Chapter 2
“You cannot be here if you were not specifically invited. Name your invitee or I’ll have you escorted out.” The level of hostility seeping through every pore of her words caught me off-guard. That coupled with the very visible morphing of her features from neutral to downright nasty.
“Hostile little thing, aren’t you,” I smiled graciously. I’ve had enough lessons about the mistake of showing fear or uncertainty. Taking a gulp of my drink over her searing gaze, I stalled for time, hoping I could conjure some ridiculous excuse in the nick of time. I cannot fuck this up.
“Causing trouble, Princess?” his presence overwhelmed me before his voice did. Cocking my head back, initially wanting to use the distraction to my advantage. That was until I realized he was speaking to me. “Not surprising, is it?” this God-like creature was grinning down at me and I was certain the image he was met with was an awkward one. Pretty sure my mouth was hanging open at a most disgracing angle, but I was stunned.
Plaid trousers in a meld of blue and brown paired with a plain, sheeny white shirt and brown dress shoes. A golden watch adorning his wrists and a chunky ring covering his pinky finger. Bone structure to rival any man or God and his lips…
His grin was not friendly, no, it seemed more sinister to me and yet I was drawn to it. Did I know this man? It made sense that only a person who knew me would address me so casually. I would remember a man like him if I’d met him. If he too had used me. Because I remember them all. A curse that dared not be broken.
“Don’t mind her,” he switched his gaze to the girl at the bar, “she’s a curious thing,” his hands casually sliding into his trouser pockets as he leaned over to me, “shall we, princess?” my head twisting to the side so he’d have my ear. A breathy huff emanated and I was certain he was laughing at me.
“If you don’t come with me I can guarantee you’ll be kicked out in a very public display,” his voice a shuddering whisper, I glanced back at the bartender eying us suspiciously and at that moment I decided I was better off with him than her.
“I only thought to make small conversation,” I said with a manufactured pout, an attempt to defend myself in the eyes of this woman. My heels plopped on the floor as I slipped from the stool, instantly taking hold of the stranger’s arm.
“I’d thank you for the save but I am not certain I’d be safer with you,” I tease sardonically, wondering whether he heard me considering the noise and our obvious height difference.
“Then why’ve you agreed to come?” he asked in such a nonchalant manner that questioned whether I was the one convincing him to be at my side. My heart was thundering as I walked beside his large frame and I couldn’t help but compare this man to my ex-boyfriend.
Brett, while taller than I was, did not have such an imposing presence. I’d never felt this weak in the knees beside him. Frankly, that had been the appeal. I felt safe for the most part, knowing that Brett could not hurt me physically. Emotionally was an entirely separate story.
Partially distracted by this stranger’s scent, I responded honestly, “If I didn’t I stood the risk of being kicked out and I have yet to achieve that which I have come here to achieve,” barely registering that he was leading me to one of the private booths. Panic set in. A dull sensation shocked the organs in my chest.
“Want to know my thoughts on the matter?” he waved away the men circling his booth, making it clear that they were his security detail. Who the fuck was the man?
“Not opposed to it,” He allows me to slide into the seat first and I am hyper-aware of being trapped in by him…and liking it to some degree.
“You would be safer with her because she would have allowed you freedom from this place,” he settles in beside me, waving a hand to garner one of his men’s attention. “that was her kindness to you.” One of the men came over and I watch as this mysterious stranger sends the man off to collect drinks.
“I don’t understand,” I rarely ever liked saying those words to men. I didn’t know if it was his proximity to me or the drink I’d recently downed but my cheeks were heating.
“Do you have any idea what it takes to be employed here?” he shifted in the seat, his knees brushing against my leg, an elbow bracing on the table before us. His body twisted to face mine.
Why was he even more breathtaking this close? An unusual feeling that I begrudgingly identified as insecurity washed over me. “Do you eavesdrop a lot?” I swept the hair on my shoulder off, arching my back and crossing my legs.
The moment did not go unnoticed, his eyes lowered to my legs a carefully concealed smirk tugging at his lips. “Not intentionally,” his eyes shot back up to mine, an unconventional heat pooling low in my stomach from the intensity of his gaze. Was this the sexual attraction all those women often spoke of? I couldn’t be sure; I’d never experienced it before.
His security detail returned to slide drinks on our table, a quiet interference that allowed me to recover myself
“What sort of employment were you leaning towards?” he brought the cool, honey-toned liquid to his mouth.
“Dancing,” I took a sip of my own.
“You mean stripping?” he seemed surprised. I hadn’t known it was possible for me to feel shame, but there it was nagging at my skin.
“I’ve done it before and it’s not nearly as taboo as people make it out to be,” I say defensively, suddenly more interested in my drink.
“Hmm,” the sound reverberated in his throat, catching me off-guard and causing my heart to quicken its pace. “Take a look at the strippers,” he slid off his seat, offering me his hand to come to stand at his side. Without hesitation, I was following his instructions. Very unlike myself but his voice was hypnotic enough to draw my attention.
He slid in behind me, hands on my hips while he walked me forward a few steps, giving me a better vantage point. “This place is why stripping is taboo,” he pulled all my hair to one side, lowering his head to whisper in my ear. Chills scattered down my neck and shoulder.
How had I missed it? “If you worked here you’d be at the mercy of any man who walks through that door,” this time his breath converged on my neck and I shuddered. “Shocking isn’t it?” he thought the reaction was for what I saw instead of his proximity and I was fine with that.
“This is a sex den,” I breathed the words out as the realization struck me. The dancers were being touched and fucked shamelessly and it twisted my stomach.
“I haven’t even told you how you are supposed to audition for a job here,” he scoffed and my chest constricted, “every employee, even our ill-tempered bartender, has to be defiled by multiple men to see if they can handle this job,”
I had grown silent. Drinking in how casually the women were used here. “Still think it’s worth it?” he questioned and I spun to look at him. A bad idea since our bodies were now flush against each other. I swallowed hard.
“What’s the salary like?” I ask boldly. Sex work is work and no one can alter my mind. I’d been used for nothing in the past, this would be different. I would stomach it. I had to. Just for a little while.
“You aren’t serious, princess.” I swore he was finally able to sense my desperation because his smile dropped but I didn’t react, “How much do you need?”
“At least five grand,” I answer without thinking much about it.
“Dance for me then,” his head lowered, his forehead almost touching my own and his hot breath had me lusting after his lips. “or fuck me, whichever one you desire.”
“Excuse me?” Taken aback by his answer, fully aware of his security detail shooting stunned glances at each other.
“I’ll give you the payment and you never have to walk in here again,” he made it seem like the most obvious solution and yet I could not be sure.
“Are you serious?” my eyes narrowed on his not knowing what to make of this offer.
“Eddy,” his eyes did not move from mine, “I’d like to make a transfer.” A man walked up handing a device to him and when he was done he handed it to me, “add in your details if you consent,” the phone glistened and I took it. Getting paid to have sex with a strapping stranger I’d never have to lay eyes on again? There was no debate. I had been used and degraded for nothing before, at least I’d benefit in some way.
I entered my information and without looking at it he handed the device back to the man called Eddy. “transfer it,” he instructed watching me with a knowing smile. “has it been wired?” he asks. I fumbled in my bag for my phone, checking my account and sure enough, the money was there. Double the amount I said I needed and I knew there was no way to back out of this now.
Did I even want to?
“You can dance for me here,” he slides back into the booth, waiting for me to follow.
“There isn’t much space here to encourage good movement,” I complain. To manoeuvre, to add that sexual appeal, space was required.
“Good,” he answered, “I didn’t want much anyway,”