Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 19

Wenner pov

“Hey are you okay” Dash asked me, you are to quiet” he says. “He is always quiet” River said. “Yeah but today he is even more so” Dash replied. “Yeah I am just thinking” I replied. “Hey little bro, don’t over think everything and just go with the flow tonight” Alex said. “He knows we can’t just go with the flow” Lucan said in my mind. “Yes he knows” I replied.

“I know, but I never just go with the flow, you know Alpha genes and everything” I replied. Everybody then went silent. It was a quick 5-minute ride and the limos dropped us at the back of the palace. We got out and walked into the ballroom. And I must say everything looks good and perfect. Well I guess if you have my mother breathing down your neck about everything then you will make sure it is perfect, because upset the Luna and the whole pack will come after you. We went inside and walked towards the stage.

When we got there the girls pulled us to a table at the left side of the hall where there where tables in the front. We sat down at one of those tables so that we can see everything and everyone. “This placed is already packed” Alec said. “Yeah and there are still people outside” Mike said. “But let’s remember that everybody is here to see if they are mates with our dear friend Wenner” Dash said while pointing to me with one of his hands and the other is around Mia’s shoulders. “Yeah, everybody is here for him, but what about the rest of us” Asher said.

“Yeah what about the rest of you” Asher’s mate Deamon said while throwing a pointed look a him. “You know what I mean, you are the only one for me and I was talking about the rest who still need to find their mates, I love you” Asher said. “You better, Love you too” Deamon replied. He then pulled my brother onto his lap and kissed him. We all laughed at his possessiveness. “Did you guys see the looks he already got” Harper asked.

“The looks I see now is really scary” Holden said. “O no don’t say that” I said sighing. I then look around the room to see that some girls were trying to catch my attention and flirting from far away. Then I saw that some girl were already on there why here. Everybody began to laugh when they saw that some girls were coming here. “Maybe if I sneak away now, nobody will notice” I said. “Your mother will notice dude” Ace said. “Yeah and then she will come and find you and pull you back here by your ear” laughed River. Me, Dash, Alex and Alec flinched because that hurts. Everybody laughed at our faces.

“Yeah and the girls that are coming over here” Chris said while laughing. “Jerks” I said, and they all burst out laughing. “Hey Alpha Wenner, you are my mate, I can feel it” a girl said. “No he is mine” another one said. “No he is mine” someone else said. I sighed. My face also hardens because they don’t deserves to see the side that I only show to my family and friends and our pack.

“Look ladies not one of you three are my mate, now if you can please leave us alone so that we can also enjoy our night” I said harshly and with a stern face. And I may have let out some of my pheromones because I saw that our omega’s also bowed their heads. The girls left and my face softens. “Sorry guys” I said to our omega’s. “It is fine, we know you didn’t mean it for us” Mike said softly and to calm me down. I could also feel the other omegas trying to calm me down.

“Hey guys on the other note did you see some of these clothing choices some of these people choose” Victoria asked. “I know” Aria said. And so we continued to make small talk. “Hey you boys stay here we are going to get some snacks” They said. We nodded our heads and Mia, Melody, Mike, Aria, Abby, Harper, Willow, Victoria, Hazel, and Mekay walked to the snacks and drinks table. “I just hope that when you guys meet you mates, that Mike can get along with them” Damien said.

We know what he means by that. “Mike grew up with us, so he is used to the omega’s in our friends group, but the rest of the omega’s in the pack and outside of the pack, he doesn’t get along with. “I am sure he will” Lincoln replied. We all nodded our heads and continued talking. “Hey Dash what is on you mind” I asked him when I saw that he was in deep thoughts.

“I am just hoping that my family leaves my cousin alone” he said. “Don’t worry we all are here and we won’t let anything happen to her” Ace said. He nodded his head and we continued talking. About 10 minutes later we saw them running back to us. Our wolfs went on high alert and I almost lost control of Lucan. We thought something bad had happened because Mike was almost in tears and the rest look shook up. I saw the same feelings in the boys eyes that I was feeling. We are beating ourselves up because we let them go alone, what if something happened. I was still fighting with control with Lucan. “Calm down” I said to him.

“I will kill anyone that touched them or hurt them” he replied angrily. “I know but calm down so that we can find out what is happening” I said. He calmed down a little. “What happened, are you guys hurt, who hurt you” River asked. The guys went our their mates bodies. “Nobody hurt us” Abby said. “Some of them just saw their mates” Mia said calmly. We all just look at her. “What” we all said. “While we were at the snack tables, some saw their mates” she said. We all look at each other and burst out laughing.

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