5. My new home


I propped myself in the black limousine that was expected to convey I and Luciano to my new home.

We sat few metres away from each other and for some reason, my heart was palpitating so badly.

Aurora's and Mariposa's taunt kept on replaying in my head like a song on repeat.

Why were they calling me all sort of derogatory names like whore and a slave? And what did they mean by hopefully I can bear Luciano a son before he tosses me away?

Was that the main reason I was to marry him? To become a baby making machine?!

I literally had a life ahead of me before all these now these people are trying to subjugate me and turn me into a housewife!

A thought roamed at the back of my mind as we both drove in silence. Would he force me to consummate the wedding though?

My parents had made sure no man had carnal knowledge of me right from the time I was little but tonight he might.....

No. If he does it then it would be rape because I will not consent to it.

But these people seem like they are even higher than the law themselves.

"Luciano" I braced myself up and called out to him.


I had multiple questions to ask. I did not even know where to start from. "Did you ever have a first wife?"

I did not mind asking him this question. I needed to know the kind of man I was married to especially after Aurora's words of him casting me away like the others.

He turned his gaze away from his phone and had his eyes on me.

Did he perhaps find my question annoying or intruding?

"No I never got married in the past. You are my only wife" the words left his lips slowly.

I breathed a sigh of relief. But why am I relieved to learn about this?

"But I do have many mistresses" he added to my very dismay.

Of course. Goddammit. What was I expecting?! He said he will be a dutiful husband to me back at the reception but I doubt it.

He has many mistresses. Not even one!

He is a handsome wealthy man, how could I have expected more from him?

"Are you angry principessa? You do not seem to like the information?" He asked, chortling at my discomfort.

"Of course not. Why would I be? Men are polygamous in nature. Have as many as you want if you so desire it" I scornfully and sarcastically spat at him.

"Is that what you really think?"

I nodded as a reply and he did not say anything else again. I focused on watching the road as we drove but I guess I was so deep in vexation that I did not even notice when we drove inside what seemed like a huge luxurious estate.

Was he the only one staying in such a huge area? Why this place can house more than a hundred people!

God I can not start imagining how many acres of lands were used up!

We drove past various grand mansions, all looking luxurious and opulent. The area seemed so garden like, adorned with well trimmed bushes and various radiant flowers.

Each house we passed were all connected by the paved clean white roads. Mini fountains which oozed pure clear crystal water and gothic statues were deposited at all corner along with the different types of flowers and various expensive cars which were littered all around.

I noticed quite a handful of guards and staffs everywhere we drove, and I think I even saw a swimming pool too.

Oh my God! How rich are these people? He can not tell me only him lives in such a grand estate.

"This is our family's estate. It has been in the family for generations upon generations, passed down from one kin to the next. My uncles and their families, my cousins and their families, my brothers and their families, even my mother, they all reside right here. We also have quite a handful of loyal staffs who keep this place running smooth as silk," Luciano declared, as if he had the uncanny ability to pluck thoughts straight from my mind.

"Wow. It is very, uhm...too huge" I was too dazed to even think of a befitting reply.

Luciano laughed and smiled, "We shall soon get to my house so you can be settled in"

I did not say a word after that. In due time, our ride took a halt and Luciano was the first to get off as I followed suit.

We stood in front of a huge milky shade mansion which looked more gothic than the rest of the houses.

Wait. He lived here?!

My jaws dropped to the ground at the size but I was quick to mask my surprise seeing how amused he was when looking at me.

More than a dozen staffs were arrayed before him. They all bowed their heads as if he was some sort of king.

Taking hold of my hand, Luciano pulled me into the grand walls of his mansion, the staffs closely following us before dispersing to their various duties.

One thing I noticed was that I saw quite a number of men with guns at the wedding and I felt it was just for safety but now I am seeing those same men in our house with us and they even seemed to have increased in size.

"Will we not pay respect to your father and mother?" I asked before we climbed one of the intricately designed stairs that divided the huge living room.

I did not know why I asked that but it was the respectful thing to do. I guess. Luciano took a halt, "my father is late and my mother is late too", he said the words with no emotions in his facial features and even voice.

Huh? Is this man bipolar? But minutes ago he spoke of his mother. "But you said your mother lived here with you"

"My step mother. She is my step mother. We can go greet her later. But not now"

I developed a rapid surge of goosebumps as we climbed the flights of stairs. Suddenly I felt more terrified of him than before and I did not know why.

Was it the manner in which he addressed his parents death?

Swiftly, I pulled my hands away from his.

"Why did you do that?" He questioned.

"You do not like it when I hold your hands?" He added taking a step closer towards me which were replaced by two backward steps from me.

"Sir..." the voice of a staff timely cut into our conversation.

Three maids approached us from behind,giving a respectful bow before one of them spoke.

"We were instructed by your mother to be your wife's personal maids and prepare her for tonight"

Prepare me for tonight?

"Very well. Take her with you" Luciano consented before walking away.

What were they preparing me for?

Would I have to put up a show to impress the entire Grecos?

It was then I got the clearer picture of what they actually meant.

My wedding night consummation.

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