Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 9

Sky pov


If you reject your mate, it will hurt a lot and you may die, that is why most people choose to end their mate bond on mutual terms. So, my family doesn’t want me to wait for my mate, they want to choose someone that they can control and that can control me. But my parents don’t agree with them and want me to mate with who I want as my mate. They said that to my family but as you may think, they don’t agree with my parents and said that they didn’t raise me right and that is why they want to get me a mate that can control me and set me on the right path. me and set me on the right path. Yeah, right.


When I was done in the bathroom with my shower and everything else, I needed to do, I dried my hair off and then I dried myself off. I then put on my underwear and the bathrobe in the bathroom. After I put everything on, I walked outside and into my bedroom. When I went into my room, I saw that most of them had already finished with their hair, and make up and getting dressed.

“Okay, come and sit so that I can do your hair before they do your makeup,” Isabella said to me while pointing to the chair in front of her. I looked at her horrified. “Please don’t make me look ugly,” I asked her with probably a scared look on my face. She laughed at that. “I won’t, I promise I will make you look beautiful” she replied with a giggle. “Fine but if you make me look ugly, I will hunt you,” I said to her. I then walked and sat down where she showed me to sit.

When I sat down, she started to do my hair. I sat nervously and waited while she was doing my hair. They didn’t put a mirror in front of me because they said, and I quote, we want to show you your whole look at once. “Okay I am done with your hair,” Isa said to me. I was starting to stand up before Chloe stopped me. “It is our turn to do your makeup,” Chloe said to me. I sighed, really doing my hair already took about 45 minutes and now I still need to get my make up done.

I sat back down and just nodded my head. I promise you they almost took 40 minutes to get my make up done. Like who has more than an hour to spare to do your makeup and hair in the morning, not me, that’s for sure. “Okay we are done, you can now open your eyes and go and look in the mirror,” Lilac said to me. I opened my eyes and looked at my friends, they all had excited faces and they all were holding hands like they were hoping that I would like what they did to me.

I then stood up and walked to the mirror in my room. When I stood in front of the mirror I gasped. I was stunned. I did double and a triplet check in the mirror to make sure that the person that I see in the mirror is me and not someone else. My friends really did a good job. “What do you think, did we make you look ugly” Sammy asked. I laughed a little. “No, you did not” I replied with a smile on my face.

“Thank you, girls,” I said to them. “It’s our pleasure,” Chloe said. Everyone was smiling. “Okay now go and put on your dress, it is in the closet, we leave in about an hour and a half,” Isa said while shooing me to my closet. I smiled at them. “Shoo go and put your dress on before your mum comes in here,” Sammy said. I then walked to the closet. When I was in the closet, it was empty, well almost because my dress and shoes were still in the closet.

The rest of the clothes that were in here I packed this morning. I then changed into my dress and put on my shoes. When I finished getting dressed I stayed in the closet for a little while longer to calm my nerves. “We will be alright, Sky” Luna said. “I know that, but I am still nervous” I replied to her. “Come on let’s get out of this closet and get our butt to the ball,” she said happily.

I smiled at that and walked out of the closet. When I walked out of the closet, I heard gasps going around the room. I look up and I see my friends, my sister, and my sister in law in the room all looking at me. “What, do I look that ugly in this dress” I asked them nervously. “No, you look beautiful, little one,” my sister said while smiling at me. “Thank you, guys, you guys also look beautiful” I replied. “But can one of you maybe zip me up” I asked them. They all laughed at that.

Emma then walked over to me and zipped up the dress. “There you go, all done,” she said while walking in the front of me. Just then my mother walked into the room. She smiled and looked at all of us. She was also already dressed. “You girls look beautiful,” she said to us. “You also look beautiful, Luna” Chloe said. She smiled. “How many times did I tell you girls that you don’t have to call me Luna” she said to them. “Sorry Aunty S,” he said.

“Now that’s better” she replied. “Okay I just have to say, Sky if you were my mate, I would lock you up in a glass case away from everyone else and where nobody would ever see you,” Isa said to me. “Well then I am glad that you are not my mate, no offense,” I said. “None taken,” she said. We then heard a knock on the door. “Girls are you done; we have to get going soon,” Shaun said outside the door. “We will be down soon” my mother replied. “Okay girls let’s get going then,” she said to us.

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