8_Stalking for revenge

“What?!” Milana’s mouth hung open. “Impossible!” It was true that their sister was a ticking bomb wrapped in pretty princess gowns, but surely she hadn't done something so outrageous.

Jade sighed. “Mother’s going to kill us.”

“She’ll kill me first,” said Natalia weakly. “And in the most gruesome manner.”

“There isn’t time to waste,” Cyrus said, descending the stairs. “We need to find her immediately. Contrary to what you all think, Amie is actually strong, but she definitely is no match for the average Barbarian.”

“Shit!” Natalia bit her lip. “Raiden, I have to go. Please, love.”

He shook his head. “I’d also love to go, but we can’t. We have one last ceremony to perform, our kingdom depends on this, my Queen.”

“Talia, stay,” Milana said. “I’ll go.”

Cyrus nodded. “Yes, I’ll go with you. The two of us will find her and bring her home safely, so don’t worry.”

Natalia whimpered, shutting her eyes. “Mother really will kill us if she finds out.”


The clicking sound of running heels reached them and Veronica appeared in the front doorway of the main castle, looking down at her.

“Yes, Nicki,” Natalia said grievously.

“Here!” Pushing past her oldest brother, Veronica hurried down to Natalia, shoving her palms out before her. “We can use this!”

Milana gasped. “Oh, my God, yes!”

“I almost forgot,” Natalia said, staring down at the mapped compass sitting in Veronica’s hands. “Amie’s tracker.”

Cyrus made a face. “You… put a tracker on her?”

Milana looked at him. “No, her healing gem is what is tracked, not Amie herself. It’s in case she loses it, this golden compass will always point in its direction.”

“Here.” Natalia handed it to Milana. “Lana, seriously. You have to find her.”

“Don’t worry.”

“And stay safe,” Raiden added. He looked at his brother. “Both of you.”

“Oh, relax,” Cyrus grumbled with an eye roll. “We’re pureblood royals of the vampire and werewolf species. You think some measly Barbarians are a match for us?”

Amie’s sword lay discarded on the ground, confiscated within the first few minutes of battle.

As soon as he’d gotten hold of her, his overwhelming strength had completely stunned her and her split second of shock had been enough for him to tackle her.

That had been the end of that.

She was currently screaming in a mixture of fear and anger, cursing her fate. She grunted, wriggling about in alarm. “What are you doing, you criminal?! I’ll kill you!”

“You’re awfully stubborn,” Thoran muttered. “And loud.”

“Stop!” she screeched. “I’ll haunt you to the ends of the earth, you monster.”

“Sshh,” he soothed, looking closely at her flushed face. “Hold still for me. We don’t want your skin bruising now, do we, poppet?”

“My name’s not poppet!” she spat. Grunting, Amie tried to wrestle herself free, but it was no use. The ropes were too tight.

“There,” said Thoran. “That should hold you.”

Glaring at him, she gritted her teeth. “You coward. Is this how you win a fight against a weak girl? By tying her to a tree?!”

Thoran stepped back, holding his hands behind his back as he watched her throw a fit. She was so spoilt. Clueless too, considering how she’d come all the way out here to challenge him.

Why did he keep sparing her?

“Why don’t you free me?” Amie challenged. “And face me like a man!”

An unexpected drop of amusement tinged his grey eyes, but his mouth remained in a straight line. “I haven’t got the time, nor the patience to deal with the fits of a spoilt girl. You will remain tied to that tree while I go on with my business.” Taking a slow step closer, he gave her a deeply threatening look. “To be spared twice by me… the gods must favour you. Don’t make this foolish mistake again.”

She glared at him in suppressed anger, her stomach knotting up from the sheer embarrassment she was feeling. He hadn’t even tried to fight her! Was she that easy? Did she not exude a single shred of intimidation?

This was the pits of it all, getting tied to a tree would make her entire experience with this criminal even more embarrassing to tell. She had to redeem herself.

At her silence, he straightened and turned to walk away, mentally washing his hands off her.

