
"Hey! what the hell are you doing, bro?" Zeus asked.

The man immediately bowed in front of Zeus and run away. I was so very confused and curious to know what he was doing, why he was bowing down to a statue of Zeus and why he ran away.

"Do he know you, Sir?", I asked, curiously.

"None of your business,"he said, seriously as his forehead frowned.

I was about to follow him but I decided to stay and find out more about what he was doing.

He bought many clothes inside the store and he act so very bossy while he was being seen by other people.

"Hurry up!" he commanded.

We get inside the car and he keep our silence for a moment.

When we arrived at the mansion, I saw Sir Conrad standing outside the entrance, looking at us with a stern expression. Zeus immediately ran up to his father, and I followed more slowly, carrying the many bags we had brought with us.

"Hey! it's too heavy for you to carry it, Bella," Sir Conrad told me.

"No. I can handle it,Sir" I insisted.

Sir Conrad asked Zeus why he hadn't helped me with the bags. I could feel my face getting hot with embarrassment, but I just smiled and said it was really okay. I could handle it.

Sir Conrad seemed surprised by my response, but he nodded and we all went inside.

I saw William and he just pass me by without saying a single word. His presence make me really uncomfortable and I am very insecure. I tried to control my feelings and keep walking.

"Why is he so very handsome?"I asked myself, smiling.

As I continued to make my way to my room, I couldn't help but feel a wave of insecurity come over me. I saw a beautiful woman come out of William's room and it made me feel so inferior. William had always managed to bring women who were so much more attractive than me. I felt like I was invisible to him as he walked past me without even saying a word. I tried to keep my composure and ignore the feeling of dread that was welling up within me.

"Who am I to notice?" I asked myself.

I entered my room and plopped down on the bed, not wanting to leave. I felt so helpless in the face of William's charm. I wished that I could be someone that could catch his eye and make him take notice of me. But, I knew that it was impossible. I was never going to be as beautiful as the women he was always bringing to his room.

"But I supposed to give my virginity to him but to Zeus. Oh no!"I was so very frustated when I thought of his brother.

I stayed in my room all night, feeling the weight of my insecurity. I knew that I wasn't the only one affected by William's presence. But, his disregard for me made me feel like I was nothing. I wanted to be able to stand up and be noticed, but I felt like I was always going to be the invisible girl in the background.

I didn't expect that I had been living with the two brothers for several months now, ever since my father sold me to pay his debt.

Every morning, Lydia and I would get up early to prepare breakfast for the brothers. We would work together, Lydia quietly humming and me carefully measuring out ingredients.

"Do you like Sir William?"Lydia asked me.

I was surprised at what her question and my heart started racing.

"No,"I denied.

"I don't believe you. It's obvious,"she insisted.

"Okay. He's handsome but that's all nothing else more,"I told her.

"hmmm",she just smiled at me.

I had been stirring a pot of oatmeal when Zeus approached me. He had such an intimidating presence, and I tensed up as he stepped closer. I could feel my heart racing as he leaned in and whispered quietly.

'Is that delicious like you?' he asked, his voice low and husky.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down, feeling a blush creeping up my cheeks. I was sure he could see it, and I was embarrassed.

"Please don't,"I begged, softly with respect.

"It will be," he said, gently.

He smiled at me, a twinkle in his eye, and stepped away. I watched him walk away as I took a deep breath.

I thought back to Alpha Conrad's words. He said that his two sons would treat me well. I knew I had to lie about it. I had to pretend that everything was perfect and that the brothers were treating me well.

The truth was, they weren't. They were cruel and unkind. I was constantly belittled and made to feel inferior. But I couldn't tell Alpha Conrad, I just had to keep smiling and pretend everything was okay.

The days passed and I continued to keep my head down and do my best to remain invisible.

I was careful not to draw any attention to myself. I wasn't sure what would happen if Alpha Conrad found out the truth about his sons and how they were treating me.

I was in the kitchen, prepping for dinner when I heard my phone go off. It was Sir Conrad. He sounded a bit anxious, which I had never heard before.

'Hi, Sir Conrad,' I said. "What can I do for you?"

He told me that his son's birthday is coming. He wanted me to choose between them.

I hesitated for a moment, not sure what to do.

Sir Conrad continued, saying that he wanted me to think of something that both of his sons would enjoy equally. He said that it didn't have to be something expensive, but he wanted it to be something special that would show his sons how much he cared for them.

"How did they treat you here?"he asked, seriously.

"Uhmm?"I stammered.

Zeus suddenly speaks behind and I have no choice but to hide the truth.

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