Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 15

Sky pov

I ignored their question. I looked at my mate one more time before looking back at my plate and continuing to eat my donut. “Oh no they are coming this way” Rei said in horror. I looked at the exit next to us, ready to make a run for it. “What is going on with you lot” my father asked. “Some of them found their mates, and they are in the royal pack” Sebastian replied while holding Bella on his lap.

Then the table got quiet. “Can everyone please take their seats” came a voice from the stage. I looked at the stage and I saw that it was the Alpha king talking. I could also see our mates returning to their seats, but their eyes never left us. “Good evening, everyone, I hope everyone had safe travels and that you are enjoying the ball tonight” he said.

“So as most of you know I am the Alpha King Caden Garcia, and this is my mate and Luna Amelia Garcia” he said while holding his mate close to him. He then talked about something else, but I didn’t listen because I could still feel my mates eyes on me.

When I started to listen again, I heard “And now I would like to call my son Wenner Garcia on stage” the Alpha King said. And to my shock and horror my mate stood up and walked to the stage. That was it, that was the last straw of tonight, so I made my decision. I choose the safest option. I …

Ran away. I decided to run away. I stood up and ran as fast as I could in high heels out of the exit and out of the palace to one of our limos. I told the guard to take me to our new place and to make it fast.

Wenner pov

I woke up and checked my phone. It was just a few minutes before 5, which means I woke up before my alarm again. I switch my alarm off and stood up to go and change into some gym clothes before heading to the kitchen to get some water and a pre workout snack. When I walked into the kitchen I saw that Dash, River, Holden, Lincoln, Asher, and Damien was already in the kitchen eating or drinking their pre workout snack. Each one has their own type of snack.

“Morning” Lincoln greeted. “Morning guys” I greeted them, while taking a snack out of the snack bar and eating it. “Are you excited” Dash asks. “Somewhat because I think something good might happen because Lucan hasn’t stop pacing in my mind since we woke up today” I replied. Everybody looked at each other and I just looked confused at them.

“Well maybe it is a sign that you might meet your mate and the rest of us to, because I know for a fact that your wolf is not the only one that can’t stop pacing” Damien said. “Probably, because I think that most of our wolves is restless and that must mean something is going to happen” Asher said. Everybody nodded their heads. “Okay enough talking about our wolves who is giving us a headache, let’s go to the gym to do our workout before everyone wakes up and make us crazy by telling us what to do, we can talk while we are there” Holden told us.

“Agreed” Lincoln said. We kept talking while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and walking to then gym. The guys followed me, and we held small talk until we got to the gym. When we got to the gym, everyone went and started their own gym routines and while we were busy, we would ask one another to spot us if we lifted weights or something in that line.

After about an hour of us doing our gym routine we started to spar with one another. We each had a turn either alone or in a group to spar. That also lasted about an hour. After we were done sparring, I checked the time and saw that it was about 7 o’clock. We decided that we should probably go and shower so that we can start getting ready for the ball tonight. Everybody walked to their own rooms to go and shower. I walked back to the kitchen to get another bottle of water. I placed the old one on the counter so that they can clean it and fill it with water again. Yes, I also fill it up, but there is a system, and we wait until there is only a few bottles of water left before we fill it and since we stocked up the fridge last night it is not necessary to fill the bottles up now.

I walked towards the fridge to have some fruit until breakfast was ready. I saw that we had some strawberries, so I took a few to eat while going back to my room. I then went to go and shower in my room. Just as I was about to go in the shower there was a knock on my door. I opened my door to see my sister standing there. “Hi Wenner” my sister greeted me.

“Hey Mia” I greeted her back. “Can you maybe come and help” she asked me. “With what do you need help” I asked her. “We want to ask if you can get the memory box from the attic for the photo” she said. I kept quiet for a little while. “But if you don’t want to come and help us, we will get it ourselves” she replied knowing exactly what to say to get me to do something for her.

I sigh. “Just give me 10 minutes, I just want to quickly shower and change, then I will come and get the box from the attic” I said to her. She jumps up and down in excitement. “Thank you” she replies before running down the hall, probably to find Dash or the girls. I laughed a little at her antics.

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