Chapter 3
When I set foot in Olimper I was no longer me, with the heels that I did not even know how to walk, the corset that suffocated even my soul and the dress that barely gave to walk I got off the carriage and was greeted with looks and whispers of hatred, the atmosphere was heavy despite the clear and beautiful day it was obvious that I was not welcome there.
"Be prepared to hate you just as they hate Torrem, the history of war between our peoples is very great" said the princess as she taught me how to behave and what I should know to survive.
"Despite your insignificance you can be sure that I will not abandon you, because we share a secret that can make not only yours but my head roll. So, our lives are intertwined and depend on each other" she said, proving to be wiser than I imagined.
It was an intense evening, we thought and talked, worked together to make it work and still my whole body shook with every step I took into the chapel I was to be married in. The music started my sentence and I got nervous "One step after another" I reminded myself trying to keep calm or I could trip and that's all I didn't want, the prince had his back turned and the only thing I could see was his golden hair like the sun.
The silent stares, the way it all seemed wrong made me nauseous and want to run, panic seemed to take over my body and then I stopped causing an even heavier mood, as if Estevan noticed he turned around, his amber eyes and serene face soon opened in an inviting smile, I got even more nervous, my hands were sweating, but somehow now his eyes drew me forward pushing me to walk again.
I stopped in front of Stephen, it was strange to put a face to him, especially when I imagined him to be someone completely different from what I saw.
Estevan was not fat or out of shape, he had an athletic build, muscles that even with the suit could be noticed and honey-colored eyes, he had a square jaw and full lips that pronounced something and only then did I realize that I had lost the moment and that I was already facing him.
I had barely realized it was already my turn to say yes, I felt everything spinning as my heart raced with every second I looked down at my hands that were in his, I knew how far yes would take me but no would lead to war.
He held my hand tightly still waiting for an answer.
"Yes" I said, almost in a whisper, he put the ring on my finger and glanced at me, I felt ashamed of the hand so shaky.
He lifted the ring so that I took it trying not to show my nervousness I looked at his eyes and saw that he was waiting, as if he noticed that I had gotten worse when looking at him Stephen held my hand lightly, but firmly and said low "Calm down, everything will be fine".
I shook my head slowly, took a deep breath and then slipped the ring on his finger. His lips curved into a weak smile and he stepped closer, making me nervous and then sealed our marriage with a kiss.
I had never been kissed before, maybe that's why I was feeling as hot as if I had a forty degree fever.
The party that followed soon after was just for the bureaucratic and governmental part where I was introduced to all the important men of the court, I who knew nothing about what they were talking about just smiled and nodded in agreement.
Estevan was by my side and seemed to make a point of answering questions for me or taking the lead, I didn't know if he doubted my intelligence and knowledge of the issues or if he was really excited to talk politics, maybe both.
I felt as if I would be caught at any moment, as if they would point the finger and say that I was not the princess of Torrem but then I remembered that no one knew the face of the princess who just like me lived her entire life behind the castle walls.
As the evening drew to a close and we began to ascend the stairs, I became nervous again as I realized that the time was coming to consummate the marriage.
"Come in alone, I'll be right there" He said speaking directly to me for the second time that night.
I walked into the room and took a deep breath as I closed the door, laid my head against it and closed my eyes allowing myself to relax for a moment.
"Your Majesty" Said a sweet voice in the room making me jump in fright and turn around sharply "Forgive me, I didn't mean to scare you."
The woman who appeared to be about my age had chocolate brown skin and curly hair tied up in a bun.
"I have already prepared your bath majesty, I do not know if the temperature will please you."
I walked slowly to the tub, the candles were an unexpected touch, as was the scent of lavender rising from the water, I touched the surface of it.
"The temperature is fine" I said and she nodded.
"Let me help you undress."
"No need" I said going against what Charlotte had taught me about letting people take off their clothes, I realized that taking off a corset alone was an arduous task.
"You can take it off, but leave the gloves on" I said surrendering panting and tired, it didn't take long and I was already naked.
I waited until they left and took off the gloves, until the marks and wounds disappeared from my hands to continue using the gloves.
Feeling strange when I put my feet in the tub, I sat down and asked for privacy, I had never bathed with someone looking at me before, moreover, I had never taken a bath with white petals and lavender.
No one taught me what to do now, I would have to sleep with the prince and despite the information Charlotte had given me I didn't feel comfortable, in fact with them I felt even more uncomfortable.
I knew it was going to hurt and that I needed to endure it, I closed my eyes without believing the madness I had gotten myself into, I had never even been kissed before and now, I had to lie down with the unknown man I had said yes to at the altar.
After bathing my body with oils and essences they dressed me in a transparent fine linen shirt, I was still fixing my hair when Estevan entered the room the maids made a quick bow and left leaving the two of us alone, he walked to the bathroom without even looking at me and closed the door, when he left the smell of soap impregnated the place, his freshly wet hair was something pleasant to see as well as the white fine linen shirt that for not having dried properly stuck a little to the body.
He looked me up and down and I didn't know what to do, I was only sure of one thing.
In his eyes was desire.
That alone was capable of making my blood run faster and I knew I was red, he moved closer and I pulled away, I lay down on the bed as the princess had instructed me and closed my eyes waiting.
"What are you doing?"
I opened my eyes.
" I don't know."
He let out a weak laugh, something pleasant to the ears.
" Are you nervous?"
I shook my head denying, lying.
"Come to me" He asked and I obeyed getting up, he took my hand and put it on his chest, his muscles were strong and his heart was also racing.
"Do you know what to do now?" He asked and I shook my head denying, he looked at my trembling hands and then focused on my eyes " What do you feel when you touch me?"
" I felt warm."
His eyes changed becoming more mischievous.
"It's nice to know you feel desire for me" He said, I looked into his eyes apathetically, embarrassed "No need to be afraid, I'll be gentle."
He moved closer and touched my face.
"I had no idea you were so beautiful, Princess Charlotte" Estevan spoke almost like a whisper, he sealed his words with a kiss, his hands went down my back giving me goosebumps and landed on my waist in a strong grip, making me feel for the first time something strange under my legs, making me burn inside.