I looked at my friends as I sat down. "Okay, girls usual movie selfie" I set the timer on my phone and took a selfie with all of us in it. Tanya smiled at me as she either enjoyed the traditional selfie or understood what it was for. I could never tell. Maybe I would ask her one day. I took one for every movie and sent it to Ryan. So he knew where I was and that I wasn't lying to him.
To: Ry (Husband) (Forever)
Hey Handsome. Here we are at the movies. :) I hope your day is going well. love you forever...XoXo. -Sandy
✅️ attachment sent successfully.
I put my phone down waiting for his response. Seconds later I felt a vibration.
From: Ry (Husband) (Forever)
Why do they insist on dressing like freaks? I hate that hoodie. enjoy your movie. Message me as soon as it is over. love you until death. My wife. -Ry
I giggled at his hating the hoodie and put my phone away. He is usually pacified after the picture. The movie was going to start as the theatre got very dark. Tanya grabbed my hand and I knew the dark was scaring her some. It usually did at first. PTSD I assumed. Same as me with loud noises. I squeezed her hand as long as she needed me to. She smiled and let go slowly a few mins later. We kept it quiet silently knowing the others wouldn't understand. I started to feel that urge to potty. I hated it when someone was right. I picked up my drink and took a long drink. I wasn't usually able to drink much soda and I enjoyed it. I giggled again. Jill looked over at me like I was crazy because nothing funny had happened on screen. I smiled at her and pointed at my phone "Text from Ry" I whispered to try and save face. Tanya looked at me knowingly again and reached for my hand for a second time. I squeezed this time. After about 30 mins and I couldn't wait any longer and I whispered to Tanya to start her count before getting up and heading out to the restroom. She smiled and made an imaginary mark in the air with her finger-licking it first for good measure. I smiled and started to walk up the aisle to the door.
The theatre was quiet. All the movies had started. It was an older theatre but we enjoyed the feel of it. Took us back to childhood I suppose. I was walking to the bathroom when I spotted him. He was towering in the same hallway I needed to walk down. His dark eyes found me. He smirked at me. I started to walk that way unable to wait any longer. As I got closer I could swear I felt a tinge of recognition. As he leaned against the carpeted wall so I could get through I looked right into his dark eyes. I went into the women's door hurriedly. After washing my hands I walked back out to see he was gone. I started to feel a little dizzy when suddenly everything went dark. I couldn't move and I couldn't see. I was lifted from the ground and carried a short distance before landing on something softer than I expected. I heard laughter and talking but I couldn't make it out. I wanted to scream but suddenly felt very sleepy. They must have drugged me...the pop I thought before completely going unconscious.
Why did she look at me like that I thought as we drove away from the theatre. I glanced to the back of the van and almost smiled at her sleepy face. "Hey Zeus, how's her breathing look?" I asked my 2nd in command. "She looks fine boss," he said watching her closely. I had been planning this kidnapping for months. This ladies' Husband had become a thorn in my side the past few months. He's dirty too. Taking drugs from the streets and using them himself. Then this joker gets a damn plaque and a key to "his" city. "Does she look like a user?" I looked at Zeus. We had been watching her for weeks, she seemed scared of her own shadow, not 10 feet tall and bulletproof. Zeus just shook his head. He looked at me sarcastically as if to say he doubts it seriously. We finally made it out of the city and we were well on our way to the county where my secret safe house sat in the middle of nowhere. That idiot detective will never find her out here. He's a city boy. I stared out the window for what seemed like 15 minutes when we pulled into the long gravel driveway. "When we parked Zeus, take her up to the bedroom we prepared, and let her sleep it off. We will set guards out to watch for her to stir. I don't want to be too free with her" I hated to lock her up but I want to see her reaction when she awakes.
I watched Zeus and Henry carry her from the van. She was so small and fragile. My brotherhood was always respectful of women or they answered to me. This is completely out of character for us but I have to get to Ryan Burd somehow. I don't think he cares about anything but her. I can't say I would blame him but I don't feel things. I don't allow myself to get attached to anyone. I trust only those closest to me. I don't have time for women. Though while we watched her, I grew a great respect for her. She's kind and generous. She is a homebody. She loves to read. She is beautiful. She is a means to an end. I had to pull myself out of this train of thought. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Are we calling you Smoke?" I looked at Zeus. Not sure why he asked me that. "Yes, I'll tell her that's my name. I want to know If it's been in the pillow talk at the Burd house" My breath caught at the thought of her and pillow talk. Stop it Jo. I shook it off. " Well, Jo I don't know where this is gonna help us. You need to know she may not know what you think she does.." Zeus said almost quietly as if he was afraid to upset me. I looked at him sternly waiting on him to continue. "When we took her to the bed.. we tried to remove the hoodie. it's pretty warm up there.. she cried out and wouldn't let us take it. She's drugged boss. She shouldn't feel any of it. Subconsciously she is hiding something", he looked concerned. "Is there more? " I asked getting impatient. "She had bruises bro, on her neck some and on her face" I couldn't breathe..all I could see was red. I stood up and Zeus backed up. He was a huge guy. All muscle. He was named perfectly after joining my brotherhood. He knew how angry woman beaters made me. Damn cowards won't face a man. She is so small and fragile as well. Like my mother. Don't go there, Jo I heard it loud and clear and I let it go. I looked at Zeus again after trying to control my reaction. "We will look into it. she doesn't go back until we know what's going on." I told him as calmly as I could. "We have to focus on Detective Burd," I said to reassure Zeus I was in control. He nodded in agreement and headed back up toward her room.
About an hour later I heard Henry enter my office. He tapped on the door and I turned around. "Is she awake?" I asked still looking at my computer. "She is Jo. she's angry, VERY angry." He sounded amused. These guys have seen many angry men locked in my iron fence room.. but never a 5-foot-nothing woman. "I am coming..no calling me Joe. I think she recognized me somehow and I don't know why. when she looked into my eyes I felt it. I told everyone to call me by my brotherhood name" I smiled. "Of course, Mr. Smoke, Henry smiled sarcastically. My men haven't called me smoke in years but people do in our world. Some don't even think I'm real. I followed Henry up the stairs to the room. It is a cage.. constructed to look normal if I want it to. It looks like a nice holding room sure, expensive, a carefully designed enclosure that people cannot escape. Turning the corner in the hallway I could already hear her. I couldn't help but laugh at the sound. "LET ME OUT OF HERE NOW ASSHOLE " I could see Zeus. He was a bit too amused by it so I decided to dismiss him. As soon as she saw me round the corner I heard her say "YOU" I smiled and replied with "I'm Smoke, and you are?" I grinned at her a little too long. I didn't mean to and straightened myself up. She glared at me. Her grey eyes almost pierced my soul. If I had one. "My name is Sandra," She said visually making herself calm down. "But you know that don't you," she said with a smirk. "You know who my husband is, don't you? Is this why you how taken me? to get to him? " She almost laughed saying something under her breath that I couldn't hear.
" I do" I smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Ryan Burd."