Where's Angie

Within a couple minutes they had parked in front of the daycare and were both standing at the door. Giana received a text and buzzed them in. She met them in the entryway away from Gloriana until she confirmed who these men were.

“Hello ma’am I'm Joseph and this is my brother Pablo.” Joseph introduced themselves to her.

“Hi, thank you for coming. Gloriana is actually the one that gave me your information. I didn't know what else to do because I had no other information, not even an address.” Giana replied.

“Where is my daughter?” Pablo asked.

“She's in my classroom with my boss while I verify you are who you say you are. I’m sorry but its policy although nothing like this has ever happened before.” Giana said politely and apologetically. Within seconds both men had their IDs out and along with documentation showing Gloriana was legally in Pablo’s care.

“She's right this way.” Giana turned and unlocked the door to guide Joseph and Pablo to the room where Gloriana laid fast asleep. As soon as the door to the classroom opened Joseph went to Megan and Pablo went straight to Gloriana.

“Glori baby wake up papa is here to get you.” He spoke softly as he woke her up.

“Papa you're here. Where’s mommy? Did she forget me again?” Gloriana was still waking up but curious about what happened.

“Glori baby dont worry about that, I'm going to take you to uncle joes for the night.” Pablo told her. As Gloriana reacted to the news of a sleepover Joseph was now standing next to Pablo with a big smile. Gloriana jumped into his arms giving him a huge hug.

“That’s right princess. Dont tell daddy but I have ice cream and I got you some new movies to watch from your list you left last time you were at my house.” Joseph winked at Gloriana and she said shhhh to him. Pablo laughed because he heard the whole thing but knew she couldnt be home when Angie showed up because now she had finally crossed the line. Both men thanked the women.

Giana and Megan and went on their way. Once Pablo returned home he was furious about what had happened with Gloriana. As he pulled into the driveway he couldn't believe what he saw…

Angies car was parked in front of the stone steps. Pablo texted Joseph and let him know she turned up. Both men were fuming but Joseph gave all his attention to Gloriana. Pablo got out of his car and walked into the house. He had a million things he wanted to say to her but couldnt pick what to start with.

“ANGIE!!!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” Pablo yelled from the steps leading to the upstairs. When suddenly Angie appeared at the banister looking down at him.

“What is your damn problem?” She asked like she had done nothing wrong.

“Well for starters where the hell have you been all afternoon into tonight?” Pablo was having a hard time keeping his cool.

“Well if you must know a few of my friends flew in and we went out. What's it to you?” Angie was now being snippy to him.

“Oh so you and your damn slut squad were out burning money at the casino and getting drunk is what you mean right?” He was now even more furious and was shaking from the anger.

“OH HERE WE GO AGAIN! You are so fucking up tight and just hate that I have a life. Well it not my fault so screw off. MY life is none of your business.” She now was stumbling down the stairs.

“ACTUALLY IT IS MY BUSINESS WHEN YOU LEAVE GLORIANA WITH STRANGERS AND ONCE AGAIN FORGET ABOUT HER!!” Pablo was now yelling at her. Angie stopped walking and became wide eyed.

“Pablo I didn’t mean to.. It slipped my mind. I’m-”Angie was about to apologize when Pablo cut her off.

“Oh fucking save it. You will never grow the hell up. This is the last time you do this to her. Your so damn lucky she knew to tell those poor people to contact me or Joe. Otherwise how long would she have been forgotten this time? Your pathetic and Im done with your bullshit. Go upstairs, pack your shit and leave. I’ll tell Glori that you had to leave for work. And i don’t care what anyone says." He paused for a slight moment to catch his breathe.

"I’ve given you chance after chance and you’ve blown every one of them. When I agreed to let you live here you swore to that baby you’d change and put her first and again you fucking lied and left her behind for sluts, liquor and gambling. Get the fuck out of my house and don’t come back until you fucking change once and for all." he began to turn to go back down the few steps he walked up.

"I’ll be back in an hour and i swear to god you better be gone. If not I WILL have you and those bitches physically thrown out. I dare you to test me on that too.” Pablo didn’t even give her a chance to respond he turned around and walked out the door leaving a stunned intoxicated and crying Angie sitting on the stairs. He knew her friends were there and heard the whole thing and he didn’t care not one bit. He got back into his car and sped out of the driveway.

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