“What’s your name?!” she demanded.

Stopping, Thoran looked over his shoulder at her.

“Tell me your name so I can hunt you down no matter where you run. Unless you’re scared, of course.”

She scoffed at him and, blinking tiredly, he walked over to her. “Scared? Do you ever think your words through or do you just combine letters and spit them out like burps?”

Her cheeks flamed at his offensive words. Burps?! And how easily he insulted her, too, his calm tone making the words more aggravating. “Just… tell me your name! Steel what? Steel who?”

She was incredibly persistent. He didn’t have time to pacify her petulant outrage, neither did he need to. Still, Thoran found himself stepping closer. There was something oddly satisfying about her frustration, he found himself wanting to tease her further.

“You’ve got a fancy little necklace on, haven’t you?” His eyes lowered to the gem that rested against her chest.

Amie’s eyes widened, her face going a little pale. That wasn’t right. His attention wasn’t supposed to go to her necklace, that was too dangerous for her. “It’s… it’s glass. Not a real jewel.”

After spending several years acquiring gems, Thoran knew a real jewel when he saw it and that, around her neck, was a real priceless jewel.

“That so?”

Stiffening, she tried to look nonchalant. It didn’t last, especially when he raised a hand and reached for the necklace.


He touched the gem with his fingertips and stopped there, raising his gaze to hers. His face was close, the oddly alluring darkness in his eyes nearly drawing her in and drowning her. “Wait?”

She swallowed hard, her heartrate increasing at the horrifying thought of losing her healing gem. “You can’t take my necklace. Even for a Barbarian, you can’t be so cheap and heartless.”

He raised a brow. Did she think the way to get through to him was by insulting him? How odd. “I wasn’t going to take it. But your little mouth’s gotten even more spoilt and audacious, now I feel the urge to teach you a lesson.”

She crumbled, eyes showing all the desperation growing within her. “Hey, wait. Leave the necklace, one jewel won’t make you and your men any richer. I need this necklace.”

“Your dead mother’s?” he questioned dryly. “Last thing you have of her?”

Her face ticked with a rapid expression of surprise. “What? No, my mother’s not dead! This gem, it… it keeps me safe. It gives me strength. Don’t touch it.”

The interesting bit of information made him frown in mild surprise, his eyes returning to the gem on her chest. “A magic gem? Who was the witch that made it?”

“It wasn’t a witch, it was a sorcerer and he is the current King of Cassius, but that’s not the point! Just don’t touch it!”

His eyes darkened with annoyance, rising to meet hers. “I’m not fond of your manners or the way you ask.”

“I wasn’t fond of your manners when you trespassed into my castle, so here we are.”

Her tongue was sharp, always ready to retaliate. It both frustrated and intrigued him. What a strange wench he’d gotten tangled with. “I see. Then, I’ll just be on my way with your little necklace.”

He yanked it off her neck, snapping the string apart.

Amie gasped, jerking with fright. “N-no! Put it back!”

“I haven’t taken it.”

With trembling exhales, she looked down and realized that he held the gem against her skin, holding it up with a single finger against the gleaming surface.

“That may change depending on your behaviour.”

Swallowing hard, she closed her eyes to focus every ounce of her power on controlling her temper. “Please. Don’t take it.”

Even with the polite request, he could see her trembling with suppressed anger. The nerve of her. When he was going easy on her too. This was nothing compared to what she deserved for coming here and disturbing him like this. How stupidly bold, especially with her weakness dangling around her neck for anyone to snatch.

“Now…” Slowly, he dragged the smooth, metal back of the jewel against her skin, lowering it until it sat on the edge of her clothing, supported only by the angle of her chest and a thin ridge of fabric. “I’ll leave this right here.”

He lifted his finger and Amie automatically went stiff, keeping her chest upright.

Like he was glad she understood, his eyes lightened with approval. “Very good. You might not have much physical power but your womanly body certainly isn’t a disappointment. Hopefully, your breasts hold this gem up.”

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