Chapter 1

“Well Fuck!”

Valaria was not one to swear, but this situation she had gotten herself into? This called for an F-Bomb or two.

Valaria was sent here by the council, to gather Intel on the new family in town, this wouldn't usually sound that interesting but Valaria, The Council, The King and The Company were all a very particular kind of person, They were shifters, Panther Shifters. This new family she was sent to investigate? Well they were Wolves and one of them had just stopped inches away from the shrub she was hiding in on their land so you see a Fuck! Is most definitely needed.

The wolf in question was in his wolven form and what a form it was, twice the size of your standard wolf breed with grey black fur and gold piercing eyes, he must have been out for a run, it was odd to see a wolf shifter out without the pack so he is most likely an enforcer or even the god damned alpha.

Valaria stilled herself as the magnificent creature began to rise on its hind legs, the sound of cracking bones and stretching muscles echoed in Valaria's ears as she watched on in amazement, she had never seen a wolf shift before, her eyes darted from limb to limb as the fur seemed to shed from the flesh and dissipate into nothing, 'Oh My', there he was, over six feet tall, broad shouldered, every muscle was chiselled perfection and to top it off he had a face that would charm The Queen out of her crown, he took a step towards the bush and then there it was, inches from Valaria's face the thing she never expected to see on this wonderful mission of hers, a thick long and very proportionate to his body Cock!

That coupled with his scent that started to drive her panther into a lustful frenzy 'stupid cat!’

'Holy Fuck! He was big in every way, how the hell am I going to get out of this one?'

“So, are you going to stay hidden in the bush? Or are you going to introduce yourself?”

“Shit!” Valaria said under her breath.

“Tell you what, I'll go first, I'm Dominic, Beta of the Riverside Pack and you have been staring at my cock for over a minute.” Not that Dominic minded, but her scent was starting to affect it. He didn't want her to see if he were to get aroused by it.

'Cocky Bastard.' “I... I'm Valaria, head enforcer of the Westingdale Pride” she stood in the bush her head just popping through the foliage.

Dominic looked over her for a moment, his gorgeous yellow eyes taking in her pitch black shoulder length hair and Amethyst eyes, that fucking scent again, honey and pine needles, it's fucking amazing and sending his wolf crazy

“A Panther, well I can't say I have ever had the pleasure.”

'And you won’t!' Valaria stepped forward and in turn Dominic took a few steps back, never breaking his gaze with hers.

“I'm sorry to be hiding in your bushes bu...”

Dominic interrupted, “But you were sent here by your council to make sure that we are not a threat and if we are a threat then you are to gather Intel on us so that your Pride might be able to get us out of your town, That's about right?”

'Cocky son of a bitch.' “Y..Yes exactly it, how did..”

Interrupted again,

“How did I know? It's my job to know, do you honestly think we would move the entire pack here without finding out everything there is to know about the creatures that live here?”

“Well no, I suppose not.” Valaria added, “Would you mind covering up?”

Dominic chuckled his deep rasped voice just adding to his perfection, his scent of lemongrass and a deep musk was quite entrancing and she would never admit it but it was causing a flutter throughout her body and directing it all to her pussy. “Sure, as long as you come inside and sit with me.

“Why the hell would I do that?” She exclaimed, only to throw him off the scent so to speak, ‘Fuck, that scent!’

“You are here for Intel, the easiest way to get that Intel is for me to give it to you, no?”

Valaria sighed and gestured for him to lead the way, after only a minute or two of walking they came upon a large warehouse type structure, cold block stone wall and even a corrugated steel roof there were no windows that she could see and only a single large roller door with an inset standard door, as they approached the door swung open and out popped a young female couldn't be any more than eighteen she was clad from head to toe in green fatigues like the US army used to wear in the sixties, she bowed her head which was covered in dirty blonde hair to her shoulders and closed the door behind us, as her eyes adjusted to the bright light she realised this was a parking garage, filled with cars, Motorbikes and even the odd SUV, to one side was a small office and in the centre there was an elevator.

‘These guys live underground?’

“Stacy, is everything ready?” Dominic turned to face the young pup.

“Yes Sir, the main lounge is free and the rest of the enforcers have been notified of our visitor, they have taken the rest of the pack for a run leaving just the essential personnel on grounds.” Her voice was like silk, smooth and crisp, delicate even.

“Thank you, you may join them if you wish.” he gestured to the door and Stacy bowed her head and turned away, as she walked she dropped clothing behind her, stripping down to nothing before her pale body shot off into the night.

“This way, please” Dominic lead her to the elevator and pressed a code into a numeric panel, once they reached the designated floor which Valaria could only guess was at least three floors below surface the doors opened into a wide corridor, lined with dark wood floors and pale green walls, each junction had huge oak archways and every door was thick hardwood, they walked on for about one hundred feet and through the only open door into what can only described as sofa central, there were at least ten of them, all chesterfields all in a rich burgundy leather, the walls were a deep purple and the was multiple coffee tables plotted about the room then there was a grand fireplace with two queen Ann chairs which is where the pair would be sitting.

“Please sit.”

“Thank you.” Valaria parked herself in the soft leather and crossed her legs, the flames from the fire snapped and crackled as Dominic threw another log in the hearth before taking his own seat.

“So, what would your council like to know?”

Valaria smiled and said, “We want to know what your intentions are, why you left your original home and if we are going to have any trouble.”

Dominic relaxed in his chair,

“Is that all? Well, as to why we left, we were driven out by another pack; they had a claim to the land we did not. Our intentions are simple...” he seemed to pause for dramatic effect, “to live dear, we want to live, run our various businesses and enjoy life, as to the third question I think what needs to be asked is, are we going to have trouble from you? We are a polite bunch, around thirty members, most above the age of fifty no pups in eighteen years if anyone is going to start trouble I reckon it might be your council.”

“I assure you we will not pick a fight for the sake of fighting! Valaria replied with a touch of anger in her voice.

“If that is true, then we will be fine, coexist as it were.” his damned voice was hypnotic.

“But if it will please the council, then I would like to invite yourself and a few other members of your pride to dine with us, it would include a tour and for the business owners, a chance to talk business.”

“I will see what I can do, your Alpha would be okay with this?”

“My Alpha made me beta for a reason, he will be fine, besides he is far too involved with his mate to take much notice anyway, they’re newly weds, I say that, it's been three months but he wants a pup so we leave them to it and do what we can.”

“Very well, I will contact the council and see what they say”

Valeria stood and was instantly greeted by a naked Stacy holding out a business card with Dominic's name and number,

“Where on earth did you come from?”

“Oh me? Back door, c'mon I'll walk you out.”

Once the pair reached the outer gate Stacy turned to Valaria and said,

“Look, I know you are just doing your job, what I mean to say is, we don't want to hurt anyone, we have all been hurt before, that is how this pack started, if you are ever in trouble and need somewhere, just text Dominic with where and when, we'll be there.”

Valaria smiled and began her walk back to her car.

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