Before we get started, there are a few points you should know.
The Preternatural have been around as long as humans have in their current forms, which is around 200,000 years, since this time most of what the preternatural know, has been information handed down by the Council, a group of panther shifters that collect, record and protect the history of all preternatural species.
There are many species known to preternatural and ten known to humans; each species has its particular quirks.
Panther-shifters: - Self-proclaimed leaders of the preternatural often perceive themselves as high born and better than other species.
Wolf-shifters: - True creatures of habit, nearly always members of a pack with a Hierarchical system, each pack has an Alpha, a Beta and often a group of trusted Enforcers.
Bear-shifters:- Again creatures of habit, usually small family groups that keep away from busy environments and out of politics.
Dragon-shifters:- Majestic and arrogant, there are two types of Dragon Shifters Ice and Fire, ruled by a King of Fire and Queen of Ice, mostly solitary creatures but some have an intense curiosity.
Eagle Shifters:- Rarely seen or heard about, despite agreeing to announce themselves to human kind they keep themselves secret unless necessary.
Witches:- Blessed with magical gifts passed down since the dawn of time, most use their gifts for unselfish reasons but occasionally personal gain comes into play, turning the witch into a dark entity.
Demons:- Spawns of hell itself, this all male species are often greedy, manipulative and aggressive, though some older demons have shed the stereotype and become better men.
Vampires:- These creatures flooded history with falsehoods to protect themselves, they can walk in daylight and even into a church, they can not shift into the form of a bat nor do they need blood to survive, they only require blood when they are injured to trigger the healing process.
Incubi:- The Incubus thrives on the party lifestyle, feeding on sexual energy of females from any species.
Succubi:- Much like the male counterparts these extravagant females feed on sexual energy and desire.
Angels:- A human name for them, they much prefer Valkyries, this all female race was the only one to not announce themselves to the human kind, instead preferring to hide and not interfere with life on earth.
Each species has a terminal flaw, an illness that can affect and eventually kill them, once modern medicine had advanced far enough, a scientific research company was founded to find treatments and a cure for each of the ailments, when the day of illumination came to pass the company went public losing 70% of its controlling shares to the government who changed the companies agenda to non-lethal weapons and containment, that company is Predtech.