Roslynn put her phone down and called for Allison and Linda. Both girls appeared acting like they were innocent. Out of the two Linda looked most nervous.
“Do you girls know what happened to your sister's phone?” Roslynn looked them both in the eye one after the other.
“How could we? We were upstairs in my room watching videos on my tv.” Allsion said as she turned to Linda. Roslynn then looked at Linda for her answer. Linda couldn't lie to save her life. Whenever she was nervous because she had to lie for Allison she would twirl and chew on her hair.
N-N-No ma’am I-I was upstairs with allison.” Linda stuttered and twirled her hair. Roslynn had her answer. As she was about to ask Linda for the truth Giana and Mike came walking in the door. Roslynn handed Giana her phone and Giana looked at her sisters. As she went to say something her mom put her hand up to stop Giana.
“So Linda you were saying?” Roslynn turned her attention to Linda and Linda only.
“Like A-A-Allison said w-w-we were u-upstairs watching v-v-ideos together.” Linda turned to Allsion who had a death stare.
“Okay so Linda gave it up. Your hair twirling and stutters are a dead giveaway. Haven't you gotten in enough trouble with Allison today?” Roslynn crossed her arms and began showing how angry she was.
“It wasn't me it was all Allison. I swear” Linda spit out. Allison was about to deny it when her mother stepped forward.
“Mother she's lying it had to of been Giana everyone knows shes a clutz.” Allison tried to lie her way out of it.
“Oh stuff it Allison. How could you not only enter your sister's room while she wasn't home but also destroy her property. Do you have the money to replace this phone?” Roslynn spoke sternly.
“It's not my job to replace it. If she would have shut her mouth and not called you earlier I wouldn't have needed to give her payback.” Allison said staring directly at Giana with the most hateful look on her face.
“What have I ever done to you for you to always be so hateful? And I called mom because the last thing you wanted was to have the store owner call her or even the police. I mean seriously you thought I was going to get into your fight it wasn't my business and damn right I called mom. You are so Damn out of control.” Giana finally started to fight back.
Roslynn turned to Mike and he grabbed Giana back towards him. Roslynn now stood face to face with Allison. Without looking she told Linda to go get their phones. Linda gave a horrified look but knew if she didn't do it Roslynn would send Giana or Mike to get them. A few minutes later Linda returned with both phones and handed them to her mother.
“Since you were little I told you I would only tolerate your nonsense for so long before I dished it back to you. I've never kept my word but today you have pushed me too far. You both WILL be repaying the dress store for any damages you cost them. You BOTH will take on full time jobs no more of this couple days a week bullshit. And since Giana won't have a phone thanks to you two neither will you. You WILL replace her phone too.” Roslynn spoke now in a way she had never spoken before.
“Oh and Allison, since you wanted to get payback and destroy your sister's phone, let's see how you like it. Roslynn then slammed Allison's phone down on the marble countertop and used a meat cleaver to completely destroy Alison's phone. By the time she was done Allsions phone was in so many pieces they were all stunned.
“And take this as your warning Allison Kimberly if you Go ANYWHERE near your sister or her stuff you'll have a lot more than a shattered phone to worry about am I clear?” Roslynn warned allison.
“And Linda Scarlett I'm not going to shatter your phone but I am taking it and you'll get it back once you pay your half of everything. Even then I will decide when you get it back. Neither of you pay the bill I do. Giana at least pays for herself but you two are spoiled and it shows. No more allowance and now more getting whatever you ask for. Welcome to the real world.” Roslynn finished.
Both girls left the kitchen and Giana turned and went back outside. By now the sun was going down and Giana was over the day. Mike stayed and talked to Roslynn for a couple minutes before heading out to the stables. Giana had both horses in their stalls with food and water by the time he got out there. She was sitting in the opening upstairs above the stalls watching the sun go down. Mike went up and sat next to her.
“Hey kiddo wanna go get something to eat? You've had a rough day and you need to get out of here. I can see it in your face. I know a place with the best waffles and orange juice” Mike said as Giana started laughing.
“Sure pops. Let me shower and change out of my riding stuff.” Giana said.
“I'll meet you out front at 8pm sound good?” Mike told her and she nodded. Mike lived in the small cottage house back in the woods. It was beautiful and quiet. It was far enough from the house for him to have his privacy but close enough if anything happened to any of the animals. The cottage even had its own driveway. He insisted he pay rent to Roslynn but she told him all his help is payment enough. He really did much more than he was initially hired for. He had worked for the Ortega family for well over 25 years. He started when he he was 16 years old.
Mike was 41 years old. Mike never married and was okay with that. He never had kids and he was fine with it since he had been there for Giana since she could walk. She always loved going to the stables and learning about the animals with him. When her dad left she was so lost and spent all her time in the stables where he grew a bond with her and became her fill-in father.
He had spoken to Roslynn about it when he felt he was overstepping but Roslynn thanked him and told him it was fine with her since Giana craved that father daughter relationship. He loved Giana as if she was his own daughter. The older two girls hated the outdoors so Mike only ever bonded with Giana. He was the only person ever allowed to call her GiGi. He would do anything to make sure Giana was happy and secretly helped when he could.