Chapter 5
“How are you feeling? What the freak happened? You were walking then bam! On the ground. Scared me to death!!”
“You are completely dramatic Mer, but I think I’m okay. I have no idea what happened. I...” My thoughts were cut off by Jackson getting into the car. Mera noticed my hesitation and dropped it.
“Umm, yeah so where is it we are going?” I asked Jackson, realizing that I had never actually spoken to him. “I’m good I don't think a doctor is required.”
“You hit your head when you fell. I’m taking you to make sure you don’t have a concussion.” I was surprised at how soft his tone was. For a guy that worked hard at keeping his bad-boy vibe his tone did not match it. It took me by surprise, so I didn’t say anything right away. Mera raised an eyebrow at me, and I just shrugged. I guess missing school wasn’t the end of the world.
We made it to the hospital in record time with Jacksons' ridiculously fast driving. He again jumped out and pulled me from the car and started to carry me to the doors. “Hey, put me down. I can walk you know; I have legs.” I protested and tried to push away from him. His grip on me only tightened as he looked at me with a sly grin on his face. His sarcastic response caught me off guard, “How well did that work out earlier? Were you not walking when you ended up with this knot on your head?” “ASSHOLE” was the only thing I could think to say, but oddly enough I no longer felt the need to struggle to get out of his arms. Once we reached the front desk, he had a quick conversation with the nurse who simply shook her head and motioned for us to follow her. As we walked, well Mera and Jackson walked, I was being carried like a child, I couldn’t keep from glancing up at Jackson. I’d never been this close to him, so I had never noticed how much smoother his features were up close. From a distance, he had a hard sharp look about him. One that said trouble stay away. Now just as his tone had surprised me his features were too. They had a comfort to them that I couldn’t place at the moment.
Jackson deposited me on the bed once we were in the room. It was private and cold. Smelled like a typical hospital. Mera was right behind us. Jackson took the chair, so she sat on the end of the bed at my feet. “You still ok “she asked concern on her face. “Yeah. I don’t think I need to be here. Sorry about ruining your day and you missing school” I said with a small smile. My head was really starting to hurt. The rest of my body still felt like I had been hit by a bus. “Oh, I’m not, free day out of school. Hell, I can push you next time if need be.” We both laughed but I stopped abruptly when it hurt everywhere to do so. “I seriously feel like a bus ran over me. You’re sure you didn’t see anything hit me?” Mera looked at me as if I had offended her because she thought that I assumed she was lying to me about something stupid. “Umm NO. We were side by side if something hit you it would have hit me to” “Fair point.” Jackson's phone buzzed and he left the room to take it. He was so quiet over there I had forgotten about him already. I felt like I was being rude for that. It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at her. Before she could respond the doctor walked in. He was a stompy fellow with oversized glasses that sat too far down his face. His white lab coat was two sizes too big, and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week. His mud brown hair didn’t look like anything had been to it in even longer. This didn’t sit well for how much care I was going to be receiving.
“Ah, well which one of you lovely ladies are in need?” he said in a sickly-sweet voice. I almost pointed in Mera’s direction, but she beat me to it. I glared at her. She sniffled a laugh and turned it into a cough. Turning to look at me he asked, “Well darling what seems to be the matter?” I just couldn’t seem to find my voice; I did not want to be here. Thank goodness Mera spoke up for me. “She kind of passed out walking, fell and hit her head. I couldn’t get her to respond.” “Mmhmm, and how far was the fall? How long was she out?” He was busy writing things down on an old-school clipboard. I was seriously getting uneasy about the type of care I was going to receive from this creepy ass doctor. I managed to find my voice “The fall was about five feet and nine inches down. As for how long I was out that I do not know.” He looked at me slightly confused at my answer but never said anything more than “I see. Well, we are going to run some tests and call your parents. Can I have their names please?” Ugh, I groaned this was not the part I was looking forward to. “Jasper and Phoenix Gentry,” I said flatly.
Recognition was what crossed his face first then fear. “Aaand your name miss?” he stammered but the sickly sweet was gone. It was purely professional now. “Cortlyn Gentry?” Mera said my name as a question noticing the doctor's change in tone and professionalism also. “Yes yes. Of course,” he said and stood up straightening out his lab coat trying to make it look better. As he turned to leave the room he ran right into Jackson. There was a dark look in Jackson that made him look dangerous. I wasn’t sure why, but it made me shrink down into the bed a bit more. He looked down at the doctor almost spitting these words at him “You’re going to want to hurry up with those tests.” The doctor stood there for just a fraction too long before Jackson stepped aside allowing the doctor to leave. What the hell was that?
Hackles still up, he sat back down in the chair. “Umm, the doctor said he was calling my parents, so you don’t have to stay. I'll be able to catch a ride home with them.” I said. “I’ve already spoken to your parents; I am your ride home,” he said clearly enjoying the surprised expression on my very confused face. “How, when umm why?” what kind of, huh? I must have hit my head harder than I thought. Jackson Douglas, author of Bad Boy 101 had spoken to my parents. Not only that, but they’ve also agreed for him to bring me home? That sly smile was back as he continued “Mera’s too, her mom is on her way here now.” Mera beamed at him, and he smiled back. This was just weird.
After being wheeled down for an MRI and X-ray Mera’s folks had shown up. “Maybe it’s your sugar? Have you eaten?” her mother asked. “Yes, Mrs. Fern, I have thank you. I’ve never had a problem before either.” Mera rolled her eyes at the mother’s curiousness. “Well, that’s good. Hopefully, they will have you right as rain in no time. Come’ on Mera let’s go you have schoolwork to get to.” Mera’s sour expression was all I needed to choke back a laugh.
She got up and gave me a swift hug anyway and had me promise to call her tonight when I got home. I agreed and they all left. I tried laying back to sleep, but my head stayed too busy trying and failing miserably to figure out what the hell had happened to me today. The nurse came in informing me that the doctor would be back shortly and making sure I didn’t need anything. Jacksons' voice telling the nurse thank you startled me. I hadn't seen him come back into the room. He had stepped out to make a call or that was his excuse when Mera’s mom had arrived.
Now that it was just the two of us, I had questions that needed answers. “So how long have you and Mera been talking?” I asked curiously but she also seemed the easiest way to get a conversation started. “We go way back,” he said as coolly as possible. “Yeah, um ok.” I was so confused and now getting irritated. Who in the hell was this dude? “Alright, new question then how the hell do you know my parents?” I’m over being polite. Catching on to my attitude change, that stupidly cute smirk he had going for him came across his face. “Everyone knows your parents around here.” He wasn’t wrong. I had no argument for that one. “That's fair, but how do my parents know you then?” “Who said they knew me?”
“One would assume that you know them, they know you etc. etc. if you are easily in contact with them. Then there's the matter of you being my ride home with no discussion on the matter. They didn’t even want to talk to me?” I sounded whiny but I didn’t care. I wanted an understanding of what exactly was going on. “You’re quicker than I thought but slower than you should be by now.” “And there’s another cryptic answer.” At this point, I had my arms crossed and was giving him the evil eye. He just shook his head laughing quietly. “I do know who your parents are, Like I said most everyone knows your parents in this city. As far as their numbers go, I got it from your phone. Called your dad by the way, not your mom as he is listed as dad, and she was listed as Phoenix.” Well, at least I won't have to face that one yet.