
Giana got in the shower and sat in front of her wardrobe thinking before throwing on her favorite jeans and black t-shirt. She braided her long hair into one long french braid put on her earrings and grabbed her black sneakers from her closet.

She made it downstairs at 7:55pm. She let her mom know where she was going and that Mike would be with her. They hugged and Giana grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Mike was out front when Giana got outside.

“Your car or mine?” Giana asked him.

“Ill drive.” He told her.

They headed over to the side of the house where he had parked his truck that morning after running errands. Mike drove a black Dodge Ram 3500. He also had a Dodge Journey that he kept parked up at his house. He opened the passenger door for giana and then once she was settled in he hopped into the driver seat.

Since Giana was little anytime they went out and he drove she controlled the music. As they pulled out the driveway Giana connected his apple play, smiled and turned on some Bon Jovi. Both laughing they headed down the empty road to go get something to eat.

They arrived at Janice's Waffle Shack within 20 minutes. Mike parked the truck and helped Giana out. This had been Gianas favorite place for waffles since it opened up when she was 11 years old. They always went there whenever they could.

As they walked in, the hostess smiled and asked if they wanted their normal table. Both shook their heads yes and she led them to their table. Giana saw that Janice was there and waved to her. Janice came out from behind the counter and was excited to see them.

“Hey there you two long time no see! I thought you had found a new waffle place.” She laughed as she sat next to Giana.

“Nope we've just been busy is all.” Giana laughed and hugged Janice. Janice was the complete opposite of Roslynn. Janice was honest and blunt. She didn't tolerate rudeness in her restaurant and if there were any issues with tourists or rude customers she always dished it right back.

When Giana met Janice her dad had been gone for a year and Mike had taken Giana to the grand opening. After that they were there 2 to 3 times a week. After a couple years Janice became like family to Giana. As janice sat there Giana filled her in about the letter she got and what Allsion did to her phone. Janice was so upset at everything Giana told her.

“You want me to do anything for ya?” Janice asked Giana and Giana shook her head no.

“Pops here gave some advice and I'm going to try it. As for Allison mom destroyed allisons phone to bits. Im sure she will find some way to hassle me but right now I dont care. Like mom said their spoiled and Ive always said they felt they were a walking diva hazard.” Giana made them all laugh.

“Alright, you both want your regulars?” Janice asked as the waitress appeared. Giana had never seen her before and janice noticed the questioning look.

“Yea Vivian left for college and I had to hire someone. She not bad at serving but she a quiet little thing.” Janice said as the new girl walked up to the table.

“Hello Im sorry for the wait my name is Emma and Ill be your waitress today.” Emma said shyly.

“Hello Im Giana and this is my pops Mike. Were regulars here so you know us in no time.” Giana told the waitress.

“Nice to meet yall. Can I start yall with some drinks?” Emma asked witha smile.

“Ill show you how theyre drinks are these two love being pains in my asses.” Janice laughes and winked at them.

Janice lead Emma to the drink counter and showed her how Mike and Giana liked their drink. They werent difficult but they definitely weren't usually on the menu. Giana always had a large fresh orange juice with extra pulp in hers and Mike always got a small orange juice with no pulp and a black coffee extra piping hot with a shot of vanilla flavoring. Janice and Emma reappeared at the table with their drinks and thanked her.

The cook in the back had seen them come in and had already started their food since in all the years theyd eaten there they always got the same thing. Giana had the waffles with fresh strawberries, Mike had the loaded waffles with berry topping and extra bacon on the side and then they shared a basket of cinnamon waffle sticks with vanilla cream as an appetizer.

While they were eating Giana notice a man walk in. The gentleman had on a pair of jeans, a blue tshirt and white sneakers. His hair was nicely cut on the sides with a man bun. He was tan and smiled when he saw Giana looking at him. Giana quickly turned back to her food and didnt look over again. She was looking out the window when she saw the gentleman walking to his car.

All she could think was who was that gorgeous man. She figured it was a tourist so she didnt think of it anymore. They finished their food and joked about who was paying the bill. Giana knew Mike would never let her pay and if she did he insisted he pay her back. They waved to Emma who was surprised at the tip they left and Giana hugged Janice once more before she left.

They walked around the town for a few minutes before Giana saw Mama Mays shop and told Mike all about the fabric she gave her. He was happy for her but then saw her face change.

“Gi what is it?” He asked concerned.

“Its just if Allison and Linda go into my room and see the dress im making for the ball they will ruin it and I dont have much time to make it the ball is only a couple weeks away. And thats if i even go.” Giana shrugged.

“Giana you are going to that ball. Bring your stuff over to my house and use the second room to create your dress. They wont dare enter my house. You will be able to bring your design to life and it will be completely safe until the day of the ball.” Mike was insistent.

He refused to allow Gianas dream dress not come true. She was no stranger to his house she had claimed the second bedroom as her dress studio when she was 12 years old and began making her dolls clothes. Giana agreed and they walked a bit longer before getting ice cream and heading home.

“Thanks for dinner and thanks not only for everything your doing for me but for helping me have a better night pops. You're really the greatest.” Giana gave Mike a big hug and went into the house.

When Mike walked into his house he went straight to the second room and began setting up Gianas' measurements table, her mannequin and sewing machine. He set out her old pencils and whatever else he could find. He made a list of things he thought giana would want or need and was going to go to town to get them in the morning.

When Mike finally settled in for the night he could help but wonder if Giana would be okay if she decided to read the letter. If there was one thing he hated it was seeing her get hurt over and over again.

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