Naked and Bared


I closed the bathroom door as quickly as I could without breaking down. Once inside I fell to my knees, quietly sobbing into my hands. I had never shown anyone my bruises. I had not exposed my body in years but to Ryan, my husband. The detective, a drug dealer, apparently takes advantage of strung-out sex workers. All this time, I had allowed that monster to abuse me. Mind, body, and soul. Never again. I would get out of this cell and leave this place for good. He would never find me. I thought of the look on Smoke's face. He looked so broken. No smirk, No comments, No pity. Speechless. Maybe if I help him bring Ryan down, he will help me leave this place. He will help me never be found. I turned on the shower as hot as I could stand it. I wanted to wash it all away. The water felt good on my skin. I closed my eyes and thought of what I could do after. I had gone to school to be a paralegal. Maybe I could find a nice private practice that had a help-wanted ad. I thought of my father. What would he think of me now? Don't do that Sand, Your dad loved you, he would want you to be safe Oh No! My father's shoe box of photos and boxing ribbons. I left them there in the garage of that hell house. The last thing I have of my fathers'. Gone. Maybe Smoke could help me get it. Could I ask him? you bared yourself to him, if he is going to help, it has to start somewhere I shut the shower off and heard a tap on the door. A woman's voice " Miss Sandra, I have some clothes here, may I lay them on the counter? She sounded a bit like Carol. "Thank You," I said as I grabbed a towel from the rack. The clothes were comfy. A size bigger than I was used to, but I appreciated it. I assumed they belong to the woman who brought them in. I walked out of the bathroom to find the door open and no one was in the room. The guards were gone as well. I brushed and braided my hair, slipped on my tennis shoes, and headed down the hallway. The guards had moved to the front door. I assume to make sure I don't try to leave.

"They are usually posted there" I heard his voice from the room on the right. It was like he had read my mind. I smiled at them and headed into the room on the left. The other man, not Zeus or Smoke, was working away by the stove. "Sandra is it?" He said without turning around. Are these guys all psychic? Is that a demand of the brotherhood? He swiftly turned around smiling at me. "Sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to be rude." He was much younger than I originally had thought. I smiled at him. "Are you hungry? I'm working on lunch, Smoke thought you might be hungry, Is turkey okay? He said not to get the cheap one." He laughed. "That's great, thank you." I suddenly felt much more comfortable. It was weird. I felt almost relieved to be here. "I'm Henry" He looked at me curiously. "Hello, Henry." I smiled. He pointed towards the room that I knew Smoke was in. "Should I knock?" He shook his head no, "He is expecting you." I took a deep breath and turned toward the door.

I walked into this big office room. A large cherry wood desk with some chairs surrounding it. Two computer screens and a large leather chair. He was sitting there concentrating on one of the screens. He had a bookshelf on each side of him. Almost as tall as the walls, stuffed full of books. I wonder what type of books he reads. I looked around cautiously at the beautiful art on the walls. I did notice he didn't have anything personal in his office. He still hadn't looked up at me. I walked closer to the front of his desk. A title block with the word "Smoke" written on it. I feel that was a boss's day gift. I giggled out loud accidentally. He looked up, studying me for a minute before he spoke. "How are you feeling after your hot shower?" I didn't answer immediately. I slowly sat down in one of his chairs. "I feel better. Glad to not be in a cage anymore." I wasn't sure if he understood the weight of my comment, but something told me he did. " Sandra, I know you don't know me.." I felt that tingle in my chest that I had felt at the banquet and then at the theatre. He was still talking. Apologizing for being selfish and kidnapping me, not thinking about the consequences on me. "I am smarter than this, after Detective Burd killed Mason, I stopped seeing straight. You are welcome to leave. If you feel you want to. I will have you taken from the city and you won't ever hear from me again. I can also assure you Ryan can't find you as well if you would like." Psychic. "Who is Mason?" I asked him, interrupting him. I don't think he is used to people interrupting him. He cleared his throat and his face softened again. "Mason was my best friend. We called him mighty. He was my second before Zeus" He looked down at his hands as he spoke, attempting to try to hide his emotions. "Mason helped me start the brotherhood when I first came to New York. We were kids with an idea." I could see his memories playing in his mind, but I wasn't sure why he was telling me all of this. "Mason caught Ryan taking Candy to a hotel parking, He caught him selling her cocaine, and he watched him put half up his nose." he took a deep breath. "Ryan found out, and he shot him in the head." I felt my eyes tear up. How was I enabling this monster for so long? All I could say was "I'm so sorry."

"Lunch is ready." He said as he stood up from his chair. He held out his arm directing me to walk out ahead of him. I walked out of the door and Zeus pulled out a chair for me in the kitchen. I thanked him and sat down. None of them stared at my bruises. I appreciated that. They all sat around the table, making jokes and laughing. I realized I must be sitting in Mason's Chair. "I want to help bring him down," I said quietly but they all stopped talking and looked at me. "Miss Sandra. Why would you do that after us kidnapping you and putting you through what we have?" Now Zeus was talking to me. I took a deep breath and looked straight at Smoke. "What you have done is wrong, yes, but I understand why you did it. You thought Ryan would be rushing to save me, that he would do anything to bring me home. At one point I would have thought that too. The night he made detective he started to change. I wonder now if it's due to drug use and secrets. nonetheless, I don't think he will admit to anything to save me. He would rather blame me than admit his wrongs and lose his worship." They were all listening intently to what I was saying. "Well darling, if you want to help we won't stop you." They all nodded in agreement to Smoke. "But you are welcome to leave at any time and we will make sure that you are safe." He got up and placed his hand on my shoulder. " You are one tough lady. I will give you credit. I have a cream for bruising. I had Janet leave it in your restroom. You can stay in the same room, I will have the cage door removed before it's time for bed later" He smiled at me. "The normal door will still lock from the inside if you feel safer that way." He walked to the sink to refill his coffee and then back to his office. I could almost still feel his hand on my shoulder even after he had walked away. Keep Your mind straight Woman

I got up and collected the dishes and told the other two I would wash up. They argued but eventually accepted defeat. I got everything cleaned up and the table wiped down and walked towards his office door, as I was about to knock, I heard him tell me to come in. He looked at me and smiled as I walked in. I don't think he meant to. He almost scolded himself as he looked back at his computer screen. I had considered asking about my shoe box. "Hey Smoke, I need a small favor" I looked up at him from across the room.. playing with the strings I had tied on the pants I was wearing. "On this the day of my daughter's wedding" He laughed very hard at that joke. I giggled at him just to show him I understood the reference. "You look young to have a daughter old enough for marriage." He smiled at my compliment. "What can we do for you, darling?" I found it a strong trait to always consider his brotherhood family with himself. "I need a few things from his house. The house was never really mine, it was always his. But there are some things I need to get from there" I looked at him and could see his mind racing. I could see him going through ideas in his eyes. "You can't go there Sandra, he will have his cop buddies watching for you there." He paused. " Make us a list of what you want and we will make sure you have it by morning." I couldn't control my joy. I ran around his giant desk hugging him tightly. I felt his body tense and immediately let go. "I'm so sorry. You don't know how much some of that stuff means to me, I got over-excited." He looked up at me and placed his hand softly over mine. "Never apologize to me for being your beautiful self." I couldn't breathe. I just stared at him, Until I faintly heard a phone ringing.

"Hey Boss, Check the News," Zeus Said over the speakerphone.

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