Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Part 20

Wenner pov

“Why are you guys laughing this is serious,” Mia said with her arms crossed. “Sorry babe, we thought something bad happened the way you guys were running back” Dash replied, while kissing her head calming her down. “Wait does that mean” Lucan asked “I don’t know, I hope so” I replied to him. “O something is wrong,” said Mekay, while laughing at Mike climbed into Damien's arms and hiding his face in his neck. Damien looked confused at him.

“What’s wrong” Damien asked his mate. The girls laughed at him and Mike’s face just got redder. We look confused at them. “You should’ve seen the guys and girls that this lot drooled over,” Willow said. “Yeah, and Mike almost fell face down when he saw your second mate, that is why he is hiding because your mate saw that he almost fell down,” Mia said laughing. “Only you blue bird,” Damien said smiling at his mate. “But did you guys see him” Mike asked them.

“I mean is it not enough that Damien is huge but now I have another mate that is also huge, but still not as huge as Damien, but still, I mean give me a break” Mike ranted. We all laughed at his outburst. “I could feel with every laugh and every story that Lucan is almost calm now, still on high alert but not fighting for control anymore. I looked at Damien. He looks shocked at what he just learned about their second mate. “Why are you so shocked” I asked him.

Everybody laughed at the face he made. He just shook his head and kissed Mike’s head. “Where are they,” Lincoln asked them. The girls looked around. “They are all sitting at the back table near the windows and the doors,” said Hazel and as if on cue we all turned our heads to look at the table she said that they were sitting at. And the minute we turned our heads and looked at them they were already looking at us and with that I heard a few, including mine own, saying mate. With the reaction they had on their faces, I think that they also know that we are their mates.

I looked at my mate and I was speechless at her beauty. She was wearing a light blue dress that fitted her perfectly. She was not showing too much skin but it was just enough. I could not see much of her dress but I know she looks beautiful in it. I looked around the table and was shocked. There were two guys at the table that had the same light blue suits. “I hope that they are related,” Lucan said. I nodded in agreement. “Are we going to say hi?” Asher asked.

“Yeah let’s go,” Holden said and jumped up. The rest of us also stood up and walked towards their table. We were just a few tables from ours when my father went on the stage. “Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seat. We all went back to our seats. I didn’t hear a word my father was saying. I was looking at my mate. She was eating a donut. I got a nudge in my ribs and looked at Dash who pointed at the stage. My father called my name and looked at me, which meant it was my cue to go onto the stage.

I walked up the stage and went to stand next to my father. I looked to where my mate was sitting. She and her friends held shocked faces. I guess they were shocked by what they heard. I then saw her looking at her friends as if to see if she heard wrong, but they just looked shocked. The next thing she did shocked me because I didn’t think she would do it. She looked at me a few more seconds and then….

She ran out the nearest door. I looked at her friends who also looked shocked at what she did. Some were laughing. I looked at my friends and saw that Dash was struggling to hold in his laughter. I was so confused. My father also looked confused but went on with his speech. After his speech, we walked off the stage. “Meet me in my office after the ball,” he said. “Okay Dad” I replied.

I saw out of the corner of my eyes that her friends also left. I walked back to our table and saw that Dash was still trying to control his laughter. “Why are you laughing Dash” I asked him when I sat down. “Because I expected that my cousin would do something stupid when meeting her mate, but never in a million years did I expect her to run away, out of a big event, because she doesn’t like the attention, but then again that is something only my cousin would think of,” he said.

“Wait she is the cousin you were talking about,” Mike asked. “Yeah, she is” he replied. “I am going to hunt her family down if they hurt her,” Lucan said angrily trying to gain control again. “Lucan stop,” I said to him. “Hey Wenner are you alright” Holden asked. After a while, I answered him. “Yeah just Lucan trying to take control” I replied. “He is fine now.” When they talked and had some fun. After the ball, we all walked to my father’s office. My father and my mother were there.

“What happened” my father asked when we all sat down. Mia then told him everything that happened. “I think it was a shock when Uncle Caden said that you are the next Alpha King so she ran away,” Deamon said. “Wait I thought all the girls ran towards Wenner and not away,” Harper said. Everybody burst out laughing at that statement. “But I will call my Uncle and tell him we will be there early tomorrow morning,” Dash said. “Why early in the morning” My dad asked him.

“Because my cousin will surely try to go on vacation, trying to get away from here, that’s why I said tomorrow, to give her some space,” he said. We all nodded and then talked some more before all of us decided to go to bed. Dash walked with me to my room. “Hey don’t worry, she won’t reject you or anything, she will just try to have time to think, but she won’t run away forever,” He said. “ Thanks, man” I replied and we both went to bed.

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