Chapter Seven
Cassandra's POV
After finishing half the bowl Zachary gave me, I set the spoon down and placed my hand over my belly. I wasn't used to eating this much and it was making my stomach hurt. I was getting to the point where I was uncomfortable.
"Everything alright dear? Was it not to your liking?" The older woman that was wiping down the counters asked me.
I shook my head furiously. "N-no ma'am. it was delicious, but I'm afraid I can't eat anymore."
Her brows furrowed, but she quickly nodded her head after she looked at me. "I understand. Next time I'll make a smaller portion for you to eat." after she said it, she shook her head after taking in my small frame.
I was normally self-conscious when people did that. But her brown eyes were soft and warm when she took the bowl and discarded the rest. Such a shame too, that was a whole day's worth of food had I still been with George. There was even some for tomorrow if I stretched it.
I turned to the man seated beside me and asked. "Please, call me Cassie." he smiled, his beautiful dark eyes smiling along with him.
"My wife, she has the power to heal others," he gently brushed some hair from my face. "Can she heal this, it is rather nasty looking." I looked back at the older woman who was standing with the other man. Both I knew were the previous Alphas of this pack and she the former Luna.
"She won't harm you, just ask your boy. She healed his injury too when she saw it."
The fact. that this woman healed my son made me want to bow at her feet and thank her relentlessly. Not even the omegas back home were as sweet as this family. Slowly I nodded my head and she smiled brightly.
"My name is Clara," she held her hand out when she was next to me. I took it and gasped when her eyes turned white. Her smile faded and I wanted to let her hand go because of it. Did I upset her?
The former Luna, placed her hand on my head and her frown deepened. When her eyes cleared and she glanced at me she whispered. "When was your last menstrual cycle, Cassie?"
I thought hard on when I last had my monthly, but when I realized it had been longer than I expected, I felt tears building in my eyes. I quickly shook my head and stood up. "No, I can't be. It isn't possible."
She looked down and sighed. "My wolf can feel it Cassie. And she's never wrong when her instincts tell her something."
My hands shook as I moved away from her. I felt sick, I couldn't bear another child. Silas was my miracle after three miscarriages, but I couldn't handle having another. My body wasn't healthy enough to be carrying a baby. "I don't want it,"
"Oh sweet girl" she enveloped me in a hug. I stiffened feeling her arms around me. When I found she wasn't going to hit me I relaxed. "I can't have this baby, it wasn't a consensual encounter." I murmured, I haven't ever told someone what happened behind closed doors.
When I first met George, he was intimidating. I willingly gave him the most precious thing I owned. But it hurt and I didn't like doing it. When I denied him he would tie me to the bed and do his wicked deeds. For a man half my age he had stamina and could go for hours.
After Silas was born, I found out three months later that I was once again pregnant. When I told George this, he accused me of cheating on him and kicked me in the stomach until I miscarried. Anytime I found out I was pregnant, George would make me pay for doing such a thing, I didn't ask his swimmers to go and impregnate my eggs. That was all his fault.
But regardless, I was able to keep Silas and delivered him only a month prematurely. He was a blessing because for the first time in over a year, I felt lik someone in this world loved me for me. "please Mrs Nichols-Evans, help me get rid of it."
"I'm sure–”
"NO!" I yelled.
My eyes widened and I covered my mouth realizing what I just did. More tears filled and fell from my eyes, if my father was a teacher, he would use this opportunity to punish me for yelling at a leader. Current or former. He would see fit I was properly punished for that.
"Clara, if she doesn't want the baby, then we can't force her to do that." Her husband that was seated beside me said. His hand was on my shoulder, I moved away out of instinct only to run into the man by the doorway.
"I do wish you would tell our boys before you decide" I shook my head.
"This is my body, and if you won't help me I'll find someone. who will." I moved away Fr m all three of them and went out the back door.
I glanced around for Silas, the swings and slides in the backyard were empty. "Si" I called out for him. My heart began racing when I didn't see him. He would always come to me if I called his name, because he knew I couldn't hear if he called back. Walking down the steps I searched the entirety of the backyard, praying he was too busy playing to hear me. But I never found him. "Silas? It's not funny anymore."
I ran into someone as I went to turn around. Hands gripped my arms so I wouldn't fall. "Hey, why were you crying?" Levi's voice came from the person I ran into.
"I can't find Silas, he wanted to play and now I can't find him." he smiled down at him and turned me back around, then made me look to the right. Relief flooded me when I saw my son coming into the backyard. "He was only exploring, I had a warrior following him just in case he got lost."
Levi let me go and I had to fight myself not to go over and play mama hen to Silas and force him back inside. I knew he didn't get to play outside back home so I didn't want to ruin this for him. Even if I wanted to keep him locked away inside, I knew I couldn't.
"I promise nothing will happen. We have people scouring this forest day and night, so if he did get lost he would have been able to find one of them and they can bring him back in less than an hour." I nodded my head. At least that worry would be eased some.
"My father wants to take him from me. I just got scared thinking he came back and took him while he was having fun."
"He won't. He needs access in and out of here by me and my brothers." I sighed and found myself leaning against Levi. When I realized what I was doing I went to move, but he wrapped an arm around my waist and kept me there.
"Stay, my wolf enjoys your touch." he whispered in my ear.
As much as his touch make my skin raise with goosebumps I had no right to be so close. I reluctantly pulled away from his grasp and moved a couple feet away. Until this baby was gone, I didn't deserve to feel that.
He sighed and lowered his gaze. "My mom asked me to tell you that your appointment is tomorrow morning. But she refused to tell what it was for." he looked back up, his beautiful green eyes drew me in. "Are you ill, Cassandra?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but Silas came over. "Mama look, it's in the shape of a star." he said holding up a stone.
"It's very beautiful, Si. Why don't you go inside and clean it off?" Silas bounced on his feet then took off up the steps of the porch. When I looked back at Levi he was smiling.
"That boy has a heart of gold you know!" I nodded, he was a happy kid, never complained or cried. The only time he let his emotions get in his way was when I was hurt or his father was speaking harshly to me.
"My mom won't let me join you for your appointment. But can I see you afterwards?"
"I don't think it would be best." I murmured, he would know what I did if he saw me afterwards. I would need someone to help me if he knew.
Levi nodded and gave me a smile. "Then can Jordan and I have the pleasure of your company tonight after dinner?"
A blush covered my cheeks. "If it pleases you, sir."
"You are my mate and future Luna. I would be honored to be blessed with your presence. And soon enough, Zachary will see to that too, as much as he denies you he won't be able to do so for very long."
His words made me feel sick and happy at the same time. I never wanted a mate, George had made me hate the forced paring between he and I. And it wasn't until I met these three men who claim to be my fate that I realized he was lying about me being his destined mate.
I bowed my head at him and slowly back away, then retreated back inside.