.

Just as Frederick left, Felicia received a payment notice from the hospital, stating that if she didn't pay, her mother's treatment would be stopped. Crushed under the weight of reality, Felicia had no choice but to go the home of the Nicholsons, and stand at the gate to once again and call out Darrin.

"Darrin, can you lend me $70,000 dollars? I know we’re already divorced, so it's not right for me to come and ask you for money. But our family just went bankrupt, and my mother is lying in the hospital, covered with burns, and urgently needing this lifesaving treatment. I really don't know where else to find so much money. If there was any other way, I wouldn't be here."

Seeing Felicia’s pale face and humble tone, Darrin Nicholson couldn't bear it in the end. "Felicia, I'll write you a check. Come inside and have a glass of water."

"Thank you, I will definitely repay you this money. If you don't trust me, I can also give you a promissory note."

Just as Felicia followed Darrin into The Nicholson residence's entrance, she saw Frederick and Darrin’s mother, Trisha Blevins, talking in the living room. Hearing the noise at the door, Frederick suddenly looked up and his gaze met Felicia’s in mid-air..

Frederick didn't say anything, just coldly glanced at Felicia, flicking his cigarette ash with his finger. Apart from a flicker of mockery in his eyes, there was nothing out of the ordinary. They had only just had a passionate night together, and now she was at his nephew's house, her former fiancé, early in the morning, borrowing money, and he witnessed it all with his own eyes. Although Felicia Dodson knew that Frederick wouldn't care about her affairs, she still felt a bit uneasy in her heart.

"So, I heard that despite all the deaths and injuries in your family, you still have the desire to come and visit?" Lakisha Howell, with a demeanor of a hostess, approached Darrin and affectionately took his hand, creating a scene of intimacy.

Darrin wanted to withdraw his hand, but Lakisha didn't allow it. He could only instinctively glance at Felicia.

He wanted to follow his mother’s wishes and be with Lakisha, who had a better family background, but out of pure selfishness, he didn't want Felicia to know how pathetic he was.

Felicia was always intelligent, and seeing Lakisha’s posture, as a hostess, and her intimacy with Darrin, she knew what was happening.

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