Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 14

Sky pov

“Let’s go to the dessert table please,” Luna asked me. “I know but we first need to ask them if we can go” I replied to her. “Then asked them,” she said impatiently. I smiled at her. “Ask, ask, ask” she chanted. “Sebastian can we please go to the dessert table over there” I asked him excitedly. Everyone looked at where I was pointing and smiled. “I thought we were first going to get a table before getting some food and drinks, so wait a little bit, why do you want to go there now” he said, while smiling at me. I whined at him. Everyone burst out laughing.

“Come on we all know what it is that Sky wants, and it is on that table,” Kia said. “There is only one thing she wants tonight,” Rei said. “Yeah, and that is the only thing she will sacrifice everything for” Isa laughed. “Please Bastian, pretty please” I begged him. He laughed at me. “Fine as long as it will keep you calm and prevent you from having a panic attack and a nervous breakdown” he replied with a smile. I smiled at him and followed him to the table.

Everyone knows that there is still a huge chance that either one of those things will happen tonight. When we got near the table I stopped in my tracks when I saw how many wolves were at the table. When I saw this, I started to back away from the table. Everyone saw this and stopped and turned to face me. I think Colin saw that I was about to either have a mental breakdown or a panic attack because he stopped and put his hand on my shoulder.

“Okay there is a new plan, Sky and a few of you find a table for us to sit at and sit down, the rest of us will divide into 2 groups and one will get some food for everyone, don’t worry Sky we will get you your donut, and the rest will get some drinks for everyone,” Colin said to us. “That sounds like a good idea, how about Emily and Emma go with Sky and the babies to find a table and the rest of us will split into two groups,” Shaun said.

“I agree, I think it is also about time I fed Jake,” Emma said. “Aunty Sky,” Bella said while pulling on my dress. “Yes Bella” I answered. “Up please” she asked. I smiled at her, and I picked her up. With that everyone headed into the different ways. Me, Emily, Bella, Emma, and Jake went and found a table at the back that was near the entrance and the exit. We made sure that there was enough room for everyone to sit. Rei, Colin, Sammy, Sebastian, and Theo went to get me a donut and some snacks for everyone else.

While Lilac, Al, Kia, Shaun, Isa, Chloe, and Jackson went to get some drinks for everyone else. While waiting for everyone to get back, Emma and Emily started to talk about everyone and everything. I just listened and sometimes I answered and sometimes I just zoned out. In a few minutes, everyone started to come back to the table. Colin gave me my donut and I was so happy. I nibbled on my donut while the others came back.

They gave everyone their drinks and they put the rest of the snacks in the middle of the table. While snacking on my donuts I heard that it was too quiet around us. I looked up and I so that everyone looked at Theo who looked quiet and sad. “What’s wrong lil bro” Sebastian asked Theo. He had Bella on his lap snacking on some snacks. “I met my mate,” he told us.

Then he sighed. “Well, more like I saw her,” he said. Why didn’t you tell us when we were at the tables, you could’ve gone to her and talked to her” Al said. “And why don’t you look happy,” Rei asked him. “Because she was with the royal pack members and you guys know how they feel about people just walking up to them claiming that they are their mates,” he said with a sigh while pointing to where the royal pack members were. We all looked up and, in the direction, where he was showing. When we turned to look in their direction, we all froze.

“Mate” Layla shouted in my head, while jumping up and down howling in excitement. “What” I shouted back at her. “That's our mate,” she said happily. “Don’t be shocked, I told you something good is going to happen tonight” she said happily. “You know he is part of the Royal pack right or he is very close friends with them” I asked her. “I don’t care, he is our mate,” she said. I just kept looking at him. Well, what I can tell from here is that he is a Dominant Alpha. Great.

He has black hair, and he has the most stunning shade of blue eyes I have ever seen. He looked to be somewhat tall and he for sure had muscles. He had a lot that you could see through his shirt but not too much as where it gets disgusting. And the way they sat and where they were sitting, I could tell all of them were of high status. I forced myself to tear my eyes away from him to look at my friends and family. “You have to be kidding me, all of us,” I asked.

“Rei looked at me and then the rest of them started to laugh. “Yeah, I guess so” he replied. I looked at my older siblings. “This is not funny,” I said to them. “No, it’s hilarious” Emily replied while continuing to laugh her butt off. “I can’t believe it” Shaun said. I just shook my head. “Really why tonight” Theo asked. Just then my parents came and sat down with us. “What’s wrong” they asked.

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