Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 13

Sky pov

I was angry, no scratch that, I was livid at what I just heard, I walked to my two cousins and slapped both of them in their faces. After I did that, I told them their fortune. “You can say that I am mate-less all you want, you can say I am a thing that belongs in the basement all you want, you can even try to hit me if you want…” I started angrily. I could hear everyone behind me snickering or trying to keep their laughter in, probably because of their shocked faces that I just dared to slap them.

I can understand the shock because I know how to fight, yes, I know I can beat most Alphas in a fight, yes, but I have never ever raised my hand to any of my family members, whether I like them or not, if it was not a practice match. But today I just lost it. I could see that my cousins were getting angry at me and before they could say anything or do anything I continued with what I was saying.

“But don’t you dare say that my friends and my sibling are mate-less because I know for a fact that each one of them has the most beautiful or handsome, most amazing mate that there can be, that their mates will love and cherish them for who they are and treat them with respect” I replied. “You lot are just jealous of them because if you say that they mate less, then you guys are just as mate less as they are,” I said.

“If you ever find your mate, I will feel sorry for them, because they have to live and love a jealous and selfish person like you lot, they won’t have a loving and warm mate to love them because your nose is so high in the air that you won’t even notice them,” I said while pointing my finger at them. “I already feel very sorry for your mates, because they will have to deal with your judging butts,” I said to them. I then started to walk, and I walked right past them to my parents.

I almost burst out laughing at the shock on their faces, but I tried to keep it in. I could hear my siblings and my friends laughing at what I just said, and probably what I just did. When we got near my parents, I could see that my father was angry and that my mother was also angry, but she was still trying to calm my father down. I guess they met my uncles and aunties and that they said something which my father didn’t like. “Hey guys, are you guys okay, you took a while before getting here,” my mother asked us when we came to a standstill next to them.

“We saw that you met your cousins,” my father said angrily. “Yeah, we are alright, Sky handled them like a pro,” Sebastian said. “You guys should’ve seen her, it was amazing,” Shaun said. We all laughed at that. When then looked at my parents. “Are you guys alright Aunty S” Al asked my parents. My mother sighed. “Yes, we are alright, we just had some words with some pack members” my mother replied. “Yes, I would have said a lot more to them if you hadn’t stopped me” my father said to my mother. “I know mi amor, but today is not the right time or the right place to handle them that is why I stopped you because today is supposed to be a happy day” my mother replied and kissed my father on his cheek.

My heart dropped. I know what pack members they are talking about, and I know why they had words with them. “Don’t be sad Sky, it is not your fault” my father said. I just smiled at my father and nodded my head. “Okay then let’s go inside,” my mother said. We then nodded our heads and followed the parents to the entrance. When we got to the entrance, we stood in the long line to go inside. It took us about 10 minutes before we were at the front of the line.

“Why did I decide to wear high heels today and not a pair of comfy shoes” I moaned somewhat in pain while waiting in the entrance line. Everyone laughed at me. “Well, you are not used to high heels, that is why you are in somewhat pain,” Emily said. When they finally got to the front of the line. The guards at the front stopped us. First, we thought that something was wrong.

“Alpha Delgado and Luna Delgado, Alpha King Garcia and Luna Garcia wish to talk to you before you go in, but they said the rest of your group can go and wait inside for you guys,” the one guard said. “That’s fine” my father replied. My parents then followed the one guard and the other guard let us inside the palace. Let me just tell you, the palace was huge on the outside but on the inside it was enormous. But it was beautiful. We all walked until we were inside the ballroom, where everyone was gathered. If I could give a guess the ballroom could maybe hold 10 thousand wolves and there would still be space left.

Inside the ballroom, there were tables against the walls with different kinds of finger foods, different kinds of drinks and everything else you could think of. Then there was a big space in the middle of the floor where the dance floor was. Next to the stage, there was a space closed off for the Alpha King and his family and close friends. And on the rest of the floor, there were tables that could hold almost 20 to 25 wolves per table. While looking over everything and over the tables of food I saw something that I like.

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