Giana and Majestic

Giana is a gorgeous 20 year old young woman with amazingly beautiful long dark brown hair. She was tall and slender but she wasnt too skinny. She was fully aware of how full her breasts and butt were but she prefered to dress modestly. Her skin was a beautiful golden shade of tan. She lived in a small town named Rose Hills her whole life.

Her family's house was on a very large property placed just outside of town in a beautifully wide open area that extended all the way to the lake. Right outside her bedroom she has a large garden with her favorite roses in all different colors. There were also tulips, lilies, Sunflowers, jasmine and lavender.

There also was a large willow tree with a small tree swing that she enjoyed sitting on during cool evenings watching the sunset. She lived with her mother and her two sisters. She wasn't fond of her 2 sisters because they always treated her so horribly and made it clear they wanted no parts of being sisterly. She loved her sisters dearly but just never got the chance to bond with them as they were her older sisters and they tended to bully her when their mother wasn't around.

Giana had a heart of pure kindness. She always saw the good in people and trusted easily. She wasn't sheltered by any means she knew of the evil and betrayal in her small town and all over the world. She just chose to believe that there were caring people like her. Especially since everyone in town was so sweet and protective of each other. She loved everything and everyone alike. She enjoyed spending time with the animals and helping the farm hands tend to the horses and cows. She especially loved being able to ride her horse Majestic.

Majestic was a large Arabian Horse. He was tall and gray with white speckles all over. His head was white until it got to his snout which was a dark gray almost black. He had the most amazing yet terrifying eyes. They were so dark they looked black. He was unlike any of the other horses that her family owned because he was a wild horse up until the day he found Giana.

She had been 15 years old when she was out one winter afternoon enjoying the snow beginning to fall. Snowy winter days and nights were her favorite. When out of nowhere this large horse came galloping out of the tree line. She began to run but stopped when she noticed the galloping had slowed to a slow trot. She turned and looked to see this enormously beautiful creature watching her. She slowly took step after step toward the horse. Her heart pounded in her chest as she had never been this close to a wild horse. She had heard stories of how dangerous wild horses were but never encountered one on her own.

This horse didn't seem scared of her but instead he moved closer to her until they finally stood in front of each other. Gianna reached her hand out and the horse stood still and allowed her to touch the side of his face. She stood there just caressing the horse's soft cold mane in the cold winter air. Giana and the horse played and ran around there just spending time together for what seemed like forever. Although she was freezing from the icy winter air and her hands were wet from the snow melting on her gloves. Giana loved every minute of it. As it began getting darker Giana noticed the snow beginning to fall harder and it was actually beginning to accumulate on the ground. Giana bid her new friend goodbye and headed home.

The walk home was short but Giana was sad to have left her new found friend behind. But she knew her mother would never let her attempt to train a wild horse. Giana fell asleep that night in front of the warm crackling fire reading as she did most nights. The next morning Giana awoke to her mother calling her name. “Giana! Come look quickly” her mother shouted from the window in the kitchen that overlooked the field and barn. Giana rushed to her mother and was shocked to see the horse from the day before just standing in the field near the barn. The farm hands were outside the barn mesmerized by the horse's beauty. Giana threw on her boots and grabbed her coat and rushed out the door.

“ Giana, where in god's name are you going?” Her mother yelled as she attempted to grab Giana but giana was much too quick and got out the door with no explanation. Giana ran as fast as she could until she got to the field where the horse stood. The horse allowed her to approach and Giana began stroking and patting the horse. Suddenly Giana had an idea. She walked slowly to the barn and opened a stall and then grabbed some feed and a few sugar cubes and carrots to see if she could get the horse into the warm stalls.

When she came out of the barn she was shocked to find that the wild horse had followed her to the barn's entrance. She was nervous but held out the carrot to which the horse carefully nibbled. She could tell he was cold and she saw in his eyes he was scared but he seemed to trust her. Gianna took a few steps back and slowly worked her way to the open stall door. He followed until she finally was able to close the stall door. She gave him water and more feed. She spent all day in the stall gaining his trust. It was when she heard a farm hand talking about the majestic wild horse she had put in the stall that she decided on his name Majestic.

Against her mothers wishes she spent many days trying to train the horse and slept many nights in that stall with the horse. Her mother told her one morning she couldn't keep a wild horse contained like that but Giana shook her head and was determined to prove her wrong. By spring to everyone's surprise Giana was able to not only walk the horse around the corrals but she was actually the only one able to saddle up majestic and ride him. He never let anyone else tend to him, only Giana.

Naturally that made her sisters jealous and they insisted on constantly trying to go into Majestic's stall. The eldest of the sisters Allison took it upon herself one early morning to not only enter the stall but she approached Majestic and tried to saddle him to show that she was the better sister to own this unique horse. Majestic bucked violently and threw her off which caused her to land on her arm and break it.

Allison insisted over and over again that the horse was too wild and dangerous to be kept in the horse stalls with the other horses. She was so determined to have the horse sent away that she even went as far as to call someone from town to come and get him. Naturally they called Roslynn Gianas mother to verify the information and to Allison's surprise their mother had denied that she called to have the horse removed and scolded Allison for what she had done. After that with the help of Giana the farm hands were able to one by one begin entering the stalls to feed Majestic and even helped groom him. But Allison was never able to approach Majestic; he would buck and go crazy whenever she neared his stall.

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