
Giana had an old fashion clock in her room that Mikes mom gave her for her birthday one year. As the alarm rang at 5:30am Giana got up and listened to the radio while she got ready for work. She wore blue jeans with a cartoon scrub top and white sneakers. She quietly made her coffee, grabbed her purse and laptop bag and headed out the door.

She arrived at work early as she always did. She worked with preschool aged children and loved planning out the day and what crafts they would do. Since 4th of july was coming up she was going to have the kids make handprint fireworks and pop up paper sparklers. She had 10 kids in her classroom and most of the time she was alone which she enjoyed better so she could get to know each kid individually. Giana started out as a volunteer and then got hired after she graduated. She was taking online college courses to get her education degree and certifications. Since she lived at home, the pay was pretty good.

The first child Tyler arrived at 7:15am like he always did. His mom worked for some big company in the city so she always dropped him off early. Giana didnt mind because Tyler loved helping her set out the stuff or set the tables for breakfast. Sometimes she would even let him pick a movie for the day if it was rainy out. By 8:30am Giana had 7 kids in her room laughing and playing. She watched and laughed as she admired how carefree they were.

At 9am all her kids were there and they were sitting down to breakfast when the administrator walked in and told Giana she had a drop in coming in temporarily. Giana was confused because they dont normally allow drop in but she set out an extra setting at the breakfast table. A couple of minutes later, in walked a little girl, with black tight ringlet curls in pigtails and a cute little strawberry romper.

“Good Morning, My name is Miss Giana but the kids call me Miss Gia for short. Whats your name?” Giana approached the door where the little girl and her mother were.

“Morning, this is my daughter Gloriana and I'm Angie.” the little girls mother replied quickly.

“Well hello Gloriana. Why don't you come over to the blue table and we can get you some breakfast.” Giana held her hand out to the little girl. Gloriana looked at her mom who nodded in approval and she followed Giana to the table where the kids all welcomed her.

Giana went back over to Angie and gave her a tour of the room and gave her the log in to look at the cameras in the room and showed her the sign in/out sheets and the verification computer that needs ID to unlock the doors so a child can leave. If the person is not in the computer they can not leave at all with that child. Giana showed Angie how to get to the administrator to get all the information into the computer. It wouldn't take effect until the next day but for today they had paperwork stating who could take Gloriana and Giana knew to check their ID.

Angie walked over and gave her daughter a kiss and hug and went on her way. Giana set out one extra setting for the crafts they were going to do and printed out an ALL ABOUT ME sheet to put up on the wall with the other kids sheets. Gloriana sat with the rest of the class and ate her breakfast. By lunchtime Gloriana and Emily had become inseparable and Emily even helped Goriana with her all about me sheet. James had taken an interest in Gloriana but Emily told him to buzz off and so he did.

The rest of the day went smoothly and by 5pm Gloriana was the only kid left in the classroom. Giana cleaned up and got a jumpstart on the stuff she'd need in the morning. Giana let Gloriana pick breakfast, lunch and even snack for the next day. Gloriana had really seemed to come out of her shell throughout the day and was talking Gianas ear off. By 5:30 pm she tried calling Angie multiple times and every time it went to voicemail. Giana began to worry because she was the only person left in the building and she couldnt leave until every child left.

Giana sent a group text to Angie and her boss Megan about the situation. In the meantime Giana played games with Gloriana and eventually put a movie on. Angie didnt respond to any texts and her phone just kept going to voicemail. Being that Gloriana was new she had no real information on her in the computer. By 7pm Giana was aggravated and ordered pizza and nuggets for them to eat. Megan had arrived by then and was attempting to track down Angie.

“Miss Giana, do you know when my mommys getting here? Im getting sleepy”Gloriana asked and Giana didnt know what to say.

“Im sure she will be here soon sweetie.” Giana replied.

“This isnt the first time she is always too busy or forgets to get me. Could we call my dad or uncle?” Gloriana was looking up at Giana with the most beautiful hazel eyes.

“Im not sure honey, your mom didnt leave any information before she left.” Giana answered honestly.

Gloriana walked over to her cubby and pulled a piece of paper out and handed it to Giana. On the paper were two phone numbers and two photos of both persons ID. Under the photos was a handwritten note.

"If left unattended or in the care of another adult past the scheduled time please call one of us immediately." Giana was shocked but sent a text over to Megan in the office to come to the classroom quickly.

When Megan arrived in the classroom she noticed Giana had pulled out a small cot, pillow and a blanket and let Gloriana lay down. Within minutes the little girl was fast asleep. Giana handed the note to Megan and then looked at the clock.

“I mean its almost 8 o'clock and her mother is MIA. I'm going to call the numbers and whoever picks up first I will tell them the situation. Megan nodded in agreement. Giana grabbed her phone and dialed the first number.On the second ring someone answered.

“Hello this is Joseph. Can I ask who I have the pleasure of speaking with?” The masculine voice on the line spoke.

“Hello my name is Giana. I work for Rose Hills Child Care Center and Preschool. Im looking for a Angie Ortiz or a parent for Gloriana Ortiz.” Giana spoke into the phone.

“I'm Glori's uncle. What is this regarding?” Joseph replied.

“Well Gloriana was left at our center today and it is now after 8pm and her mother hasn't picked her up and her phone is going straight to voicemail. I've sent numerous texts also and she hasn't replied to any of them.” Giana explained. Giana waited for a reply but was met with silence.

“Hello, are you still there?” Giana began to wonder if calling him was a mistake.

“I'm here. Where is Glori at now?” Joseph asked.

“She is safe here at the center with me. I made sure she was fed and she fell asleep watching a movie on one of our cots.” Giana replied.

“Ma’am please give me the address and we will be there as quickly as possible.” he responded.

“The address is 454 Aspen Rd in Rose Hills. Our doors are locked so please call or text this number when you arrive.” Giana told him and they hung up.

Joseph hung up the phone and rushed upstairs. He burst through the double doors and walked directly to his brother who was in the middle of a meeting.

“Excuse me but you need to come with me now.” He said through gritted teeth.

“Joe what the hell is your problem?” Pablo replied.

“Well your dumbass sister left Glori at some random daycare facility and never picked her up.”Joseph spoke angrily. Pablo slammed both fists on the large table as he got up grabbed his keys and both men headed out the door without another word to the people attending the meeting.

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