Cedric's Unwavering Determination
"My lord, your uncle requests your presence in the royal hall," said Gideon, bowing in reverence.
"I don't want to meet him. What does he want this time?" replied Cedric, his voice heavy with suspicion.
"Unfortunately, I don't know, my lord. You need to go there to find out," replied Gideon with concern in his voice.
Cedric clenched his fists, slamming the table hard. His hands trembled as his claws sank into his flesh, drawing blood.
Gideon waited patiently as the prince got ready and escorted him to the royal hall, where his uncle Roderick was waiting. Gideon positioned Cedric in front of the king and discreetly stepped back. Roderick stood up with a malicious smile playing on his lips, sending a chill through the room.
"Ah! My beloved nephew, how are you!" He circled Cedric, looking at him intently.
"I'm as always," replied Cedric, his voice firm but loaded with suppressed tension.
Roderick laughed with irony, echoing through the hall. "I have bad news for you. I tried to persuade the family, but even with the risks involved, the eldest daughter Astrid of the Shadowbrook family refused to marry you." Roderick continued to walk around Cedric, carefully analyzing each expression.
Cedric clenched his fists even tighter, enduring the pain without flinching. He wouldn't allow his uncle to see his weakness.
"I don't care about that. I'm not looking for a mate," declared Cedric firmly, his fists tightly clenched, the pain pulsing intensely in his hands. His unshakable determination shone in his words. "If no woman wants to marry me, so be it. I don't need a bride to find happiness or fulfill my role as heir to the throne."
King Roderick let out a sarcastic laugh, getting even closer to Cedric, standing just inches from his face. His eyes gleamed with cruelty and satisfaction, as if relishing his nephew's agony. "You can try to deceive yourself, nephew, but a kingdom without a lineage is doomed to chaos. If you don't take a wife, we won't have heirs, and everything we build here will be lost."
How could his uncle say that, when it was his father and mother who built all that kingdom? Now, older and with scars marking his body and soul, he recalled the fateful night when his family was ambushed by traitorous wolf packs. The memory of the past echoed in his mind like dark flashbacks, transporting him back to that nefarious night.
Dark clouds covered the sky, obscuring the moonlight that could have illuminated their path. The royal carriage advanced through the misty forest in search of allies in a distant province. A sense of unease took hold of Cedric as his eyes scanned the shadows around them, anticipating the evil that awaited them. Beside him, King Constatini and Queen Maia shared his concern, exchanging tense looks.
Unbeknownst to them, the traitors were among them. The guards and the driver who accompanied them, supposedly responsible for their protection, had succumbed to greed and betrayal, joining forces with the enemy wolf packs.
Suddenly, like a macabre dance, werewolves emerged from the shadows, surrounding the carriage. Their yellow eyes gleamed with ferocity, and their howls echoed through the forest, announcing the imminent danger, the ambush was about to be unleashed.
The betrayal of the guards was revealed as they joined the werewolf pack, breaking their oath to protect the royal family. Constantini asked Maia to protect Cedric while he transformed into his lycan form. Maia quickly opened the door, causing Constantine to jump out and grab one of the betas by the neck, tearing it apart.
However, fate was not on the side of the royal family on that cursed night. Despite their bravery, the king and queen were fatally wounded in their desperate attempt to protect Cedric. Their final sacrifice would be forever remembered.
Cedric, stunned and consumed by fear, found himself facing the black-furred werewolf, its menacing claws and eyes void of mercy. Terror took hold of his heart as the creature tore apart one of his legs and slashed his face with sharp claws. Agonizing pain invaded his being, mixing with the unbearable loss of his parents.
Yet, a glimmer of hope appeared on the dark horizon. The sound of the royal guard approaching frightened the werewolf, which disappeared into the shadows, leaving the wounded and haunted prince behind. In that moment, Cedric fled, supported by the arrival of the royal guard. The image of the ambush and the werewolf burned into his heart, fueling an unwavering determination to uncover the truth behind the betrayal, avenge his parents, and free his kingdom from darkness.
The grotesque voice of his uncle snapped Cedric out of his memories, and he maintained his lofty posture, despite the venom dripping from his uncle's words. He knew that Roderick had a valid point, but he refused to succumb to his control.
"I understand the concerns about succession, but there are other ways to ensure the future of the kingdom. I can find a trusted advisor to assist me, or even establish a leadership council. Marriage is not the only solution," declared Cedric with conviction.
King Roderick seemed to ponder for a moment, but his expression became even darker. "Don't fool yourself, Cedric. You are the heir, and you have a duty to fulfill your royal obligations. I have made the necessary arrangements for the youngest daughter of the Shadowbrook family to assume the role of substitute bride, and she will be here soon."
A wave of fury coursed through Cedric, struggling to contain his anger. "You can't do this, you can't control my life like this."
"You're a fool, Cedric, a weak and powerless leader. If only you could see how pathetic you are," taunted his uncle with a malicious smile.
Cedric remained silent, knowing that speaking could jeopardize his plans, but he would not allow himself to be manipulated by his uncle's ally. If his uncle was so insistent on marrying him to this she-wolf, she must also be a traitor.
Roderick's smile widened even more, revealing his true intention to humiliate Cedric. "Your blindness and your crutches are a stigma that stains our family. Now, my decision is made, Eveline will be the substitute bride, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."
Cedric returned to his room accompanied by his loyal servant, Gideon. The door closed behind them, isolating them from the rest of the world. The prince sighed, releasing the accumulated tension, and finally decided to reveal his deepest secret to his trusted confidant.
"Gideon, my friend, it's time to reveal my secret," says Cedric with determination.
Gideon looks at the prince, surprised and amazed. He always knew that Cedric was hiding something, but never imagined what it could be.
"My prince, what do you mean?" asks Gideon, barely able to contain his curiosity.
Cedric moves around the room, releasing the bonds that limited his body. He removes his crutches and takes off the blindfold that covered his eyes. To Gideon's astonishment, Cedric reveals himself with perfect vision and the agility of a skilled warrior.
"I am not blind or crippled, Gideon. All of this was a charade, a carefully planned strategy to protect me and allow me to secretly fight against my uncle," reveals Cedric with a determined smile.
Gideon is speechless, processing the revelation. He remembers all those years of moments when Cedric pretended to be blind and disabled, of the secret night training they shared. Cedric said that even crippled, he wanted to have some skills. Now, it all made sense.
"My prince, you are truly remarkable. I never suspected this secret, but I always knew that there was something more in you," says Gideon, amazed.
Cedric puts his hand on Gideon's shoulder, conveying gratitude and trust.
"You are the only one who knows the truth, Gideon. Together, we will overthrow my uncle and restore justice and peace to our kingdom. I've been quiet for too long, now it's time to act."